The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey
The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey Podcast
The Devil's Trick
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -31:27

The Devil's Trick


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“The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.”

― Arthur Conan Doyle

For today’s episode I wanted to talk about a very unique and different type of subject.

As a general concern I have been feeling like this topic needs to be discussed because the frequency of this subject is only intensifying throughout our culture and media landscape to a noticeably high level. Because of this I feel like this is important for us to be aware of and to stay on guard regarding our faith in God and how we perceive this subject as it continues to bombard the public stage.

I wanted to lead off to clarify why I decided to talk about this particular subject because the reason that I decided to address this topic today is because the subject matter does impact the cultural, political landscape, and potentially even the spiritual landscape in a way unlike anything else.

This particular topic is one that has been present in the media and culture for quite some time, but has recently been picking up more and more momentum. As crazy as it may sound this particular topic has continued to escalate in terms of its presence in the culture so much that it has been addressed directly in front of congress, but the nature of the subject has always been cloaked in a shroud of mystery.

It’s because of the mystery that surrounds this subject that serves to be the reason I wanted to address it here in today’s episode to the best of my ability. The reason I say it that way is because the subject involves a lot of different possible hypotheses and theories that have been offered up to explain this unusual phenomenon, but despite this the mystery that surrounds it still remains.

With all of that being said I would like for today’s episode to be an exercise that both demonstrates the process of searching for the truth, as well as being a possible catalyst to foster a new methodology within yourself. The goal is that hopefully this new methodology will work to improve your own process for seeking out truth and knowledge by more effectively evaluating evidence that is presented to you. In simple terms, I hope this stimulates your creative process to help you to arrive at your own conclusions when it comes to any topic that is brought forth in the media.

My effort in discussing this is to simply offer my own interpretation as I currently see it and is merely a proposed interpretation of the subject, or a hypothesis if you will, to try and make sense of something that most everyone sees and understands to be an ongoing mystery. By the way, despite my proposed explanation here in this episode I also see this as an ongoing mystery myself.

So back in 1993 I saw a movie that was a bit disturbing. This particular film was disturbing because it was based on a true story which involved the story of Travis Walton and his experience involving alien abduction.

The name of the movie was Fire In The Sky and I remember when I saw this movie it wasn’t like any other movie that covered the topic of UFOs and aliens at that time. No, the thing that made this movie different was the more personalized experience and realistic nature of the story in the way it was presented.

The wild experience wasn’t just coming from Travis alone, but also directly involved other friends and coworkers of his that had allegedly witnessed a UFO ship in the middle of a forest region near where they were working on a logging job at the time. All of these other men were witnesses and present during the experience just before Travis was taken away by the UFO.

Now I’m not going to go too deep into the details of this movie, but if you haven’t seen this film it’s definitely worth the watch. You see, the real point I want to make about this film is that when it came out in 1993 to my memory there had not been any sort of movie that addressed the phenomenon of UFOs, or the existence of UFOs and aliens, in this sort of way. Travis Walton’s story of being abducted by aliens was a sort of perspective that personalized the experience in a way that I had not seen up until that point.

Now the movie Fire In The Sky was released on March 12, 1993, but this movie wouldn’t be the only form of entertainment to approach the UFO subject in the personalized manner that was so different from what the culture was used to seeing up until that point in time.

You see, after Fire In The Sky was released in March of 1993 it was only six months later that the hit TV series The X Files aired on Fox on September 10, 1993. This hit TV series in my view was also tremendously impactful on how the whole alien and UFO mystery was framed to the public in a way that changed a lot of people’s perspective on the topic.

In short, both the movie and the TV show changed the zeitgeist on the discussion surrounding UFOs and aliens in my personal opinion. The way these two pieces of entertainment came into the picture in 1993 to me almost seemed like something that was planned for that year to start shifting the public perception and acceptance of this phenomenon.

After all, ever since that year there’s been a steady escalation of other movies, TV shows, documentaries, books, and now news stories that dominate the media landscape concerning this phenomenon of UFOs and aliens. Now if we fast forward here to 2025 the conversation in relation to this topic on UFOs has started shifting to open up more about understanding human consciousness.

So What Is Consciousness

It seems like when it comes to the conversations associated with UFOs, aliens, and apparent alien encounters that the subject of consciousness seems to pop up a lot more often these days.

Human consciousness is defined as encompassing a person’s awareness and their perception of themselves, as well as the world around them. This also involves one’s own thoughts and feelings. It involves an individual’s ability to make sense of the environment around them by using their senses and mental powers in order to do so.

