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The Hive Mind Entanglement
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The Hive Mind Entanglement


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“If Enlightenment was the salad, Entanglement is the soup”

― Neri Oxman

When looking at the very interesting field of quantum physics there is a phenomenon involving particles known as entanglement that will absolutely make you sit back in your chair and scratch your head. 

Now to be clear I’m not a physicist, but as a layman with a curious mind and some certain critical thinking abilities I’m sure that I, like you, probably find the word entanglement interesting enough to study more about it. Additionally I’m confident that it will cause you to want to continue reading this, probably to see what I’m going to say next, only to then perhaps discover whether or not your guess about my approach on the subject of the word here is similar to my own? 

Whether this revolves around your general curiosity or not, if I’m speaking for myself I’d say that the word itself is interesting enough to make me want to learn about it along with any potential concept that it could be associated with just for the sake of knowledge. Regardless of your reason I feel confident that my best attempt to explain it here involving the context of this article, along with a broader application of it that I want to attempt to explore, will hold your attention. 

So what is it that I’m talking about when I use the word entanglement along with using it in the title of this very article? 

Well the first initial concept of entanglement I want to refer to here involves the term as it relates to the field of quantum physics. 

When looking at this phenomenon in quantum physics when two particles such as a pair of electrons, or photons become entangled they remain connected even when they are separated by vast distances. Einstein himself referred to entanglement as “spooky action at a distance.” 

In my attempt at the simplest example I can try to use here in order to make a comparison of what entanglement is: the behavior of particles that are entangled can sort of be compared to how a dance such as the tango can arise out of the behavior of the particles. In other words, the concept of entanglement arises from the connection of the particles that are entangled. This is also what scientists refer to as an emerging property. 

Basically the change in the state of any particle instantly changes the state of the other when they are entangled. 

To further clarify this with one experiment researchers will use a special type of crystal to generate a couple of entangled particles from one. From this point these particles are then sent to different locations. For the sake of this discussion let’s say that the researchers want to measure and observe the direction the particles are spinning which would either be up or down along the axis of each particle in observation.  

Here before these particles are measured both will be in a state of superposition, or “both spin up” and “spin down” at the same time. (Source: Caltech

So as the researchers make the observation of one particle observing the direction of its spin and then they also look at the entangled partner’s spin they will discover that the two particles are correlated. 

In other words, if one particle is spinning up the other may be spinning down. Additionally they could both be in a state of spinning up together, or spinning down together, as well depending on the experiment, but the point is that both particles will be correlated in the behavior of their movement. 

Now this essentially involves the relationship and a bit of a taste of what is involved with this mystery of the universe known as entanglement. It’s fascinating that these particles will behave with such a correlation no matter how far apart in distance they may be. This is quite fascinating and it’s also quite the head scratcher that the universe behaves in this way. 

The way I see this is that the universe is clearly a created body with its own anatomy and structure that functions just as the creator intended it to function. 

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The Hive Mind

Now I want to take a moment to make a slight shift here as I will return to the concept of quantum entanglement in a bit. Another interesting phenomenon that I want to touch on is the concept of the hive mind. 

This concept is one that typically involves the emergence of a type of group intelligence which is usually associated with certain types of insects. Some obvious examples that come to mind would involve bees and ants. The point here is that there’s a group intelligence that emerges when a species can be seen working together as a unit. However, this concept also applies to human intelligence when it makes up the hive mind in certain group environments. 

This concept, as it applies to humans, has also been highlighted in pop culture as a negative thing with the examples of the Borg as seen in the TV show Star Trek along with Dr. Who’s Cybermen.  (Source: VeryWellMind)

In both of these examples of pop culture these civilizations manage to assimilate large groups of people into their collective consciousness while also managing to completely eliminate their ability to think for themselves as individuals. 

There are positive examples of when the hive mind function can work in certain given scenarios when the collective is all working towards a common goal within the confines of a fixed model. A couple of examples here would be a sports team such as a football or basketball team that is trying to win a game against their opponent. 

In this type of scenario each team may have a game plan and a coach guiding their decisions towards a common goal. In such a scenario the team striving to win has a better chance of winning if they work towards executing a common strategy that has been proven to yield success against an opponent. However, even in this scenario the hive mind is a limiting factor because if the team is working together as a unit with a common strategy that is NOT yielding success then they will also fail. 

