The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey
The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey Podcast
The Red Reality
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -26:37

The Red Reality


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“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”

― Plato

I want to begin by asking you a question. 

How many U.S. Presidents have been assassinated in United States history? 

Just in case you didn’t know the answer, that would be four. That’s right, there have been four United States Presidents assassinated in the line of duty. If you didn’t know that, it's because that’s not commonly taught in schools in this day and age. 

Granted there have been many other attempts of assassinations that have failed, but there have been four U.S. Presidents that have died at the hands of a killer. 

When the subject of presidential assassinations comes up when referencing history you probably would automatically think about the most well known cases involving Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. However, there were two other presidents that were killed with one involving James Garfield who was shot on July 2, 1881, but he would fight for the weeks and months that followed before succumbing to his injury. . 

The second president that would fall victim to a crazed assassin would be President William Mckinley who was shot on September 6,1901 by Leon Czolgosz at point blank range taking two shots straight to his abdomen. 

The bullets didn’t immediately kill McKinley as he would die eight days later due to gangrene caused by the wound. 

However, it’s with this assassination that I want to point out something involving his killer Leon Czolgosz. At the time Czolgosz was a self proclaimed anarchist and said that he had been influenced by the writings of Emma Goldman. Goldman herself was a controversial figure and had been arrested along with 248 others during the Palmer Raids during the First Red Scare and she was deported back to Russia in 1919. 

There in Russia she had been supportive of the October Revolution (Bolshevik Revolution) that was a major historical event going on in Russia at that time giving birth to the reigning Soviet regime.  

So given this information we can see that President McKinley was killed at the hands of an anarcho-socialist in Czolgosz and as a result a young Vice President in Teddy Roosevelt would end up becoming the youngest sitting President in United States history. (Source: ThoughtCo)

A little bit ago I mentioned the Red Scare when talking about Emma Goldman’s involvement with influencing McKinley’s assassin in the arena of political ideology. 

In a brief explanation concerning the Red Scare this was a time period just after WWI that involved the public and moral panic involving the concern of the rise of extreme leftist ideologies such as Communism. 

This threat was derived from what was going on in the world with multiple other assassinations and political unrest due to the rise of Socialism and Communism that was actively taking place across Russia and Germany at that time.  

The political breeding ground and the sort of central hub of where these ideologies started to show throughout the United States revolved around the American labor movement, anarchist revolution, and political radicalism. (Source: Britannica)

To add to this there was a second Red Scare that occurred just after WWII and during this event the perception was that domestic and/or foreign communists were infiltrating, or subverting American society and the federal government. 

However, to be clear it was many years later after the end of the Cold War when there were many documents that were unearthed that revealed that there had been significant spy activity going on within the United States by the Soviets. 

So what is the significance of pointing out this historical event of President McKinley’s assassination along with all the rest? 

The reason this is important is because after examining the history and explanation of who was responsible for assassinating McKinley it’s easy to see that our so-called land of the free and home of the brave has been dealing with a serious communism problem for well over a century. 

These communist movements, whether they involved the Red Scare, McKinley’s assassination by a domestic anarchist influenced by communist ideals, or outside spies like the Soviets, have cost our country a lot of blood and treasure just as it’s doing now at one of the worst times in history under the Biden regime. 

As I’ve hammered away at the message on this platform over and over again, the Marxist infiltration into our government and institutions is real and, as demonstrated with the outcomes outlined in our history here, has always been a real problem within our country now for well over a century. 

However, these problems have been allowed to fester, grow, and firmly attach themselves to our institutions in a way that is at the very least now proving to place our country into a very precarious state, if not a fatal one. If you’re not able to observe reality then I’ll help as we are now seeing the destruction of our currency, our financial systems, our borders, the beginning of WWIII, and last, but not least, the lagging realization by the general public that the occupant of the White House isn’t mentally fit and seems to regularly shake hands with invisible people.  

So the question is why is all of this happening?  

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Human Nature, Dogma, and Fear

The UCL and the Max Planck Institute For Biological Cybernetics researchers published a study that was designed to examine the accuracy of people in a decision making process based on the confidence of their beliefs regarding a decision that was placed in front of them. 

To preface this, people who are dogmatic about their beliefs are characterized by a strong attitude related to the belief that their beliefs represent an absolute truth and as a result this causes them to be very resistant to change. 

This obviously has the potential to cause huge polarizing political, scientific, and religious debates. Boy does this sound familiar, or what?  

To simplify this the study basically consisted of a group of 700 people who were given a decision making task consisting of an image of a couple of boxes with flickering dots and had to decide which box contained more of the dots. 

However, after the initial view of the two boxes the researchers would give the participants a chance to view another clearer version of the boxes. After this the participants could make their final decision. 

Following this task the participants had to engage in a comprehensive questionnaire that allowed the researchers to get a measure on the level of political orientation and dogmatism of the participants that were involved in the study. 

