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The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey Podcast
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“We have a mantra, Facts get shares; opinions get shrugs.”

–Steve Bannon

In nature there’s a certain animal that frequently demonstrates its toughness and deters possible predators should they decide to advance on it for the purpose of trying to turn it into prey. The interesting thing about this particular animal is that it’s one of the most ferocious fighters in the entire animal kingdom, yet is far from being the biggest, or most intimidating at first glance.

In the wild there are plenty of predators that you might first think to put at the top of your list in terms of what you may identify as being the most dangerous, or being the types of animals that you might see as being the biggest threat in nature. Some examples that come to mind might be any number of venomous snakes, big cats such as lions, perhaps wolves, bears, and maybe even hyenas.

In terms of ranking animals in the wild in a top category from most dangerous to least dangerous any of these options I just mentioned would rank pretty high on the list for being an animal that would be a real threat to your livelihood if you were to cross paths with it in the wild.

However, none of these include the animal that I’m referring to here in my example. No, the animal I’m talking about here is probably the most ferocious and unrelenting animal in all of nature when it comes down to survival and the animal that deserves to wear that crown of being the fighter among fighters is the one and only honey badger.

Just to give you some perspective the adult male honey badger can have a mass of only about 20-35 lbs while a female can range between 11-22 lbs.

First of all, even though the honey badger has a reputation for being nature’s own version of the toughest street fighter around, these little animals will go to a lot of trouble to avoid trouble. However, if the honey badger is cornered, or feels threatened it will quickly demonstrate where it got its reputation.

When looking at the physical breakdown and capabilities of the honey badger this animal is quite impressive. Honey badgers possess a high level of intelligence and have demonstrated various problem solving abilities in certain environments of captivity where they use sticks, rocks, and limbs to bridge escape routes while also figuring out latches on gates and small cages.

In addition to this they are also really good at digging holes and they prefer to eat small animals such as scorpions, snakes, insect larvae, small rodents and, as the name suggests, honey. This animal has claws that can dig a hole in the ground incredibly fast and their teeth and jaws are so powerful that they can crush bones with relative ease. Oh and I know I mentioned that they preferred small rodents and insects, however honey badgers have also been known to take down young antelopes, wildebeest, and waterbuck.

As if this isn’t impressive enough the honey badger also has a very loose and thick coat of skin which protects it from other potential predators while also making it difficult for a predator to hold onto the honey badger because of the loose thick coat allowing it to quickly torque its body to bite and claw an adversary.

It also possesses the ability to spray a nasty odor from its anal gland similar to that of a skunk to deter and confuse an adversary while also simultaneously going on full blown offense quickly turning the hunter into the hunted.

You’re probably wondering just how tough are honey badgers?

Well we all refer to the lion as the king of the jungle and I’m pretty sure 100% of you reading or listening to this would have immediate respect for a big cat such as a lion, tiger, or leopard should you ever come face to face with one.

With that being said there are multiple accounts of honey badgers having been attacked and outnumbered by big cats such as lions and leopards. Yet in these situations they end up taking the fight straight to those big cats to the point that they flee the honey badger scared and not wanting anymore of the fight that the honey badger has to offer. There are even reports of them having taken down humans in certain situations. (Source: Londolozi Blog)

This animal is relentless and will not stop going after a threat while typically taking aim at the groin, or scrotum area of the animals that try to attack it. Given the unrelenting ferocity and build of the honey badger this is one gruesome and terrifying predicament to imagine one finding themselves in. In addition to all of this these animals also have a pretty good immunity to snake venom.

There are other stories of people having interactions with honey badgers in captivity where they possess the ability to demonstrate affection, but at the same time ONLY do so on their terms not showing any deference, subservience, or fear in the least. These animals possess absolutely no fear whatsoever. It’s quite a remarkable trait to learn about this animal.

