The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey
The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey Podcast
The Unbridgeable Dichotomy of The Human Condition
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -30:07

The Unbridgeable Dichotomy of The Human Condition


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“Be the first to see what you see as you see it.”--Robert Bresson

The other day I shared a humorous meme that said GenX-The only generation that became 30 at the age of 10 and still is 30 at the age of 50. 

Admittedly this made me chuckle and being a proud GenXer I had to share this out with the rest of my community on social media. 

As an old friend used to tell me, the key to humor and storytelling is when it involves a touch of the familiar. As that relates to this meme I shared I would say that all of us GenXers are familiar with that sentiment. 

If there’s one thing that us GenXers understand it’s that we had to take on many adult responsibilities at a very young age as that’s just the way things were when we were kids. 

Sure, many of us enjoyed a relatively normal childhood, but even though we were taught responsibilities at a young age this also allowed us on many occasions to experience having more true freedom in our lives at a very young age as well. 

This has no doubt been an issue as we enter into this modern day culture because many people in my generation are realizing that many of the people in the generations that came up after us lacked that knowledge of taking on responsibilities and this is why we are seeing many members of younger generations starting to be a burden on society. 

Now before you get angry and click off of this episode, slow down and digest what I just said. If you happen to be in a younger generation than GenX and the shoe doesn’t fit you in terms of this description then there’s obviously no need for you to get offended. If the shoe doesn’t fit I’d assume you wouldn’t find offense in the comment anyways, but then again there’s a lot of people in our culture these days that thrive off of the notion of being offended. 

In fact, many organizations and institutions have turned that entire sentiment of the victimhood mindset into a very profitable, although very destructive to society, business model. 

I’ve come to realize that in today’s society there’s an unbridgeable gap between two diametrically opposed positions regarding the human condition in this current environment. 

As I alluded to in my quote about GenX the issue with where this unbridgeable divide began in our culture with a significantly greater number of individuals within these younger generations is due to the lack of discipline and structure. 

Now don’t get me wrong there’s plenty of blame to go around for this in terms of the cause. I mean I understand that I said the cause was a lack of discipline and structure, but the question of what caused that lack of discipline and structure still has to be asked. 

So what caused this lack of discipline and structure? 

The lack of discipline and structure is caused by a lack of discipline and structure. I know that sounds funny, but if you take a moment to think about it then it makes perfect sense. After all, bad ideas, bad ideology, and bad habits are always passed down from one generation to the next. In many ways bad ideas can take root and spread faster than good ideas. 

If you need your memory jogged on how fast bad ideas can spread then all you have to do is look back at when the government said it would be two weeks to slow the spread of the pandemic, or how endless wars in foreign countries without congressional approval is in the interest of national security, or what about the idea that becoming trade partners with a Communist regime that wants to destroy us is in our best economic interests. The list of horrible ideas spreading like wildfire has been something that has proven to be a real pandemic in of itself here in the United States for quite some time. 

So why does this trend of bad destructive societal ideas continue to happen on repeat in the United States like a broken record that keeps playing the same horrible song over and over again?  

Well one of those bad ideas serving to be a major catalyst for causing the lack of discipline and structure more so than all the rest is the acceptance of collectivism within our culture over the idea of individuality. 

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Collectivism vs. Individuality

Ayn Rand warned us about collectivism, but if you’re not familiar with that term then what does that word collectivism mean? 

Collectivism is the position and practice that involves the belief that the group should have priority over all individuals that are in the group. In such instances many who subscribe to collectivism will often use the phrase It’s for the greater good in order to subvert the rights of individuals in exchange for ceding over more control to the group which is also known as the state. 

Collectivism is the opposite of Individuality where the creation of the United States was founded on protecting the world’s smallest minority being the individual. That’s right, the founders of the United States set up the country around the central tenet being the protection of the individual which boils down to individual rights which consists of rules that the government (aka the collective) should not be allowed to violate or break. 

However, in this current societal dilemma we find ourselves in the Communists have infiltrated our government from top to bottom and the Communists do not care about the individual (You) because their entire belief system is centered on the collective. Therefore, they want to destroy the individual and erase civil liberties so the collective can be established as the ruling overseeing authority of society.  