In short, the study proved that the more dogmatic people were less likely to accept the additional information of the study involving the clearer view of the boxes. As a result of this they were also less accurate in being correct with their selections in the study. In short, the more dogmatic people were less accurate in their final judgements of the study with their outcomes involving the boxes. 

The most profound finding of this study basically showed that even though people may have corrective information available it doesn’t necessarily mean that people will take advantage of it and consume it. This is a frustrating reality. (Source: UCL News)

So given the findings of this study it’s not surprising that this is the case at all because people in our current society that are dogmatic basically lack the intelligence of being more consistently accurate in many of their beliefs because they willfully refuse to accept additional information that would challenge and even refute their existing beliefs. 

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After all, we’ve seen this clearly play out with a significant portion of our population during the pandemic where many people were advocating for societal lockdowns, for getting the vax, and for an array of other destructive societal mandates. 

These dogmatic people within our society seem to be driven by something other than trying to drill down on the truth and that other thing is clearly fear

That’s right, the thing about the ideology of Marxism, socialism, and communism is that all of these ideals are centered around fear.  

After all, this is why all of these societal constructs that take the shape of authoritarianism or totalitarianism must operate using tactics such as coercion, a lying media, and outright brute force in order to drive forth their initiatives. 

This is precisely why defeating such tactics requires trusting in God along with courage, a fighting spirit, and patriotism. 

As another example of explaining just how clever and effective the subversive nature of these Marxist tactics can be they can pop up in the most seemingly innocent scenarios throughout your everyday life.  

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A Red Scenario

I want to take a moment and put you into the right frame of mind. 

To begin here I want you to think about the word conformity. That word conformity means that you choose to comply with certain rules or standards that are placed in front of you for a given scenario.  Whenever I think about the word conformity in my own view I have to look at it according to the current zeitgeist of our society. 

Conformity is only detrimental when the resulting outcome of conforming involves stripping away at the permanent sovereignty of your individuality. 

So what does this mean? 

In other words, the level of conformity I’m talking about would involve permanent societal changes, or highly potential changes, that would directly violate the rights of a group of people within a society which would set the precedent for the rest of society. This type of conformity would involve negative consequences by individuals giving in to a seemingly innocent, but dangerous social mandate. 

So how would this apply to seemingly simple acts of conformity? 

For the sake of discussion let’s use a hypothetical scenario that mirrors real life and say that you work for a company that wants to involve you in a weekend softball outing. In this seemingly innocent venture you sign up because you would love to play softball and would seek to enjoy a day out with your coworkers in another environment outside of the office. 

As the day of the game comes for you to register for your softball outing you see several of your coworkers hanging out by the corporate tent signing up for the day’s softball tournament. As you walk over and approach the tent you find out that to register for the event you have to pay a fee and that fee will go towards furthering a major international pride softball organization which will go forth in supporting that organization along with their promotional efforts involving the discriminatory and Marxist Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI) programs. (Source: International Pride Softball)

As it turns out, let's say that you don’t support and have never cared for the Marxist DEI programs that you’ve heard about and have seen result in completely destructive outcomes throughout our society.  

As one such example you remembered woke companies such as Annheuser Busch that have made the headlines promoting woke DEI messaging with a Trans influencer on their beer can which resulted in completely blowtorching their own Bud Light brand as a result of it. Now all the sudden your seemingly innocent company softball outing just went from being a potentially fun day out at the park to now transforming into a woke political agenda that challenges your innermost values. 

If you look at the current zeitgeist of our society, the situation that we’re faced with and have been faced with since the pandemic is this attitude that we must go along to get along. 

Because of the backdoor methods involved with DEI funding the Marxist indoctrination it now has a clever backdoor and subversive method to get a foothold into society using corporations to force advertise their agenda. As a result corporations will use coercion to leverage people to do things that they probably may not agree to do otherwise, but because they're forced into a predicament where they have to choose between their values, or their careers they usually end up caving to the pressure by choosing their careers. 

In the case here involving this scenario you might find yourself in with the hypothetical corporate softball game you would be faced with the decision of either embracing your innermost values, or possibly losing your job. 

This is a real life possibility that many people have been faced with over the past few years. This is not make believe. 

This is the most evil form of a Nazi and communist tactic because once enough people agree to cave in to undesirable demands over time then eventually society will reach a point where coercion is no longer necessary. At this point the communists will have established themselves into a total position of power to rule with complete brute force by means of full institutional infiltration.   

This is why conformity can be a very dangerous thing to engage in even in a seemingly innocent scenario as the one that I outlined here with the hypothetical softball outing. As a side note this scenario may have been hypothetical, but the organization that I cited that’s called International Pride Softball is not the least bit hypothetical and is a fully operational organization that actively promotes DEI and if you don’t believe me it’s right here directly on their website. 

Keep in mind that the Red Scare I mentioned in the opening of this episode was a historic event involving the concern of the infiltration of communism into our American society through our institutions. In this scenario I put forth here the infiltration of a Marxist agenda comes in the form of DEI and is what I would refer to as a Red Scenario

Once again the central component of the Red Scenario is pushed forward by playing on people’s fear. In the scenario involving whether or not you would choose to play in the softball game in the Red Scenario that I outlined you’d probably be risking the possibility of being publicly shamed by your coworkers, or even worse terminated by your employer if you chose not to go along with the DEI campaign to play in the game. 