I will come back to the honey badger here in a bit, but for the moment just place this little lesson about the honey badger into your memory bank and hold onto it for the moment.

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The Recap

Just like you I remember back in 2020 how concerned I was with what was going on in the world as there was a very dark and oppressive feeling I had in the pit of my stomach after having witnessed everything that had happened during the pandemic along with everything else that followed.

I knew in the first week of the pandemic that it was a situation that included a much larger problem than merely just being about a virus. I mean it didn’t take long to see how the federal, state, city, and local governments were all the sudden transitioning into more authoritarian roles. Here they were limiting where we could travel, shutting down our businesses, forcing us to wear masks, and positioning society as a whole to submit to continual totalitarian rule if we hadn't had a significant enough portion of the population to start pushing back against the system.

If you’re on the same page as I am here you understand exactly what I’m talking about. However, my interpretation of the circumstances at the time wasn’t that we were in a pandemic, but rather that we were being attacked in some way with a form of biological warfare. That was my stance then and it turns out my assessment was accurate as we later came to understand all the nefarious things that have been going on inside these labs that have been dangerously engaging in gain of function research now for years.

I knew we were at war, but at the time I didn’t quite understand the origin of it and why it was happening the way it was. This was because of my ignorance and in the spirit of seeking some level of understanding I spent the following years up to now intensely studying, listening to podcasts, and seeking out alternative voices to the mainstream media (aka Administrative State Media). Granted, I never liked the Administrative State Media (ASM) anyways, but I was in need of figuring out the details that I knew I wasn’t getting from them at the time.

As I chose to pursue this journey I quickly realized I was on the right path due to the fact that the voices that could offer valid explanations for what was going on in the world were consistently being cancelled and censored by the big tech companies. For the record this included me as well.

When I first entered college I initially went in with the plan that I was going to major in history because I initially had considered being that stereotypical coach in school that taught history. There were several factors that played into that plan being changed when I attended the University of Georgia and part of that decision involved the fact that I saw then how the university system was indoctrinating students with Marxist ideology who would eventually go on to be future teachers.

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Even though at the time I didn’t possess the knowledge of Karl Marx and who he was I still understood that much of what the college of education at the University of Georgia was teaching future teachers wasn’t right, because they constantly emphasized “multiculturalism” and centered everything around identity over merit in everything that they communicated within every class in that college of education.

To me I remembered thinking to myself, Why am I paying these people to force feed me this garbage knowing full well it’s garbage? Why am I financially supporting this nonsense? Once I realized that it made my decision to get out of the school of education very easy.

From there I went on to study at the school of health and human performance at the Ramsey center at the University of Georgia. Back then they left the woke ideology predominantly at the college of education where I had previously departed. Fortunately for me, at the time, the woke mind virus had not yet impacted the school of health.

So why did I give you this personal history lesson about myself regarding my experience with Marxist ideology when I was in college?

The reason for this personal history lesson regarding my path of education at The University of Georgia is necessary is because it clearly illustrates how long this Marxist problem has been prevalent, not only in my own personal life, but in your life as well.

I mean this was circa 1998 and when we fast forward to today you can clearly see how the Marxist ideology has grown throughout the world mainly because of years and years of these university systems poisoning the minds of multiple generations of students. Over a long enough period of time we’ve seen this result in the worst people imaginable being installed into leadership positions of power throughout Corporate America and throughout most every government of every major Western power in the world.

Recognizing this is what leads me into the next phase of this discussion.

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Enter Steve Bannon

For years I remember constantly thinking to myself how society was always telling me that if I disagreed with a person, an idea, or an ideology that I was essentially not supposed to challenge it and to be “tolerant” of the idea regardless of how absurd or stupid the idea might be.

Since those days when I first encountered Marxism in college I’ve noticed its spread and impact on society in a lot of ways ever since then and I would argue that it’s only been able to do so because there hasn’t been enough people to challenge the spread of Marx’s poisonous ideology. I can say that experience opened my eyes to the types of idiotic ideas that were being taught in society within our education system at large.

