The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey
The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey Podcast
The Vacuous American Mind
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The Vacuous American Mind


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“It is not that I'm so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.”― Albert Einstein

You know, for years I can remember several different situations when I’d be talking with a friend or family member about certain cars and the discussion might transition to them telling me about what car they owned back in the 1960’s or 1970’s. 

From there they would always talk about what they spent in order to buy a brand new car at the time and it was always mind blowing to hear the prices when compared to the price of a new car today, or even a used car today. 

I mean in 1970 the average cost of a new car was about $3500. Compare that to the average cost of a new vehicle today which is going to run you over $47,000 according to Fortune. On that note, if someone in the room would ask why the prices are so much higher today of course the usual explanation would be that we can all chalk it up to inflation and that would usually be the point at which no further questions were asked. Surprisingly this would seemingly always be the point at which the discussion would hit a deadend. 

I mean once that word inflation was uttered that always seemed to be the reason that would satisfy everyone in the room and there would be no further comment on the tremendous price difference of cars, and everything else, in the 1970’s compared to today. 

So why do we have inflation? 

What is the actual root cause of inflation? 

Well according to the Dean of Liberty University and head of the business school Dr. Dave Brat the cause is very simple. Inflation is caused by the printing and spending of too much money by the federal government and the Federal Reserve banks. When you have too many dollars chasing too few goods the prices of those goods go up. 

In a nutshell, the money supply that you and I are dependent on for using in order to buy goods, services, and trying to save for some level of retirement is a system that neither you or myself have any control over, at least not directly. 

I mean politically speaking we can force change if we are smart enough to organize as a society and to get the right people into office in Washington D.C. Not beating around the bush, but for such change and needed transformation to occur it will require individuals that are willing to take the fight to the political system at every front without relenting, or backing down one single inch. 

Additionally if you examine every single political personality across the spectrum of candidates that has been in the game of politics since the 1980’s the ONLY such individual that exists to do such a thing, at least as president, is  Donald J. Trump and those who share his grit, his views, and perspective on the issues that are plaguing our government and country. 

However, the point to all of this is that there’s a reason cars cost what they cost today and why so many more dollars are required to purchase the baseline equivalent for a vehicle now compared to what it cost to purchase one in 1970, or at any time before 1970 for that matter. 

Yes, it’s certainly due to inflation, but the reason that inflation exists is because there’s no tether, or safeguard, on holding back the Federal Reserve, and Congress for that matter, for the time being. 

After all, Nixon took us off the gold standard back in 1971 and that was the tether that at least kept the Federal Reserve in check, but now there’s absolutely nothing holding them back. This dog is completely off the leash and running wild. 

It’s officially obvious and to the point that we can declare that this and our other institutions are full of rot and spineless greedy politicians. If they weren’t then I wouldn’t be investing the time to write these kinds of articles and record the podcasts about all of this stuff. It’s that simple. 

However, why am I having to write this article and record this podcast? 

The reason is that there are many Americans wandering through life not even questioning why all of this chaos in the world is happening as if it can just be chalked up to some random act of nature. 

The vacuous minds of Americans have expanded to the point that it’s literally threatening the existence of not only our nation, but humanity itself. 

This is precisely why this show exists. 

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Dumbing Down Through Dependency

We live in a booming technological era where the cellphone has literally become an extension of ourselves that we cannot function without. Look, I’m guilty of some of this myself, but I admit that the motivation that drives the use of my cellphone is to engage in the information warfare arena. 

I do this because I just can’t stand by and allow leftist communists to spread lies without being one more check standing in their way to crush their lies and misrepresentations relentlessly every single day of the week. If you’re listening to this episode chances are you may use it for the same purpose. I am certainly hoping so. 

With that being said I do use my cellphone a lot and for that very reason, as well as to assist in the daily operation of my fitness business. 

However, when looking at how most other people go about using their phones it’s more for personal enjoyment and to assist the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with collecting data and subverting the minds of American kids through the use of Tik Tok algorithms in order to dumb down the American youth. This way they don’t question the pro-Biden campaigns being hawked off on the app by the Taylor Swifts of the world, but simply obey whatever the popular Tik Tok influencer of the moment tells them to do. 