This gap between collectivism and individuality is an unbridgeable gap that will serve as the dichotomy of the human condition. The only question left to ask is that how will this dichotomy resolve itself in the context of our society and the way we will live moving forward? 

Well you might not like hearing this, but the reality is that this situation will only be able to resolve itself with a great conflict. 

Now when I say the word conflict am I referring to a kinetic war? 

Perhaps, but I hope that isn’t the case because the process of politics is supposed to allow for the necessary platform for grievances to be settled peacefully between different groups of people without having to resort to violence through war and conflict. That’s the entire point of people running for office, campaigning, and holding elections.

However, there have been many times throughout history when this political process has failed because some groups of people won’t adhere to the laws and agreements set forth by society and would rather make an attempt to force their will upon other groups of people. 

Unless you’ve been sleepwalking during the past eight years then you would know that the establishment order of our federal government, as well as many state governments have been literally forcing their will upon the people instead of the government submitting to the will of the people. In America, the Communists have tried to flip this model of the government submitting to the people on its head where now the people are expected to submit to the will of the government. If you don’t believe me just look at the most recent and blatant ignoring of the law and constitution with this latest ruling by the Colorado Supreme court to keep President Donald Trump off of the ballot. 

In this blatant and idiotic ruling the Colorado Supreme court based their ruling off of the 14th Amendment-which disqualifies insurrectionists from office. Mind you this ruling is based off of a crime that Trump hasn’t even been convicted of and doesn’t exist. (Source: CNN) They essentially have based their decision on a crime that a citizen did NOT commit. Slow down one more time and digest that last statement. Furthermore, if the political optics aren’t bad enough for this then forget about that and put that aside for a moment. 

What’s worse than this is that they are setting a dangerous precedent that they can determine election outcomes by not allowing certain people’s names to be printed on the ballots. This simply means that they no longer respect, OR fear the will of the people to make the choice of the candidate that they prefer to be in office. Instead these government officials would rather make that decision for the people and by THE VERY DEFINITION this is what is known as tyranny and we’re seeing it play out right in front of us here in real time. 

The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Looking at this arena I’ve named Thunderdome over the past eight years or so I have often found myself getting irritated with people who criticize Donald Trump’s approach to social media and his handling of the media. 

I will often hear them say things like I wish he would just keep his mouth shut and just do his job, or He should act more presidential. When people say those things I will often hear the thought go through my head saying to those people What world do you think we are living in?  

Then the thought enters my mind where I’m thinking: How else is a man in his position of power supposed to fight a media that drives a narrative of complete lies? How else is one supposed to act towards an entire apparatus that is literally trying to destroy him and his family? Furthermore this same apparatus is normalizing even trying to kill him. In short, if you had to endure such attacks on your family, your livelihood, and your life how would you respond? 

If you don’t believe me then you don’t have to look any further than the recent Washington Post article written by a so-called leading conservative and psychologically deranged Robert Kagan in his article comparing Donald Trump to Julius Caesar. 

In this article Kagan writes 'Like Caesar, Trump wields a clout that transcends the laws and institutions of government, based on the unswerving personal loyalty of his army of followers.' In case you need to be reminded of a bit of history, the Ides of March is the date that is often referenced in remembrance of the assassination of Julius Caesar. Because of this Kagan’s comparison of Trump to Caesar is an intentional one and feeds a narrative for the normalization of assassination, otherwise why make this specific reference? 

Furthermore, those like Kagan who are psychologically broken and infected by Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) have been normalizing this comparison of Trump to Caesar for quite some time. Another example of this could be seen back in 2017 when the Shakespearean New York play showcased a Caesar character onstage that looked like Donald Trump. 

At one point during the play this Trump character (like Caesar) was assassinated onstage by a group of senators by way of stabbing. The scene caused so much outrage that key sponsors of the show like Bank of America and Delta Airlines pulled their funding from the show. (Source: The Guardian)

For crying out loud these people manufactured evidence with the Steele Dossier to try to put Trump away and then falsely, under no authenticated and substantiated evidence, impeached him twice. 

Then as if that’s not enough with Donald Trump merely being a threat to return to office and not actually holding the office of president they have been relentless in trying to destroy him, his family, and imprison all of his political cabinet members the way Communist third-world countries do. Yet, I hear people criticize a man by how he speaks and what he tweets on social media. To me this is incredibly short sighted ignorance regarding the environment that those people are failing to recognize that they are currently living in. 