As you and I look at everything that’s going wrong in the world today it’s easy to see the negative impact of Marx’s philosophy as it’s managed to bring a lot of brain rot and decay to our institutions and way of life to a degree and in a manner that is literally historic in nature.

For the record I mentioned my interpretation of how society has always communicated to me to tolerate bad ideas from people over the years, but that’s not something that I personally ever found that I could adhere to. I’ve always felt the urge to call out absurdity when something is so outrageously incompetent that I find myself in a position where I just can’t ignore it.

In my search for answers following the pandemic and the rigged and stolen 2020 election I had a close friend of mine that referred me to a talk show host with an individual that happened to share a lot the same sentiment that I had regarding the out of control incompetence, corruption, and absurdity that has been plaguing our country and the world at large.

According to my friend this gentleman was very good at calling out stupid ideas and wouldn’t back down from challenging the establishment way of thinking one single inch. The man that I am talking about here is the one and only Steve Bannon.

I’ve often used the term Maverick to describe certain people that go out into the world and blaze their own trail in life, build businesses, and are an example of success by the very fact that they aren’t afraid to pursue a life venture regarding something that they believe very strongly in.

There’s no question that the term Maverick directly applies to Steve Bannon who himself was an officer in the United States Navy from 1977-1983 and after his time in the military he would go on to become a successful investment banker with Goldman Sachs. Bannon also would go on to be an executive producer for 18 Hollywood films and documentaries, he co-founded Breitbart News with the late Andrew Breitbart, and he became the White House Chief Strategist for President Trump in 2016. Bannon now currently runs the biggest political show in the world airing four hours a day Monday-Friday known as the War Room. (Source: Wikipedia)

Like Donald Trump, Bannon has the ability to evoke some strong reactions in people that both oppose and support his message. However, in speaking for myself the first moment I took the time to intently watch and listen to Bannon on a few of his shows I quickly came to realize that this guy was backing up every major issue he discussed by bringing evidence and historical context to support his narrative. In Bannon’s own words he refers to this action of bringing strong evidence to the table to support an argument as bringing the receipts.

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I have personally included Bannon into my regular viewing schedule now for nearly three years and am admittedly an avid viewer of the show. I am constantly reading and listening to other shows throughout the week, but I’ll admit that I pay especially close attention to Bannon because he has a very sharp talent and skill for drilling down on the meat of a narrative. He also possesses a real skill for cutting through the noise in order to get to what he refers to as the buried lede, or the real signal of the stories that are being pushed out by the ASM on a daily basis.

I find that a lot of the ire that gets directed towards Bannon by his opposition (as well as what I personally experience myself at times) is because people aren’t carefully listening to what he’s saying while, at the same time, not willing to give him the credit when he’s proven to be right on one major cultural and political issue after the next as they manifest into reality.

In addition to this many on the far left refer to Bannon as being a far right conservative or Republican in terms of the current political environment, but the reality is that according to Bannon he is neither of these in terms of his worldview.

Bannon will be the first to tell you that he’s a Populist and Economic Nationalist. Granted, for years I more closely identified with being more Libertarian myself, but after the past four years I would say that I still have many of those Libertarian views, but they have been combined in some ways with me developing a strong Populist lean.

So you and I have often heard many others make reference to the typical political monikers such as Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal, Libertarian, and Communists, but what exactly is a Populist?

In terms of political ideology Populism is a bit of a different animal. Populism essentially serves as more of a lens of viewing the world rather than consisting of a checklist of principles to which a certain ideology follows. Populism really boils down to how an environment is viewed and it often appeals to and involves the concerns of everyday people and how the chief concerns of the everyday citizen is typically ignored by the elite establishment.

Populists can be left or right leaning politically speaking, but when it comes to Populism, regardless of the flavor, it typically involves the little guy rising up against the big guy.

