The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey
The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey Podcast
The Immersive Warrior
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The Immersive Warrior


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“Hide not your Talents, they for Use were made. What’s a Sun-Dial in the shade!”

- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanack, 1750

In looking at the history of war, the strategy of psychological warfare has always been a weapon in the arsenal that has been used among military combatants to gain numerous advantages over their respective enemies. Psychological warfare refers to tactics intended to reduce an opponent’s morale and their will to engage in a fight. This strategy can include tactics that involve fear, intimidation, deception, and surprise. (Source: The Collector)

However, just as we’ve witnessed in the last four years psychological warfare can be used in peacetime and can sadly enough be used by a government directing it towards its own citizenry. This is the current state that we find ourselves in, but fortunately for us the first amendment gives us the power to wage this war right back at those nefarious government actors that started this psychological war in the first place.

The application of psychological warfare can throw off an enemy, overwhelm an enemy, and keep an enemy guessing in regards to challenges that they may expect to face during a certain conflict. In terms of how psychological warfare is used in our current society it’s primarily been administered by the Administrative State Media’s (ASM) actions of spreading propaganda through television airways, Hollywood, and print media such as The New York Times.

In short, psychological warfare has been administered from those who have been in power for far too long and control the information flow among all outlets from print media, to television, and to the digital world of social media.

However, with the advanced digital age the power of psychological warfare can be easily implemented by means of information and narrative. This can more easily be done by the Administrative State on its own citizens due to the technological advancements that exist in this day and age, particularly with the coming rise of AI.

Then again, like anything in life, the rise of technology in this digital age can serve to be a double edged sword. Obviously both yours and my technological devices can and have been weaponized against us in a very big way.

The good news is that there’s another edge on the blade of the sword. Because of this we have seen the rise and expansion of the Digital Ronin consisting of citizen journalists, decentralized media outlets such as this platform, and people who support those alternative outlets (such as you) by being force multipliers and financial backers with the information providers. This new decentralized apparatus that now exists can deconstruct and redirect the fire of this information war right back at those who were trying to place the bullseye onto your back and mine to begin with.

I’m always big on reading and using the culture and history in order to illustrate and to try and bring clarity to the world as it is, as well as, what it could be. In this current era, a lot of people have lost their identity and by extension the country came very close to losing its identity as well until the American public stepped up with the election on November 5th.

Granted, even though the election is over I can’t stress this point enough to you and everyone within the sound of my voice that the real work to restore our country is literally just starting.

A time to love, And a time to hate; A time of war, And a time of peace.

–Ecclesiastes 3:8

When you slow down to study and observe the current cultural and political arena you can see that we are obviously at war. I mean look at what our country has had to endure for the past nine years with the relentless drumbeat from the media regarding how terrible the citizens are of this nation that support Donald Trump.

Every single institution has been infected by the woke mind virus to borrow a phrase from Elon Musk. Because of this, these Marxist infiltrators within our society managed to expand the battlefield of their stupid doctrine by waging a war on literally everything that is designed to make our society function for the better.

For instance, as I’ve already stated there’s been a relentless war on identity where they have been teaching multiple generations of people in schools to hate their country by using garbage content from the likes of people like Howard Zinn to poison millions of minds of college kids now for many years.

Zinn, a Marxist, gained notoriety from his book A People’s History of The United States which is a dishonest portrayal of historical events and narratives that have repeatedly been called out for completely taking historical events out of context. This has been done for the purpose of spewing the overall narrative of oppressor and oppressed which falls in line with the reductive Marxist philosophical arm of Critical Theory.

Zinn’s book was famously given a boost from being mentioned by Matt Damon’s character in Good Will Hunting. Of course, it’s a cute line when mentioned in dramatic fashion in a scene from Good Will Hunting, but in reality there’s nothing cute about an America hating narrative that a Marxist hypocrite like Zinn profited from before turning generations of young minds into complete mush.

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The Multi-Front War

The Marxists have been waging a multifront war on us for many years now trying to get us to lose our identity both as a nation and as individuals. Talking about the loss of identity for crying out loud, several people these days don’t even know the difference between a man and a woman. When has this ever been an issue in our society to the current extreme level that it has become until these last nine years?