Traditionally we’ve all probably thought about our society as being a more capitalistic, or free market type of economic system, but with these companies coercing people into promoting and supporting these DEI programs in exchange for public monetary funding this is the furthest thing there is from a true free market system. Depending on the DEI campaign this is actually a more hybrid blend of fascism and communism in application, especially in the hypothetical scenario I outlined here in this episode. 

Once again the end goal of this Marxist agenda centers around the human emotion that is based on fear which is why the types of people who support such systems seek to control everyone. They need control because they live in fear. They fear losing everything because communists cannot create things, or win in the realm of ideas, therefore they must try to kill, lie, and cheat in order to achieve their ends. 

For an even bigger and more recent example of evidence to demonstrate what I’m talking about here let’s look at what happened this past weekend on Saturday July 13th, 2024 at 6:11 p.m. in Butler, Pennsylvania when a young shooter attempted to add one more death to the total number of presidents that have been assassinated in United States history. 

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At one of his big campaign rallies President Donald Trump was shot by a young shooter that fortunately missed hitting him in any vital area. President Trump immediately dropped down behind the wall onstage to take cover as Secret Service agents swarmed around him giving the counter snipers enough time to take out the young shooter that was on a rooftop at roughly a 150 yards away.

This was a scary moment, but what made it a triumphant moment was the strength and courage that President Trump demonstrated right after being shot. As I was watching the video of what happened I was actually on vacation at the beach in Florida and I could feel my blood pressure rising as I started getting angry about what I was seeing. .  

However, in a moment I heard President Trump tell the Secret Service agents to allow him to get his shoe back on before they attempted to direct him off stage. Once he got himself settled, what I saw next was nothing less than an exceptional display of strength and leadership. 

What I saw after he was shot was a man with a warrior spirit. Despite having been shot, despite blood flowing down the side of his face, despite having Secret Service agents completely surrounding him Donald Trump grounded himself looked straight at the camera position with an expression of absolute righteous indignation and defiance as he raised his fist to the crowd shouting FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT! 

That alone took a very harrowing moment and immediately transformed it into a moment of complete victory. 

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The Wrap Up

Even though the details of what actually happened in the attempt that was made to assassinate Donald Trump are still under investigation there are still unknown variables that will take some time to come to light as the investigations ramp up. 

However, let’s take a moment to examine what we do know in terms of the political environment that has been created by the communist left over the past nine years or so. 

Since Donald Trump first came down the escalator to announce his run for the office of the presidency for the first time the Administrative State Media (ASM) has been relentless on the drumbeat of calling Trump supporters Deplorables, the media has called Trump himself a Nazi, comedians have been pictured holding a fake severed head of Donald Trump when he was last in office, and fairly recently the Washington Post article written by a so-called leading conservative and psychologically deranged Robert Kagan compared Donald Trump to Julius Caesar. I recently talked about this in greater detail in an earlier episode that you can access here. 

Works such as this from Kagan and statements from the likes of Joe Scarborough, Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton regarding the dangerous hate-filled rhetoric they have constantly screamed regarding the end of democracy have already primed the current environment that we are in for such an assassination attempt to occur. 

Believe it or not there’s a word for this and it’s called stochastic terrorism. Stochastic terrorism centers around the idea that dangerous rhetoric that is directed towards a targeted group of people, or a targeted individual will increase the likelihood of lone wolf political violence being carried out against those people that are targeted by the rhetoric. 

So when we look at what the Crime Syndicate of Narrative (aka the ASM) and the messaging that they have been aggressively communicating for the past nine years, is it really surprising that we see the attack that took place against Trump this past weekend? Furthermore, how insane is it that we learn that another presidential assassin so far had donated to a left wing organization and was known for still wearing his COVID mask long after the pandemic has been over? 

I understand that there’s still a lot of unknowns surrounding this terrible attack, but this shooter has gotten a ton of support on social media from other communists praising him for his failed assassination attempt. 

Obviously I don’t know a lot about this shooter, but what I do know is that he, like Czolgosz, was influenced by someone to do what he did, but thank God he failed. 

In my observation and given what I’ve seen for the past nine years coming from the communist left it’s my interpretation that we aren’t dealing with another Red Scare that we witnessed back during WWI and WWII, but rather a Red Reality as this single shooting event has spotlighted the fact that we have a very present communism problem that is alive and well right inside these United States of America right now. 

Therefore, it’s up to you and me to make sure this communist movement fails like all the rest in history. If Donald Trump can display such courage and defiance in the face of a bullet with blood dripping down the side of his face, you and I can start calling out these communists in media, social media, and right inside our neighborhoods by making everyone aware of the danger our society is facing with this very real Red Reality.

This is what it means to be an Emissary of Freedom.  

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