I will come back to address this topic of consciousness in a bit, but I wanted to lead off with it so that you could place it on a shelf in your mind as I work to navigate through the rest of this episode. So for the time being please keep the thought of consciousness at arm’s length as I work through the rest of this topic.

Just recently I was watching the Shawn Ryan Show and there were two different interviews that he did that helped me to formulate a hypothesis on what UFOs and aliens could potentially be. Now keep in mind that it wasn’t these two interviews alone that led me to what I’m about to tell you. However, both of these interviews were sort of missing ingredients to a larger whole that I didn’t realize I had been piecing together inside my head over the course of many years of me thinking and observing various content related to this subject.

Now I’m certainly no UFO expert and I’m not a Biblical scholar, but I do study the Bible and have an obvious interest in both topics. Personally I will say that since I had been an individual that had distanced myself from God over the course of my adult life I just recently in the past year recommitted my life to God. For me Jesus is my Lord and savior and I’m eternally grateful for that. That’s been a huge blessing for me and was something that was long overdue.

However, because of this very needed and immensely positive change in my life I am currently in a phase of my life where I study the Bible weekly. I joined a Bible study group from my church and it’s been an incredible experience in actually learning about the Bible. I have learned a lot about it, but believe me there’s a whole lot more to learn.

Now having said that I’ve also always had a genuine interest, or perhaps I should say that I have always been intrigued by stories revolving around UFOs as well. This has especially been the case since the release of Fire In The Sky and The X Files.

Now I wanted to share all of that to give you a little insight on why I am talking about this subject and how I formulated this layman hypothesis that I’m about to share with you here and how it came about in terms of being the motivation for this episode.

So I want to take a moment to jump back to what I saw on the Shawn Ryan Show that triggered the motivation for this subject here today.

The two people that Shawn interviewed both had an interesting take concerning their opinions and experiences surrounding the UFO and alien phenomenon.

The first interview I want to mention that really triggered an Ah ha moment for me was when I heard Tucker Carlson’s explanation to Shawn when talking about his own hypothesis as to what these phenomena could actually be. When asked about whether he was still pursuing any other information regarding UFOs and aliens Tucker basically said he no longer had a desire to because he believed he had figured out what it was.

Now that statement by itself almost caused me to spit my coffee out through my nose when I initially heard it. It was such a bold statement that I couldn’t wait to hear what type of answer he was about to share and to me it was definitely an interesting response.

Now to be fair Tucker was speaking purely from his own personal opinion on the matter and was very upfront about that along with the fact that he said that this wasn’t something that he could prove, but that it was basically the conclusion that he had arrived at regarding the phenomenon of UFOs and aliens.

Now I’m going to shorten and condense his response because it was a bit lengthy, but it made perfect sense to me as he broke it down for Shawn Ryan.

Tucker prefaced his response by first stating that, like myself, he was also a Christian and that Jesus is also his Lord and Savior. This was important to state because understanding this would also be tied directly to his answer.

In Tucker’s opinion, after having talked to a lot of people on the subject as he described it, there were many people that were a lot closer to this situation than he ever was that helped him to formulate his hypothesis regarding the existence of UFOs and aliens.

Now I’ve discussed some of the details of Tucker’s interview on an earlier episode, but I will recap some of the details of that here to bring you up to speed if you haven’t read, or listened to my previous episode titled Discernment.

In his explanation regarding what he thinks they could be, he stated that he believed that it was a very old story.

He then referenced all the people he had spoken to regarding this subject of UFOs and aliens. He mentioned that he had spoken to people that he believed knew a lot about a lot of things and that he was shocked at what he learned from what he would consider to be credible people.

After Shawn pressed him a bit more he went on to talk about spiritual warfare and how human beings are the only species that basically do unnatural things that involve self-destruction. As an example of this he spoke about how humans will at times either individually, or as a society at large, engage in activities to kill themselves in one way or another and will do so either fast or slow.

For added clarity he pointed to the fact that in nature that animals never behaved in a way that would act against their own self-interests and then pointed out how humans are the only species to do this. Tucker was making the point that since humans typically act in unnatural ways that this suggests that humans are subject to supernatural influence. To me this was a salient point by Tucker.

He then went on to talk about how both in Christianity and other belief systems across the world that there was always a common theme involving a spiritual being that would manifest in human form here on earth with Jesus in Christianity obviously being the most famous.

Given this detail and the various themes of the world’s belief systems, as well as, the mention of the men of renown in Genesis 6 Tucker stated that this was what he believed we were dealing with in regards to the UFO sightings and the possibility of what we often refer to as alien life.

Now given the fact that Tucker mentioned Genesis 6 this really stood out to me. In my view Genesis 6 is a very mysterious passage, or to be more specific, it was Genesis 6:4.

