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The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey Podcast
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“In a room where people unanimously maintain a conspiracy of silence, one word of truth sounds like a pistol shot.”

― Czesław Miłosz

When looking at the framework of our society over the last several years it’s obvious that we have a corrupt governmental system that serves to currently exist primarily to be a financial graft for players that have molded that system for that very purpose. 

They’ve molded the system to nurture a cronyistic environment in order to leech off the system rather than to mold the system for the purpose of serving the American people. What’s even worse than this is that being that the system has been formed to function in this way, if anyone tries to go up against the system then the system reacts in a very hostile manner. The reaction is apparent as the cronyism becomes hostile towards forces that are adversarial towards it. 

This past weekend I had an epiphany after the battery of unnatural disasters with the back to back massive hurricanes that have hammered the southeastern region of the United States where I happen to live. 

I live in the state of Georgia and fortunately where I live I didn’t have any major problems from hurricane Helene, but my neighbors in Augusta, North Carolina, and Tennessee all have had a difficult time due to some extreme damage. 

If you’ve been paying attention, most of this damage occurred due to the massive rainfall and flooding that hit the mountain area around Asheville, North Carolina which was nearly 600 miles inland from the Gulf of Mexico where the storm originated. That alone doesn’t make any sense at all. 

In my lifetime I can’t remember one single instance where a hurricane occurred by starting in the Gulf of Mexico only to move east nearly 600 miles inland to administer a ton of flooding damage to a mountain region that sits at an elevation of 2134 feet above sea level. This is completely unnatural. 

I’ll be 48 years old this coming November and in the nearly 48 years that I’ve been on this planet I never remember anything like this happening involving a hurricane. Now as soon as I say that many people will read, or hear that and immediately start screaming about climate change. 

If that’s happening now I’m glad to hear it because this weekend I had an epiphany regarding the climate change movement where I might have stumbled across the greatest contradiction regarding the left’s perspective on climate change in the 21st century. 

First of all, when looking at the whole climate change movement it’s simply another graft that equates to the corrupt system that I was just describing at the onset of this episode. 

When I mentioned that I see a huge contradiction regarding the far left’s climate change movement I’ll elaborate a bit further in a bit, but first I want to talk about whether or not climate change is man made. 

Whenever I see the subject of weather and climate brought up there seems to be a misunderstanding by those on the far left in regards to these two words. 

To give you an example whenever there happens to be a disastrous storm to occur such as hurricane Helene the leftist climate change cultists are quick to throw out the climate change label as being the culprit for the storm occurring and administering whatever level of devastation it happens to cause on society at the time that it hits. 

Now what I’ve come to understand is that whenever the term climate change is used it’s simply a loaded term because it is solely used to feed a corrupt and political financial graft and part of giving fodder to any graft means that certain keywords associated with a particular graft, or leftist cause, are done for the sole purpose of spreading a victimhood narrative. To clarify a bit further this means the term climate change can be used by the left interchangeably with the term weather, but this can’t be done if anyone else uses the words weather and climate interchangeably when it doesn’t agree with the messaging of the climate cultists. 

Another example of how the left abuses terms for the purpose of giving fodder to a graft is when they use the term gun violence whenever one human harms, or kills another human in a homicide where they happen to use a firearm. 

With just a tiny bit of critical thinking it’s obvious that inanimate objects don’t come to life and kill people as the term gun violence suggests. In short, only people can kill other people with or without evil intent. A gun doesn’t have the capacity, or possess personal internal motive, or even the ability to produce the outcome of killing another person by springing into action by itself. The gun is simply an inanimate instrument that can be used by a person to kill another person. 

The thing you have to come to realize is that the nomenclature is always manipulated by the left to suit their desired narratives and if these narratives force enough influence over the masses within a given society they can achieve the goals of their political agenda, and more importantly they can achieve the goals of their financial graft. 

I realize we are living in a postmodern era where the definitions of words don’t mean anything anymore to people on the far left, but for the purpose of hammering the logic of this discussion into the vacuous minds of the leftist climate change cult, let's take a moment to clarify the definitions of the words weather and climate anyways.  