In addition to this they’ve waged a war on meritocracy, accountability, and good old fashioned common sense. This war has been carried out heavily in the culture and has devastated our society resulting in a severe level of psychological damage and brain rot that has birthed the development of this far left communist faction of our society.

I remember recently having a discussion with one of my training students and he made a really cool point to me about how long the socialist/Marxist messaging has been infiltrating our culture. To make the point he started telling me about his all time favorite hit TV series Star Trek.

Using Star Trek as an example he went on to point out to me that the set up of the Star Trek crew within the series was basically a socialist utopia involving a post-scarcity economy where all needs of human existence could be immediately produced through the radical advancement of technology in the series.

If you’ve seen the series then you’ve probably seen how any food item can be readily created out of thin air by giving the computer aboard the Starship Enterprise a simple command. Admittedly I’ve never been a huge fan of the series, but in addition to ordering the computer to make a sandwich I never remember seeing any of the characters make that command and follow up the delivery of the desired item with any form of monetary payment.

In short, I found the central point from my student regarding how Star Trek presented us with a socialist utopia to be very enlightening. At the same time I also remembered the series pointing out another socialist/communist civilization that was more dystopian than utopian in nature with their introduction of the Borg. I pointed out to my student how I believed that the socialist exercise that was illustrated by the Borg was more closely related to real life than the socialist view that the Star Trek Enterprise displayed to the viewing audience.

After all, the civilization of the Borg operated as a hive mind and their main objective involved flying through the cosmos in a giant cube shaped spaceship in order to conquer other lifeforms for the purpose of assimilating them into their Collective by transforming them into mindless drones using nano-technology. To me this more closely resembles our current real life socio-economic scenario involving the steady development of technofeudalism.

The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

To make matters even worse the Marxist virus has infiltrated our financial institutions, our military, and even our food and agricultural systems. Not only are these Marxists determined to break us financially, but they’re working to strip away and poison our food system as well. I mean we are literally allowing our enemy in the CCP to buy farmland here in the states, ceding more control of our food supply over to our biggest enemy. When, why, and how did anyone ever think it was a good idea to do ANY of this?

We live in a clown world right now and fortunately thanks to God almighty we have Donald Trump coming into office here in January to work to straighten all of this out, but my fear is that these Marxists are currently doing everything in their power now to destroy the country and to hand off a complete mess to Trump on day one of his presidency in an attempt to make his presidency ineffective. These people involved in doing this within the Administrative State need to go to prison.

On top of all of this you and I have to make sure that we’re on top of everything happening in terms of being more well rounded citizens. You and I must work to be a Zenith in these chaotic times by optimizing our individual efforts to combat this evil and incompetence that has infiltrated our society and government.

If you focus on the current battlefield that we as Americans are facing it can seem overwhelming at times. After all, when looking at the possibilities of the collapse of our complex systems, a possible attack on the power grid, digital hacking theft, supply chain shortages, a collapsing dollar, and the specter of WWIII the average individual would naturally want to curl up into a ball and choose the path of apathy, or adopt the ignorance is bliss approach in order to not face such possible realities.

However, I’m banking on the fact that if you’re a regular reader and listener to this show that you’re not going to choose such a path, but rather you’re willing to step up your efforts to be that Zenith in your individual life which will feed the development of a stronger society at large as we all work to optimize ourselves within our own individual lives.

So what types of things am I referring to when I mention individual optimization concerning all of the possible problems related to societal instability? In this current informational, digital, economic, and cultural war I’ve already mentioned several problem areas regarding the collapsing dollar, supply chain issues, and digital hacking theft as areas of concern that we all need to be aware of in our current environment.

However, in order to combat these things as individuals we first have to be aware of them and if you’re listening to this episode then you’re already ahead of the majority of the population on that front so that’s a solid start. The next thing is that you need to understand what resources you have at your disposal in order to mitigate these risks, or to outright combat them directly.