In looking at the rise of Populism it’s a direct reactive result of the rise of big government, but more specifically, the rise and merger of big government and big wealthy elites.

In the view of the Populist the rise of a bigger and bigger federal leviathan, combined with that leviathan’s relationship with bigger and bigger wealthier elites, has not happened by accident or overnight and the Populist would be 100% correct in that assessment.

You see in the Populist view these so-called Conservatives, Democrats, Republicans, and Libertarians who supposedly stand on their principles, and have been center stage in the political arena now for many years, have continued to allow the degradation of civil liberties along with the continuation of feeding the growth and power of the unforgiving and dangerous leviathan.

As Steve Bannon points out the Populist movement is about actually recognizing how the more familiar political implants regarding the so-called Conservatives and Republicans have not done a single thing to slow down, or stem the growth of the federal leviathan, but rather are directly part of the problem.

Earlier in this episode I communicated how society has historically encouraged the tolerance of bad political, or cultural ideas and when you look at the behavior of Washington D.C. this has been the norm for far too long. This business as usual mindset transitioning from one election cycle to the next as if it’s business as usual while implying that Americans should seek compromise has only led to the destruction of the country at large. This is because the decision makers that sit in their highchairs in Washington D.C. have, for years, told you and me to sit down, shut up, and to mind our own business.

This is exactly why Steve Bannon has been a force of nature in helping to further the development and growth of this Populist movement. The MAGA movement is a Populist movement unlike any other in the history of the country.

Contrary to the traditional implants in Washington D.C. with the likes of the establishment Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, and Libertarians this new MAGA Populist movement, along with Bannon, is the political equivalent of the animal kingdom’s honey badger. In fact, Bannon himself has earned the nickname of being the Honey Badger.

The thing that this Populist movement gets right that all of these worthless traditional politicians don’t get is that all the problems of the country have been caused directly by the improper actions, or inactions of those traditional political implants in Washington D.C. Therefore, the rise of Donald Trump’s Populist MAGA movement is about engaging the problems directly the way the establishment order has not done in many years.

I recently had a debate on social media with a so-called conservative over the fight with congressman Chip Roy voting against the recent Trump supported CR bill, particularly regarding this recent bill with Trump suggesting to eliminate the so-called debt-ceiling.

I understand the thought behind not getting rid of the illusion known as the debt ceiling, but congressmen like Roy who say that they want to cut spending, while resisting the one and only incoming administration that’s serious about gutting the system, didn’t back up Trump on the bill. The reality is that there is no debt ceiling. If there were an actual debt ceiling that would limit spending by congress then how is it that we are literally going another trillion dollars in debt every one hundred days?

People like this so-called conservative I was debating online just don’t understand the strategy, or the way in which the system has always worked, or they just simply choose to ignore it. The reality is that the current system that has been in place is doing everything that it can to leave Donald Trump the biggest mess before he takes his hand off the Bible on January 20, 2025.

In addition to this these so-called conservative establishment types like the one I debated online are also clueless about the staying power of the MAGA movement. They actual believe that this Populist movement is simply a flash in the pan and are completely blind to the reality of this seismic new political realignment of a more engaged and informed populace unlike any other time in history. This MAGA populist movement isn’t going anywhere.

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The Wrap Up

In 1964 a Columbia-trained University historian named Henry Littlefield wrote a breakthrough article in the scholarly American Quarterly titled The Wizard of Oz: Parable on Populism. Within this article Littlefield made the claim that Frank Baum’s 1900 book conceals what he referred to as an unsuspected depth.

According to Littlefield, The Wizard of Oz was actually a story that served to be an elaborate metaphor for the Populist movement that was occurring in the nation at the time which in actuality was a rising political force in the 1890s. The result of the movement, and the story of The Wizard of Oz according to Littlefield, involved a complicated critique over the country’s monetary policies of the time.

Does this sound familiar, or what?