Weather is defined as the state of the atmosphere with respect to heat or cold, wetness or dryness, and calm or storm at any given moment. 

Climate is defined as the average course, or condition of weather at a place typically as it behaves over a period of years which is exhibited by temperature, wind velocity, and precipitation. 

So based on both of these specific definitions weather has a direct impact on climate with the only difference generally being the period of time of observing one compared to the other. 

So there’s a few reasons why I wanted to establish this upfront because the series of realities that are about to follow are going to cause you to look at this entire climate change movement in a way that you probably never would have considered before. This will be the case if you have a critical thinking mind and are intellectually honest enough with having the capability of looking at the receipts that back up this discussion. 

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The Mechanisms For Altering Weather and Climate

Dr. Daniel Martin is a key research engineer in College Station, Texas that started experimenting with a process of sending flares and burning silver iodide into clouds using an airplane to produce rain. This process is known as cloud seeding. 

Dr. Martin and his team started experimenting with this technology back in 2017. Being a member of the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Martin explains that in order for water droplets in a cloud to make rain that they must collide and coalesce to collect and form drops that are large enough to then fall to the ground. 

The reason this is significant is that Martin and his research team have been nudging this process along by releasing charged water particles into clouds. These particles carry an opposite electrical charge of the water in the clouds. This acts as cloud condensation nuclei and will kickstart the rainmaking process. 

According to Martin "most programs generate 10-15% additional rainfall using the conventional flare technology. Our initial numbers show about a 25-30% increase. Limited data set, but very promising." (Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture)

So here is a key researcher in the federal government openly discussing his program’s success for manipulating weather in this way using the process known as cloud seeding as the method for doing so. 

In addition to this on June 29, 2016 former CIA director John Brennan addressed the Council on Foreign Relations regarding Stratospheric Aerosol Injections (SAI), a Geoengineering campaign where he bragged about the government’s program. Brennan who was one of the 51 intelligence agents who lied about the Hunter Biden laptop story saying it was Russian disinformation touted the technology included with SAI which involves particles being released into the atmosphere in order to reflect the sun’s heat.

According to Brennan this SAI heat reflective capability can cool temperatures allowing economies time to transition off of fossil fuels for the purpose of climate change. 

Brennan also goes on to talk about how SAI’s potential to alter weather patterns could play a major role in the global relations possibly triggering opposition by some nations due to one region benefitting from the technology compared to another region. Brennan also pointed out that global norms and standards are lacking for administering and overseeing this technology on a global scale. (Source: YouTube)

However, when it comes to manipulating the weather cloud seeding is one way that the government has openly discussed here, but the federal government has even utilized cloud seeding for the purpose of weaponizing weather to assist combat missions as well and this dates as far back as the Vietnam War in an exercise known as Project Popeye. (Source: Office of The Historian)

Project Popeye was a weather modification mission that was proposed to be initiated by the Department of Defense (DoD) in order to disrupt and impair the supply chain route of the Vietcong in North Vietnam and Laos during the Vietnam War as seen in the following document. This is noted here in a memorandum from the Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Kohler) to the Secretary of State David Dean Rusk on January 13, 1967 as published by the Office of The Historian. 

This operation was carried out by the Air Force during the Vietnam War between 1967-1972 with a goal to extend the monsoon season over specific areas of the Ho Chi Minh Trail. 

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The chemical altering weather modification exercise was conducted from Thailand over Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam and was allegedly sponsored by a now very well known globalist and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger along with the CIA without the authorization from the then Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird. As another interesting point of mention Laird himself at the time had categorically denied to Congress that a program involving the modification of weather for use as a tactical weapon even existed. (Source: Wikipedia

Now it’s no secret that Henry Kissinger was also directly tied into the World Economic Forum (WEF) and has spoken at length in Davos on the historical perspectives of warfare among other geo-political ramblings among the globalists for many years. He’s carried on such conversations with Klaus Schwab. 

However, there’s an interesting theme here regarding Kissinger’s colleague and counterpart in Klaus Schwab that I wanted to address as the spokesperson for the WEF, along with the globalists, who all have frequently mentioned the prospect of the world facing what they refer to as a series of polycrisis. 