I understand that Facebook and Instagram also have data on us and American companies are just as nefarious towards American citizens, but for the purpose of this discussion I’m targeting the youth population just the way Tik Tok does. According to the PEW Research Center 67% of teenagers have grown in their use of Tik Tok bringing it up to second place in use among all of the major available social media apps ranking only behind the use of YouTube. 

This is hard evidence of the direct targeting of the youth by the Tik Tok app and the CCP is taking full advantage of this in terms of the information warfare and the dumbing down of our youth by their own hand through their dependency on the use of the app. 

Now given this substantiated statistical data the fact is that all of society has become very dependent on the use of technology and it’s because of this widespread dependency that guys like Elon Musk see a marketplace for putting chips into people’s brains, but I digress. 

I mean would a vacuous brain hesitate to have chip implanted into it in this day and age? To answer that question I'm honestly not sure given the response we witnessed with so many Americans doing what the TV and government told them to do during the pandemic.

I mean if you really slow down to think about it ask yourself how well you could do if the power grid went down in this modern technological society.  

Look, I’m not trying to be funny about such a thing as this is not even something I would’ve suggested as being a concern five years ago. However, we’ve seen our country decline in rapid fashion across many fronts over the last three years. The root cause of that decline is directly the result of human actions surrounding powerful politicians and business people who are literally trying to destroy the United States of America from within. 

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So once again I will ask the question that a vacuous mind would not: How well could you function in life if the power grid went down? 

Could you perform your job duties without power? 

Could you protect your food supply without power? 

Could you live in extreme heat or cold temperatures in your house without power? 

Are you prepared for such a possibility? 

You see you might read over those questions and think to yourself: Ah Brandon you’re acting like one of those crazy doomsday preppers? 

Perhaps I am, but I would also remind you to look around at what’s going on within our society and the world at large and tell me exactly where you see a pinnacle of stability concerning the geo-political landscape. 

If you are questioning my sanity I would reply by questioning your short-term memory regarding the global forces and the CCP’s act of unleashing a bio-weapon from their lab in Wuhan to spread chaos and to usher in communism throughout every country across the planet just three years ago.  

Additionally would a vacuous mind ponder about what impact Biden and the U.S. political establishment weaponizing the U.S. dollar against Russia would result in. This action against Russia in the Russia/Ukraine war resulted in the BRICS nations coming together to de-dollarize? Not to mention they’re doing this as a direct result of OUR actions at the same time we’re already facing too much inflation due to the grifter politicians and the Federal Reserve banks. 

Since weaponizing the dollar it has only resulted in a boomerang effect driving more unnecessary inflation here in the United States while the GDP of the Russian economy grew 3.6% in 2023 following a contraction of 1.2% in 2022. (Source: Carnegie Endowment For International Peace

So here’s another question that the Vacuous American Minds should be asking. How is it that we weaponized our dollar with the intent on hurting Russia’s economy, yet the Russian economy is actually stronger now than it was in 2022? 

The short answer is that we’re all being ruled by our lessors, but let me follow this with another larger and more important question. Why are SO many American minds so Vacuous and not asking any of the questions that I’ve posed here in this episode in the first place? 

Ah, that’s why I titled today’s episode The Vacuous American Mind. 

The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

The answer to my last question has more to do with our educational and political culture. However, in terms of the political culture that has been dumbed down due to the information warfare being waged on our population, the enemy (Administrative State & CCP) has a dual set of targets with the two major segments of our population. 

One targeted segment of our population by the Administrative State Media (ASM) is the older segment of our population (the Boomers) and the other segment is the younger teenage segment being dumbed down primarily through online apps such as Tik Tok. 

As a result of this we have two opposite ends of our societal age spectrum that are the most vulnerable for aiding and abetting the rolling out of the red carpet for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Oh never mind, I know there have already been several Boomers to recently do just that in San Francisco when they cleaned up the streets,  moved out the homeless, and hung Chinese flags up everywhere with no Stars and Bars anywhere in sight to roll the red carpet out for the CCP dictator Xi Jinping. 

Not only did they do this for the dictator, but to make it worse hundreds of the biggest United States companies and their executives were there to show fealty to Xi as the CCP handles the manufacturing of these companies. 