Competitive sports teams are one thing, but in terms of scenarios involving the real world with real world consequences history has shown us that the hive mind can be incredibly dark and dangerous. In fact, the fear associated with it in real life is even more terrifying than the Borg.  

Some huge examples of where the hive mind becomes incredibly dangerous can be seen in the documented history of the development of the societal concept known as Mass Formation. This phenomenon is well documented throughout history in various societies and it involves a scenario where a certain society succumbs to an object of fear. Mass Formation is so significant in these cases that society focuses on that object of fear to the point that it results in the group being radically blind to the extent that it causes them to go against everything that goes against what the people in the infected society would normally believe in.   

This very phenomenon is exactly what the renowned professor of Psychology Mattias Desmet outlined during the time of the pandemic. Desmet pointed to the documented historical context of Mass Formation and how it took over populations throughout a range of societies such as Iran during the 1979 Iranian Revolution, as well as, the execution of Russian leaders by Stalin during his reign of terror.  

Desmet points out a couple of specific and disturbing incidents involving both of these societies through documented cases. 

In the 1979 Iranian Revolution Desmet points to the most extreme phase of Mass Formation when society had reached the point that it was radically intolerant of dissonant voices. 

According to Desmet, when societies reach this most radical stage of progression concerning Mass Formation that those people will commit atrocities towards those others who won’t go along with the masses and even do so as if it’s some sort of righteous sense of duty. 

In one concrete example of just how dark this can get concerning Mass Formation Desmet, from his own experience, referenced a story of when he interviewed an Iranian woman who with her own eyes witnessed another woman who had reported her own son to the state for being a dissonant. 

Now if you don’t think that’s scary this story gets much worse. Not only did the woman report her own son to the state, but she would be the one who would end up hanging the noose around her son’s neck herself in the short moment that followed. 

As if this wasn’t bad enough, after the horrendous event the woman was seen claiming to be a heroine to do what she did for the good of the state. After hearing such a story it’s hard to imagine how society could arrive at such a place, but then again people infected by Mass Formation are functioning like a collective consciousness. It’s as if their minds are part of a hive. There’s that word hive again and this is exactly what happens when the hive mind extinguishes individuality and individual thought. 

Even in the historical example I mentioned with Stalin executing some of his Communist leaders during his tenure Desmet pointed out that even then many of the Communist leaders were quoted as saying “If that is what I can do for the communist party, I will do it with pleasure.” Note that this wasn’t some high ranking official doing anything for the common good, but rather a guy choosing to sacrifice himself because the Borg demanded it. 

During the pandemic this happened when the media managed to convince society to start “othering” parts of the population who didn’t follow unconstitutional guidelines that directly  involved actions such as shutting down people’s businesses, forcing them to take a form of experimental gene therapy, and throwing them into house arrest and isolation under the guise of “being quarantined.” 

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What was even more astounding was the blatant hypocrisy of this behavior as all of it was just starting to get a foothold. One famous case that comes to mind for me was when the actress Gina Carano took to her social media to make reference about how society was othering people who went against the narrative and expressed opposing political viewpoints back during the pandemic. She then proceeded to draw the parallel of how this was exactly what happened to the Jewish people when the government and media convinced society to start doing the same thing just before it all led to the Holocaust. 

What happened next with everyone’s response involving their criticism of Carano was that they started calling for her to be canceled and Disney ended up firing her from her position on the hit TV series The Mandalorian. The glaring hypocrisy here was that those who displayed public calls for her to be canceled and fired, along with Disney actually following through with the act, demonstrated to the world that everyone of those people did exactly what she had warned the public about concerning the behavior of society prior to the Holocaust. In short, they ended up othering her and many others in society at that time. 

In my view since the pandemic much of society has succumbed to this Mass Formation and it’s been quite a time to witness everyday people, businesses, and institutions all transform their traditional positions on freedom to all of the sudden moving in lockstep to assist and implement destructive fascistic policies combined with nefarious business practices onto the public and country at large. 

The attack on the American citizen has been a collective effort across the board involving many players. These attacks on the American citizenry have been relentless from the denial of the media regarding a range of issues from election integrity to child trafficking and even to Trump’s attempted assassination itself which was shown on live television, yet still those infected by the Marxist Mass Formation were cheering this violent act.  