“The changes are so profound that, from the perspective of human history, there has never been a time of greater promise or potential peril.”

― Klaus Schwab, The Fourth Industrial Revolution

So I find the interconnectivity of these global political figures that have had direct ties to warfare, global relations, and economic networking to be very disturbing in their actions. 

In addition to this I’ve already gathered a nice collection of scientists, intelligence agents, politicians, and globalist fascists to openly admit and brag about the current and emerging technologies associated with their abilities to directly modify and impact the weather and climate directly themselves. 

In fact, they’ve all openly admitted and bragged about the success of the government’s work along with the technologies that exist to modify both the weather and the climate based on the definitions of the words which I clarified here earlier. 

So the question remains is climate change man made? 

I would say that the short answer to this would be an absolute yes based on what the government is telling us that they have and are currently doing, but it’s not man made in the same way that the leftist climate cult have espoused now for many years. This episode has deconstructed the climate narrative. 

In other words, it’s a known fact that the planet goes through its own natural cycles where weather and temperature can change due to phases of its natural existence. However, the idea that man’s existence in daily life is a direct threat to the climate because functioning civilizations are contributing to “climate change” is a big stretch. .  

However, the reality is that if the left wants to blame these unnatural disasters on climate change then the federal government, as I’ve directly sourced here, has already admitted it is capable of modifying the climate and weather directly itself and, in fact, has been doing so with a history that goes back nearly 60 years to the Vietnam War. 

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The Wrap Up

Over the past four years it’s been crystal clear to me that the federal government has become nothing more than a fertile ground for the graft where special interests can get their palms greased with government subsidies to financially support their so-called respective causes. 

This has literally resulted in a complete failure of our governmental systems and has resulted in some of the most evil outcomes that have been released upon our society from the pandemic, to corrupt elections, to endless wars, poor handling of unnatural disasters, an invasion of the country, and even domestic terrorism with multiple attempted assassinations against President Trump due to the Red Reality

I almost forgot that at the beginning of this episode I mentioned that I had discovered the greatest contradiction regarding the leftist cult’s perspective on climate change. 

The leftist climate cult have always said that climate change is the greatest threat the world faces today so we need the government’s power in order to stop it.

However, after unnatural hurricane disasters and floods those same people who believe the government has the power to stop climate change in the same breath accuse others of being “conspiracy theorists” for suggesting that the government can modify and impact the climate and weather directly. 

Well, I’ve already managed to deconstruct the leftist climate cult’s perspective on climate change in this very episode. The government has clearly admitted over many instances covering a long period of time where they can directly modify and impact the weather and climate. 

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In addition to this, these global organizations like the WEF and the Council on Foreign Relations have frequently pushed the entire Environmental Social Governance (ESG) agenda onto many companies throughout the world. This agenda forces companies to meet certain requirements associated with the climate change graft in order for them to get certain investment funding based on them meeting the criteria as the WEF defines it. (Source: World Economic Forum)

This is simply a prime example of a circular funding operation where the global agendas are pushed onto the government by lobbyists whose companies benefit from the government subsidies. From here the government then issues the subsidies for the researchers to create the problems they are supposed to solve. From this point when the problems arise the demand for the organizations that are in place are promoted. 

This leads to it becoming a political issue which in turn becomes a campaign issue such as the climate change agenda. Given this you may wonder how they get companies onboard in order to comply with certain agendas? In terms of the climate change agenda this is where the funding programs such as ESG come in so that investment capital can be made to spread the growth of these movements throughout society.  

The reality is that these companies that the lobbyists represent don’t want societal problems to go away. For instance, they don’t want racism to go away because their funding would go away. They don’t want wars to go away because their funding would go away. They don’t want pandemics to go away because their funding would go away. Finally, they don’t want climate change to go away because their funding would go away. 

Understand the narrative of many of these companies and government agencies is that they exist for the purpose of tackling society’s problems, but in reality they use and mold the societal problems into feeding a circular financial graft as their main play. 

The only constructive outcome here regarding the climate change narrative is the deconstruction of this narrative.

Were you aware that the government had the ability to directly modify the climate and weather?

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