Now to be clear I’m not here to tell you what to do with your finances and what things you should choose to invest in regarding your personal investments. I’m not a financial advisor and I don’t care to be in that field in the least. However, I am here to present you with information and to encourage you to seek as much information and knowledge as you can in order to make yourself a Zenith which will hopefully make both you and your family more well rounded and more impervious to attacks that will be occurring in this current Fifth Generation War. In short, you must immerse yourself in the tactics that you need to fight this war. You must be an immersive warrior.

To use myself as an example regarding the threat of the collapsing dollar and inflation having been raging on at a forty year record high I chose to learn more about protective financial hedges against inflation such as gold and silver. In regards to the possible threat of digital hacking theft I have personally invested in faraday wallets and bags to protect my electronics and credit cards from these advanced hackers in this current digital age. In terms of the potential for supply chain disruptions I’ve also chosen to invest in some extra food storage should the grocery stores face some kind of disruption leading to a shortage.

I know the far left is simplistic in their thinking and would start throwing around the label of me being a prepper, but such simplistic thinking is exactly why Donald Trump won this most recent election by a landslide.

The point here is that because the far left have been allowed to encroach more and more into our societal institutions we’re seeing the very obvious and very visible damage that they have wrought throughout our country at large. In addition to this these people have relentlessly used tactics of lawfare, directly violated the constitution, and imprisoned political opposition in order to try and achieve their ends.

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A Forest of Corpses

When examining the rise and fall of civilizations throughout history there’s a common theme that has echoed throughout time concerning the nature of human beings and that theme involves the seemingly never ending desire for one group of people to attempt to conquer and control others. If you’re a regular listener, or reader to this show then you’ve heard me reference this phenomenon before and there’s actually a word that exists to describe this. This desire for civilizations, or people, to conquer and control others is what is known as the conquest ethic.

In historic times the conquest ethic was carried out by using force in the form of kinetic war with one kingdom, or civilization, exerting its dominance over another in an attempt to take control of a rival in order to absorb their people and resources. However, this method doesn’t last forever, yet has been repeated over and over throughout history until this very day.

Granted there’s only been one country in the world to have been established without using the conquest ethic and if you happen to be reading, or listening to this episode anywhere in the United States then you’re standing in the only country that wasn’t established by the conquest ethic. On the contrary, the United States was established by Patriots who fought against the original Globalist Totalitarians in the British Empire in order to establish freedom and liberty from totalitarian rule. You know it’s basically the same exact thing that’s happening today.

I mean these communist criminals that have infiltrated our institutions have been relentlessly using intimidation, lawfare, and imprisoning innocent citizens who were simply expressing their first amendment right.

As I stated earlier, thanks to God himself Donald Trump was elected, but had he not been the communist Kamala Harris would have had this country descending into a deep dark place that was magnitudes worse than what we’ve already experienced since 2020.

Donald Trump hasn’t even been sworn into the White House and you can already see the meltdown and collapse of these communist systems that have been in place now for several years. I mean Rachel Maddow is literally breaking down in tears on live television because she knows that her network MSNBC is imploding financially and that Elon Musk was trolling the network with a meme threatening to purchase it.

Additionally Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski begged for a meeting with Donald Trump after the election in Mar-a-Lago to go down and kiss the ring of Trump after having spent the last decade relentlessly lying and attacking him on their now failing network. This goes to show that these people are low life mercenaries in the information war that will sell themselves out to the highest communist bidder.

On top of this the special prosecutor Jack Smith had manufactured charges to use to go after President Trump in an attempt to put him in prison for the rest of his life had he not won the election. This was a blatant exercise by Jack Smith to engage in election interference and had Trump lost the election he would have died in prison.

All this time the left has been screaming that this wasn’t a politically motivated pursuit for Jack Smith, however after Trump smashed these communist scum in an election landslide victory now all the sudden Smith is moving to dismiss the two made up felony cases against President Trump.

With Jack Smith’s move to dismiss these cases this is a blatant admission that he was engaged in a political witch hunt for the purpose of election interference after all.