There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

Now when you hear that verse it’s understandable how it could completely flip the narrative of what alien life has traditionally been explained to be. In other words, it’s been largely assumed that alien life and UFOs have been extraterrestrial. Essentially this means that they were from somewhere else outside of earth.

However, in Tucker’s view perhaps we have this backwards concerning the origin of what these aliens could actually be. In other words, many have assumed for years that these beings were coming from somewhere outside of earth, but could Genesis 6 suggest that they were always here?

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I’ll admit that when I heard this explanation from Tucker it immediately pulled me over into his camp with bringing a more sound explanation as to what the UFO and alien mystery may actually be.

In addition to this I would also remind you that for the last 80 years the government has been in complete denial of the existence of aliens and UFOs. I mean for most of my life anytime I’d hear a story of someone who tried to talk about their experience, or encounter, with UFOs they would quickly be dismissed as a nut, or as being a good ole conspiracy theorists.

However, now all the sudden the government is admitting that there is something that is unexplainable out there that people are experiencing. To go even further now our own military has released videos of what they refer to as UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon).

So understanding how the government has traditionally responded to UFO claims compared to today what changed? In other words, why did they deny the existence of UFOs for so long, but now all the sudden they’re admitting to something being out there that we cannot explain? In addition to this, why did they change the name from UFO to UAP?

When referencing that last question I know there’s another explanation associated with that, but I don’t want to get into that in today’s episode. Perhaps that’s something I’ll address in the comments below this episode if you’d like me to elaborate a bit further on that.

Regardless, the point here is that the government has lied to yours and my face now about a number of major societal issues ranging from the origin of COVID-19, to having secure elections, to inflation being transitory, to Biden being razor sharp with his mental health, to the economy being in good shape, etc. Now they’ve lied to the public with their denial of the existence of UFOs for the better part of eight decades to now all the sudden admit that there is something that exists that they allegedly cannot explain. Let that sink in for a moment.

Tucker also made this very point in his interview with Shawn Ryan. He also made another chilling point that followed this same pattern involving the behavior of government denial in regards to this whole UFO and alien phenomenon.

Tucker also pointed out that even though the government is now admitting to the possibility of some advanced technology existing and that there is something that’s out there flying around, he also said that the thing that they ARE denying is that these things are supernatural.

This was a red flag in my view because they denied the very existence of these things for 80 years only to now admit that there’s something unexplainable going on. However, as Tucker points out they’re now denying that aliens could be supernatural. Think about that for a moment.

The other interview that I saw on the Shawn Ryan Show that really helped to contribute to triggering this hypothesis that I’m going to share with you here in a bit was with Diana Pasulka.

Diana Pasulka is a writer and professor of religious studies at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. She’s published several books and has also studied and worked with people connected to the NASA program in her study of UFO and Non-human intelligence.

In her interview with Shawn there were a lot of interesting things brought up in their discussion. I’m not going to summarize the whole interview, but during the interview she went through her history in her study of religion and explained how she got roped into the UFO phenomenon.

At this point Diana mentioned that she had encountered an individual who she couldn’t name that had been directly connected with NASA for a very long time. She couldn’t say his name, but she used an alias and called him Tyler.

In her talk with Shawn she had covered a variety of things concerning the topic of UFOs and aliens and then went on to elaborate on her working experience with this individual from NASA. It was during this time that she said she had resisted working with Tyler for a while because she understood that doing so would profoundly change her life and according to Diana her prediction was accurate.

She was explaining that at one point during her work, Tyler looked at her and made the observation that she wasn’t a believer in UFOs. When she responded by telling him that she was a skeptic he then said that they were going to change that.

According to Diana this is what led him to allegedly taking her and a colleague to a UFO crash site to see evidence of some things that were intended to change her mind. She said that she did see a lot of things that she couldn't talk about, but elaborated more on the things that she could talk about.

Given her deep background on religious history she also talked about the supernatural component to what aliens could be. She spoke about how she and Tyler had previously visited the Vatican and had studied materials there that pointed to historical angelic encounters which could point to a more detailed explanation of UFOs and aliens.

It was at this point after she had discussed angels, demons, and wrecked aircraft of some kind that Shawn asked her a very obvious and brilliant question. He basically pointed out that in their conversation that they had jumped from talking about spiritual beings to talking about the nuts and bolts of a wrecked aircraft.

Given this information he wanted to know what did all of this mean? In other words, he was basically making the key observation by asking the question as to whether these spiritual beings were using mechanical aircraft to travel. Shawn was basically wanting to try to make sense of the discussion by making this observation.

However, Diana’s response to this was interesting.