For some historical context on Populism at the time the movement served to be a rising third-party campaign of angry disenfranchised “plain people” consisting of farmers, and to a smaller degree, factory workers that were seeking to wrest power away from bankers and business leaders of the time.

These men and women of this era, much like our current day dilemma, recognized the threat of concentrated capital in regards to their well-being and they also advocated for bimetallism (the coining of both gold and silver), nationalizing the railroads, a graduated income tax, and a reduction in immigration.

Their support of adopting silver, along with the gold standard, came from the belief that it would inject money into the economy while reducing inflation. Of course, this would be a positive change for people paying mortgages, but a bad one for the banks that would be holding the loans.

In Littlefield’s close reading and interpretation of The Wizard of Oz he argued that most of the character’s in Baum’s fictional story represented real people, places, and ideas from the rising Populist movement of the 1890s.

To break down some of the examples as Littlefield interpreted them we can start by looking at Dorothy’s slippers. During the story when Dorothy’s house crash lands on the Wicked Witch of the East Dorothy is given a pair of magic slippers. Unlike the 1939 classic movie when Dorothy is famously given a pair of ruby slippers, but in the book and the play these slippers were silver.

In Littlefield’s interpretation of this he believed that Dorothy was a stand-in for the average American and that the magical silver slippers were a strong representation of the late 1890s free silver movement. During the time Populists believed that the federal government should adopt an inflationary monetary policy which involved freely minting silver money in order to re-energize the national economy.

Additionally Littlefield looked at Oz’s yellow brick road as the existing gold standard of the time which served as a tether to fix the paper currency to a specific price for gold bullion. In reading Littlefield’s interpretation, the Emerald city, which was the terminus of the yellow brick road, is actually representative of Washington D.C..

Furthermore, the characters of the scarecrow and the tin woodman also symbolize other important aspects of the Populist movement of that time. The scarecrow displays a “terrible sense of inferiority and self-doubt,” which Littlefield pointed towards representing the American farmer which happened to make up the bulk of the Populist movement back then. The representation of the tin woodman mirrored the factory worker of the time as the simple laborer that had essentially been transformed into a machine.

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William McKinley was the candidate that ran on a protectionist platform. He pledged support for American workers, he sought high tariffs to make foreign goods unattractive, and he supported the gold standard. McKinley’s opponent was William Jennings Bryan who Littlefield compared to the cowardly lion in the Wizard of Oz. (Source: National Museum of American History)

Bryan was famous for his “Cross of Gold” speech and he also supported the monetary policy of free silver. Coincidentally McKinley was assassinated in 1901 several years after his victory over Bryan in the election of 1896.

In a nutshell Populism has had a long and interesting history here in the U.S. for well over 130 years. What makes this movement so interesting is that the same concerns that had brought on the rise of the movement in the 1890s are also the same reasons that have given rise to the MAGA Populist movement now in the 2020s.

These problems all revolve around the politics and culture of money. Just like people began rising up with the movement in the 1890s, the explosion of this Populist movement now in the 2020s has actually been a growing movement since 2010 beginning with the Tea Party movement and ultimately evolving into the MAGA movement that we all know so well.

It takes a focused and well informed populace in order to enable Populism to take hold and to maintain the tenacity to face and fight big important issues.

Thanks to God above, this current MAGA Populist movement is more informed and loaded with more intellectual horsepower than any movement in history. Alternative and decentralized media platforms such as this one help to ensure that we maintain the informed populace.

To further add to the success and staying power of this movement thankfully we also have the fight and tenacity combined with the intellectual horsepower to keep this Populist movement steamrolling over any anti-American obstacle that stands in the way.

With voices like Bannon we have created a movement full of honey badgers that will be relentless until we achieve the victories that we need in order to save this Republic.

Are you engaged in this Populist movement by being a honey badger that calls out stupid ideas like we’ve seen with the woke agenda?

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