Jack Smith should be facing severe financial and legal consequences for this communist stunt along with Fanni Willis, Tish James, and all the rest of these communist clowns that can’t win with anything in life other than using state power like a bunch of communists to try and destroy people’s lives. The era of lawfare and the allowance of communists in the United States to abuse state power is abruptly coming to an end, but we MUST force it to end by sending a strong message in order to purge this completely out of the system.

Speaking of strong messages in June of 1462 a vast Ottoman army that was led by Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror had decided to advance on the city of Targoviste. Along their journey in their attempted conquest of the Wallachian capital Mehmed’s army had to endure weeks of ambushes and thousands of Turkish deaths due to the grueling voyage.

However, as Mehmed approached the capital he sent a detachment calvary out ahead to survey what was out in front of the main military force. It was at this point that this detachment encountered something that shook them to their core.

As they went out ahead they ended up discovering a forest of corpses of well over 20,000 Ottoman captives that were impaled and rotting on stakes in the summer heat. This forest of corpses on stakes stretched out for a harrowing distance of two miles in length and spanned out to a shocking distance half a mile in width.

This sight was simply too much for the Ottomans to handle and they obliged this gruesome deterrent and retreated. This scorched earth strategy was implemented by none other than the infamous Wallachian ruler Vlad III, also known as Vlad the Impaler or Vlad Dracula.

That’s right, Vlad III was the inspiration for the famous modern day pop culture character known as Count Dracula. Bram Stoker was inspired to use this real life individual for his famous novel which was later made into the hit 1992 film Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

Granted Vlad III might have been a legit maniac and a ruthless killer, however his main motivation for such an act was to grind the Ottoman expansion’s desire for conquest into his homeland to halt. Oh and interestingly enough there’s that word conquest again.

So why did I go to all the trouble to give you this small history lesson about Vlad III. Well I opened this episode talking about the effectiveness of psychological warfare as a means to gain an advantage on an enemy combatant.

Obviously when looking at Vlad III and his scorched earth effort to build a literal forest of bodies made up of his enemies rotting on stakes in the summer heat he probably holds the trophy for the biggest psychological warfare victory in all of history.

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The Wrap Up

Now I wanted to include the history of Vlad III in order to use his story as a teachable moment. I strongly believe that the main lesson that we can derive from Vlad III right now is exactly what is needed for us to secure the restoration of making our country great again.

You’re probably thinking Brandon, what exactly do you mean?

To be clear, the point I’m making isn’t about building a forest of corpses from our communist enemies, however metaphorically speaking we need a modern day version of this in the form of a forest of justifiable convictions involving those who abused state power.

We must ensure that we rack up as many legitimate convictions as humanly possible regarding all the criminals that have been proven to abuse state power in order to go after their political opposition. I’m not talking about neglecting anyone's fair trial. No, this doesn’t have anything to do with retribution, but it does have everything to do with the direct application of justice. The point here is that there should be many of these cases that end up in a criminal trial followed by many guilty verdicts and a lot of prison time.

The only thing that we can do to restore our nation is to ensure that every criminal politician, deep state agent, and corrupt media outlet that has been guilty of abusing state power must face full accountability for their actions.

The very act of following through on balancing the scales of justice will serve to be the greatest kinetic warfare victory in the modern age along with being the greatest psychological warfare victory deterring any globalist from ever entering into our country to attempt a conquest such as this ever again.

To ensure this you must continue to be an immersive warrior in this modern era of Fifth Generation Warfare. Just as I stated with the Benjamin Franklin quote at the beginning of this episode you must use your talents of communication, problem solving, memory, writing, marketing, etc. to be the impactful and immersive warrior in this current battlefield that you find in front of you.

The sooner you can accept this and do this the sooner we can restore liberty and freedom. Don’t worry about what anyone else is saying that they won’t do, but rather do everything that you can do to immerse yourself and to use your own personal agency to contribute to victory.

Who would you place first on the priority list in this war to face full accountability for their criminal actions?

Have you personally immersed yourself in the culture war in these past four years in order to engage the fight in this Fifth Generation War?

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