You may ask: What environment would that be Brandon? 

To this I would reply we are literally at war with Communists my friend.  

The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

E Pluribus Unum

The latin phrase E Pluribus Unum translates into Out of many, one

This was one of the key phrases that was originally adopted by the United States and came from the concept involving the original 13 colonies that would emerge as a single unified nation. This phrase can also be seen on the scroll and clinched by the eagle’s beak on the Great Seal of the United States. 

I wanted to bring up this phrase E Pluribus Unum and its original context and meaning to illustrate a larger point concerning our current modern day dilemma. 

Out of many, one was originally illustrating the unity of the United States as a nation. Obviously that unity is demonstrated in the country’s name …The United States of America

However, now the Communists/Fascists that have infiltrated all of our major institutions of media, universities, and within the walls of congress are desperately trying to alter this original context and meaning of Out of many, one. 

In their own context they want Out of many, one to exemplify out of many individual states came one centralized dominant overseeing authority that serves as Central Control which is also known as the Federal Government. 

They are always redefining words and phrases to suit their agendas in constant Orwellian fashion, but more importantly they want to continue to control others and justify their own bad decisions and actions as they project their own actions and bad ideas onto others. 

To illustrate such a psychological break concerning the nature of man you can get a real feel of this in the horrifying short story titled The Tell-Tale Heart that was written by Edgar Allen Poe in January of 1843. (Source: The Tell-Tale Heart) I am going to summarize that story for you here. 

In this short story Poe writes about the experience of a madman that begins the story telling you he has not lost control of his mind, but rather makes the case to himself, as he tries to make to you (the reader), that his alleged illness has only made his mind, senses, and feelings more powerful. 

As he continues he starts to describe how his sense of hearing has become even more powerful to the point that he could hear the sounds coming from both heaven and hell. Then he goes on to describe to you how well his hearing is and how correct he is in regards to the health of his mind. 

From here the man talks about how it's unclear to him in regards to how a certain idea first entered his mind. He’s clearly referring to some sort of act he committed and is reflecting on that moment with you and I (the readers). 

He continues to talk about how he did not hate the old man and that there was no reason for what he did. He then admits that he even loved the guy. 

He admits the old man never hurt him and never expressed any desire towards his money. He then points to the issue of the matter being caused by the old man’s eye. He refers to the old man’s eye like it was the eye of a vulture because the eye of a vulture is a terrible eye that watches and waits while an animal dies only to then fall on the body of the animal to tear it to pieces in order to eat it. 

The man claims to have felt a cold chill run down his spine every single time he would look at him with that eye and because of this it made his blood run cold. This meant he finally had decided that he had to kill the man in order to close that eye forever. 

Then he goes on to ask So you think that I am mad? According to the man a madman cannot plan, yet he talks about how all that week he was as warm and friendly towards the old man as he possibly could be. 

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Then he escalates this activity by transitioning from talking about his actions during the day to then talking about his actions during the night. 

Every night at midnight he would open the door to the old man’s room. When the door was opened wide enough he’d put his hand in and then his head. He talked about how he would carry a light with him with a cloth covering the light so that no light would shine through. 

However, he would then carefully lift the cloth only a slight bit so that just enough light would shine through and it fell across that eye. He went on to say that he did this for seven straight nights every single night at midnight. 

After engaging in this activity he would then talk about how he’d greet the old man every morning with a warm friendly voice asking him how he slept. He’d talk about how the old man couldn’t have guessed how he looked in on him as he slept. 

He then said that on the eighth night that the hands of the clock would move more quickly than his hands which was a clear sign there was a level of anxiousness, or possibly even excitement. Who knows? 

Regardless, according to him the old man was lying there unaware that he was at the door. Then he said that suddenly the old man moved in his bed. He said you might think he became afraid, but he was not afraid. 

He talked about how dark it was and that he still opened the door placing his hand in, then his head, still holding the covered light. Suddenly the old man sat up in his bed and cried “Who’s there!!?” 

He said he stood there still not moving for a whole hour. Apparently he didn’t hear the old man lie back down which meant that he remained sitting up in his bed listening. Then he heard a slight cry of fear from the old man. Because of this he points out at that moment that he knew that the old man knew he was there hiding in the dark. 