This Mass Formation has spread throughout Corporate America with big corporations like Gillette that even went so far as to directly attack their own customer base of men referring to their masculinity as being toxic. 

Furthermore you’ve seen American citizens being replaced by foreign illegals, women being replaced by men who call themselves women, and the king of beers seemingly placing a male self identified queen on one of their cans to be the face of their largest brand as an additional attack on masculinity. 

When you look at all of these failed and outrageous Marxist acts of social injustice one has to pause and ask what’s driving all of this? 

Well, I believe the ultimate driver of several of these insane views originate from Marxists beliefs which are also helped along by the almighty dollar. This is a known variable with how many of these big companies in Corporate America are motivated to make such destructive decisions for their brand because of investment funding that they have chosen to take advantage of with programs involving DEI and ESG. 

After all, the majority of CEOs of some of these biggest corporations don’t care about the company that they run. The reason I say this is that the majority of CEOs running these large corporations aren’t Mavericks that built these companies up by their own blood and sweat, but are simply politicians that were elected by a board of trustees to run these companies. They care more about the bottom dollar and aren’t worried about anything else other than making as much money as possible before their own tenure comes to an end and they have to move on to the next thing.  

Regardless of the motive much of this can still be seen happening because these fascistic/Marxists practices have become a serious and destructive social contagion that has spread throughout society. The presence of this woke Marxist ideology has been rooted into our institutions for quite some time and it has had time to indoctrinate a couple of young generations in the process. As these generational youth have now grown into adults they’ve had time to transition and migrate into areas and positions of media, corporate America, and pop culture. 

The social contagion, or Mass Formation, then spreads to other people who lack a sound philosophical grounding, lack knowledge of history, and are already clueless as to how the world actually works because of a garbage educational system at large combined with an Administrative State Media (ASM) that has been successful in dumbing down the masses over time. 

In short, the hive mind has been formed as society has gotten more entangled in Marxist ideology. I said I would come back to that concept of entanglement. 

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The Wrap Up

At the beginning of this article I referenced a method of how researchers studying the entanglement of particles would form two particles from the same crystal and then distance the particles from one another. 

Once this was done the observation of entanglement could be made with each of the particles. Here it could be observed that each of the particles were correlated in their behavior. In short, the connection between the two could be seen. 

In regards to the social contagion, the most shocking aspect of this to me over the last few years was how this Marxist ideology managed to spread in order to infiltrate churches and families that I previously would have never imagined happening in the first place. In my view much of the pressure here comes because of money and the fact that people’s livelihoods can be leveraged against them forcing them to be more tolerant of Marxist programs such as ESG and DEI which in turn mitigates a lot of pushback from everyday people. 

Like myself I’m sure you also wondered where much of this insane behavior was coming from when it started being obvious that it was spreading and becoming more apparent to those of us critical minds that this was the REAL pandemic. 

The amazing thing was seeing how a church would adopt these Marxist principles in the same exact way as Disney or Coca-Cola would, yet the church and these major companies in Corporate America would share no relationship whatsoever. 

So why was this happening? 

Well when examining the entanglement theory the entire concept of this quantum theory is that the connection between particles can remain linked even though they are separated by large distances. 

As weird as this is, it seems to be a definite function of the universe. Given this function it seems to me that human beings are also made up of a bunch of particles as well. We’re made up of atoms containing protons, neutrons, and electrons. 

Given this perhaps this social contagion we’ve witnessed since the pandemic of Marxism was operating among groups within the population behaving as some sort of entanglement. After all, this could potentially explain why individuals and institutions that both complied with the ideology, but were perhaps separated by great distances, ended up adopting these evil policies and behaviors without ever having to communicate and know one another. 

After all, the common trait here in humans concerning the hive mind, or more specifically the Mass Formation, that serves to be the driver of this radical behavior is directly tied to the emotion of fear. 

Once again, I’m no physicist, but it’s probably too bad that the top researchers can’t measure whether or not the acting particles involved in quantum entanglement possess any emotions, namely the emotion of fear. 

What do you think about this phenomenon of Mass Formation and how it seems to spread across society? 

What do you think causes fear to spread like some sort of virus among its hosts without the hosts ever having been in contact with one another? 

Make sure you post up below in the comments because I believe both the audience and myself would like to hear your feedback on this.

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