She said that she didn’t know for sure, but that the UFOs definitely had a spiritual component to them. She then went on to frame the discussion in a different way by pointing out that when we produce a thought in our minds that we tend to think of our thoughts as being something that is nonphysical.

However, she went on to elaborate how material and spiritual parts may be connected. To elaborate on this she mentioned some work that was done with a computer and brain interface system with a study that was produced at the University of Washington.

In this exercise she was explaining how the technology allowed those people performing the experiment to see what a person was actually thinking. She used the example that if an individual was connected to the computer and thinking of a dog that the computer screen would show a picture of a dog from the person that it was connected to.

So in this scenario Diana was making the point that they have traditionally been able to read brain waves, but now they were able to take this to the next level by reading actual thoughts to produce images. Because of this she pointed out how our traditional views concerning how our thoughts are supposed to be these subjective private immaterial things are no longer that. However, from here she was saying that the potential to go further seems almost limitless and that we all could easily see the direction that we’re going with this concerning the likes of Elon Musk and his Neuralink program.

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So in my view this is exactly where the whole thought process concerning consciousness comes into the equation. Now understanding the power of our thoughts it seems to me that spiritually speaking that we are like antennas that pick up different signals from another realm.

To use myself as an example whenever I’m suffering from a lack of creativity and really need additional guidance and additional creativity for a topic to write in order to create an episode such as this one I simply pray about it. With my hand to God, He always provides the ideas and I just work really hard in trying not to screw up the message he’s sending me.

This is an important point to make because this is what I mean by being like an antenna and being able to pick up signals from another realm, or being, which I personally believe are actually the origin of our thoughts. The question is are our thoughts being transmitted to us by an evil entity, or an entity of good?

As I stated earlier I’m still learning about the Bible, but to my understanding for demonic spirits to manifest in this realm they must possess a vessel of some kind. I believe that such a vessel traditionally has been understood to be either a human or an animal. Once again, I’m still learning and if I’m incorrect on this then I’ll stand corrected, but I’m simply offering a working hypothesis here to try and make sense of all of this shortly so please stick with me on it.

Now to elaborate further on this as a Christian I can tell you that all Christians believe that once saved by Jesus that we are indwelled with the Holy Spirit. Because of this we know that a demon cannot indwell us because we’re already indwelled with the Holy Spirit. In addition to this the Holy Spirit functions like a life coach to help us daily by guiding our decisions. In my belief this is how we’ve been able to fuel this Great Awakening with a vanguard of new thought leaders and the growing presence of the Lord working throughout our society and culture.

Now don’t get me wrong, we're all human and we do make mistakes. However, the Holy Spirit is there to guide those who are truly saved by God’s grace so to me this is who is transmitting a signal to us when we have our thoughts.

On the flipside, we do live in a fallen world where fallen angels roam this earth looking to destroy and for those who are not saved then there’s a chance that they could be susceptible to receiving a signal from a demonic entity. Both saved and unsaved people are subject to demonic attacks. Now this is just my interpretation on the origin of our thoughts and how human consciousness may actually function, but it expands further from here.

The Wrap Up

To elaborate further on this, with Shawn’s help, Diana was alluding to the fact that perhaps there was a spiritual component to the mechanical parts of the UFO craft.

When she made that statement I had an idea to come to mind. When she and Shawn were talking about consciousness Diana explained how our thoughts could be more than these immaterial ideas floating around inside our heads.

Her suggestion was that we could use our consciousness to manifest our thoughts into a physical reality. In the interview Shawn himself actually said that within the context of their discussion and Diana actually backed that up with the experiment of the computer and brain interface that she referenced with the University of Washington experiment.

Given this explanation from Diana and Shawn it got me thinking about how thoughts could be manifested into a physical thing. It got me thinking that if us humans are capable of manifesting our thoughts into physical reality I started wondering if those thoughts that come from supernatural beings could be manifested into reality.

In other words, if we regard supernatural beings as being living things, and if living beings are able to have thoughts themselves, then could we presume that they have manufactured another physical vessel to occupy in what we have come to recognize today as UFOs?

After all, when Genesis 6 references the mighty men who were of old, men of renown that term renown means that these were men that were famous and widely acclaimed. However, I wonder what were they famous for?

In other words, did they possess certain knowledge, or perhaps technology in those days that they were using prior to the flood?

Were they sharing this type of knowledge with mankind in a way that was displeasing and nefarious in the eyes of God as part of the evil that God saw in the hearts of men in those days?

Could everything we’ve been experiencing as a society concerning UFOs and aliens simply be part of the devil’s trick, or is it something else entirely?

I’d love to hear your feedback on this one so please feel free to drop a comment in the section below.

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