Then he removed the cloth from the light to allow it to hit that vulture eye he was talking about and that eye was wide open causing him to feel a rush of anger as the eye looked straight at him. 

He then immediately started referring to how great his sense of hearing was once again now hearing the literal beating of the old man’s heart.  He said he stood still, but the sound got louder and louder, making him believe that the old man must have been in great fear for sure. 

As this noise grew louder to him his own fear grew into anger towards the old man and this caused him to rush the old man screaming at him to die. He talked about smiling in this moment knowing that the success of killing him to shut that eye was almost near. 

The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Finally, the beating would come to an end and the old man was dead from suffocation. 

It was at this point that he described how careful he was to put the body where nobody could find it. As gruesome as it sounds he talked about separating the body and placing the parts separately in different pieces underneath the floor. After removing the boards of the floor to hide the body he then would carefully place the boards back so that nobody could tell that they were ever moved. 

As soon as he finished this task he heard someone at the door as it was now 4 a.m. in the morning, but it was still dark. The neighbors had heard screams and had called for the police and they were now there at the door. 

He asked the police to come inside and told the police that the screams had come from him due to having had a nightmare and that the old man was away to visit an old friend. He took the police through the whole house telling them to search it and to search it well. 

As if playing a game with them he led them into the old man’s room and asked them to sit down and talk for a while. He even goes on to say that his calm and easy manner had the police believing his story. 

As a result the police did sit and talk with him for a while, but this easy manner didn’t last forever as he would find that he started wishing that they would leave. He goes on to talk about how his head would hurt and that there was a strange sound in his ears causing him to talk to them faster. Suddenly he realized the sound wasn’t in his ears and not just inside his head. 

He talked faster and louder and as he did the sound became louder. The sound was familiar, but it started to dominate the man’s attention. He did not understand why the men did not leave as the sound continued to get louder and louder until he walked around even pushing a chair across the room to try and make more noise to cover the sound.

No matter what he did the men still sat, talked, and smiled. How could they not hear what he was hearing? 

Then it occurred to him that they did hear and he was certain that they were playing a game with him. Suddenly he couldn’t bear it any longer and pointed to the boards admitting to killing the man, but why would his heart not stop beating? 

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The Wrap Up

So you’re probably wondering, Brandon, why did you go to the trouble of summarizing Edgar Allen Poe’s dark short story titled The Tell-Tale Heart

I thought this story by Poe was an excellent vignette on illustrating the darkness of human nature and how people will rationalize and project their own evil at times onto others. 

In this story the madman is rationalizing his desire to commit murder on an innocent man by blaming the man’s eye and even comparing the eye to a vulture’s eye as a vulture’s eye is a terrible eye. 

This story by Poe also clearly illustrates a common problem that is plaguing today’s society and that problem is psychological projection. 

The madman is constantly talking about the evil eye and how he must kill the old man in order to close that evil eye forever. This is how he justifies the murder inside his own head. 

However in his efforts to do so he was overcome with anger in the moment of killing the man as he was driven by his own desire to both shut the man’s eye and to forever silence the man’s heart and calls for help. 

The madman’s desire was to silence the noise inside his own head by killing the innocent old man. In this story the key takeaway is how the madman justified murder to himself by projecting his own personal evil onto the innocent old man in the bedroom. 

The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

To this I have to pose the question of how is this any different than the broadway play projecting their hate and desires of getting rid of Donald Trump in their own sick and twisted comparison of him to Julius Caesar? 

Furthermore, the same can be said about the projection coming from the twisted psychological musings of Robert Kagan and his hit piece on Donald Trump in that Washington Post article. For that matter, let's not forget the actual pathetic attempt of the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling to silence Trump by removing his name from the ballot. 

All of these examples are demonstrating how those psychologically twisted people will justify their own bad nature and evil onto others. 

Sure nobody has committed actual murder yet, but the narratives that they are pushing certainly point to acts of violence in their own words. 

Regardless of that, the one sure thing that these people suffering from TDS have in common with Poe’s madman in the The Tell-Tale Heart is that they are actively engaging to silence their own manufactured terrors inside their own heads caused by their own psychological breaks.

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