If you can’t see that we are a captured nation by the CCP right now then you’re blind, however what infuriates me is the fact that people that should understand that this is the case are clueless as to WHY it is so. 

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The Chinese Water Torture Machine

“How did you go bankrupt? Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”--Ernest Hemingway

As the old saying goes when societies collapse it’s always a gradual start in the beginning and then suddenly at the end. 

In the 1892 short story known as The Compromiser the method of Chinese water torture is mentioned suggesting that there was some familiarity with this torture method at that point and time in history. (Source: Wikipedia

Essentially the process of Chinese water torture involves the use of a machine that drips water onto the head and/or scalp of a captive for prolonged periods of time causing an extreme psychotic break due to anxiety and fear from the relentless never ending annoyance of the dripping water. 

The pattern of the drops of water are really designed to be irregular so that the subject of the drip can’t fall into a more comfortable meditative state by trying to predict when the next drop may be falling. With the irregular drip pattern the process is said to create more anxiety in the subject that is the victim of the drip which eventually leads to a psychotic break in the individual. 

Apparently the process of causing this mental break can take place in a matter of several hours which may seem like an eternity to the subject, but in reality that is a very short period of time.  

Now you’re probably wondering, Brandon why are you telling me about Chinese water torture? 

The reason I’m telling you about it is because the methodology stood out to me regarding how the irregular cycle of the dripping water wouldn’t seem to be a big deal to a subject for a while until enough cumulative cycles of irregular drips had time to pan out. 

You see the same thing can be said for our society’s inability to pay attention to the reality of circumstances that are happening right in front of them. 

The reality I’m referring to is the slow creep of complacency and comfort over time that has in and of itself served to be a distraction and its own metaphorical form of Chinese water torture within the construct of the United States for many years now. 

Therefore, when someone like me (or perhaps you) comes along to point out the problems of our society and the things that serve to diminish yours and my freedoms it’s much harder to get people’s attention. 

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It seems that just like the subject in the Chinese water torture scenario that society also must experience more anxiety and discomfort over an extended period of time before society reaches its breaking point. 

Why do people not pay attention to the reality of what’s going on in front of them? Why does it take people having to get uncomfortable in life due to allowing big problems to fester instead of realizing that they need to start paying attention to the problems before they become so big that the point of no return is merely inches away? 

The answer is that the reason societies succumb to authoritarianism and totalitarianism is because the citizens get complacent allowing the creep of economic and bureaucratic enslavement to grow until this threshold reaches the point at which it breaks society…just like that last drip of water breaks the subject in the final agonizing moments of the Chinese water torture. 

The Wrap Up

The two big culprits consisting of the majority of the Vacuous American Minds that I referenced earlier including the youth being the target of Tik Tok and the Boomers being the target of the ASM lack a sound philosophical grounding of the world for the most part. 

I want to give the youth some grace as they were handed down more of a disaster from the Boomers where the Boomers were handed a wonderful environment of good times that many of them were able to cash in and grow on over the course of their lifetimes. 

However, now a large percentage of Boomers have succumbed to comfort and complacency and as a result lack a sound philosophical grounding of the environment. This is why we all find ourselves in the middle of a society that is in a total collapse with these people not even realizing the extent of it. 

This is why the Vacuous American Minds exist. 

This is why people don’t ask questions as to why inflation exists, why all of the ASM (FOX, CNN, MSNBC) are essentially the enemy of the people, and why it’s more important now than ever to get involved supporting alternative freedom first businesses. 

If you aren’t a victim of having a vacuous mind then ask yourself the following questions. 

What can I do to fight the current communist revolution? 

What congressmen have I contacted consistently to pressure to shut down the border and to cut federal spending? 

Do I know the difference between an establishment statist and a freedom first politician of which there currently aren’t many? 

What am I doing to support the freedom first movement? 

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Finding answers to these questions is exactly why this show exists. 

This all may sound challenging and a bit difficult, but do you know what’s considerably more difficult? Allowing your country to be taken over by totalitarian scumbags that want to destroy everything you hold sacred is considerably more difficult. 

Learning the answer to these questions and being a Zenith requires consistent discipline, focus, and effort which is exactly what it takes to win this war. 

This show exists to rid the majority of this country from falling victim to being a Vacuous American Mind.

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