The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey
The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey Podcast
The Artifice of Deception

The Artifice of Deception


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“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist”—Charles Baudelaire

“The second greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is the good guy”—Ken Ammi”

I’ve opened an older episode with both of those previous quotes, but given today’s topic of discussion it’s well worth repeating. 

So, I want to begin today’s episode by asking you a very important question. So who are you? 

I mean if I had just walked into the room to extend my hand to shake yours and while standing in front of you asked you to tell me about yourself what would you say? 

In other words, what makes up the individual known as insert your name here. 

I wanted to ask this question because I really want to put you into a certain frame of mind to think about what I’m asking because when you look at society today it’s clear to me that there’s a significant portion of our population that doesn’t seem to know who they are, or what they stand for. 

You’re probably thinking Brandon, what exactly do you mean? 

I want to take a moment to elaborate a bit further on this. For starters, let’s take a look at this identity crisis that we’re currently faced with as a nation, especially when looking at all the riots that people frequently refer to as protests that have exploded on the scene since the summer of love back in 2020. 

When you look at these manufactured crises that revolve around groups of people wearing the mask of a victim, but are in reality professional victimists then it’s easy to observe that we have a crisis of identity as a nation, at least with these sub-groups that want to play the role of the victimist. 

Granted, you may be sober enough in your observation of reality to explain this away by saying Well, Brandon many of those rioters are paid professional protesters. 

In this sort of analysis I’d be quick to give you credit, however I’d also add on by asking the obvious question: How did we end up as a society where paid protestors and rioters are an acceptable form of political action in the first place? 

In other words, if you have a genuine group of protestors that have a grievance with the government and in a natural grassroots sort of way manage to organize for their cause it’s one thing. 

However, if you have some group of organizers that come together to protest some grievance, especially if it’s centered around a manufactured lie, and they start getting out of control with rioting all while being driven to their posts by some sort of dark money group that hired them in the first place then this is a symptom of a society with an identity crisis. To clarify, I would view this as being a loss of identity due to being a society that deems funding protests and riots acceptable by the mere fact that the occurrence of those paid riots and protests are allowed to persist in an ongoing continual fashion. 

This loss of identity is a significant problem and is a direct cause of division resulting in groups within our societal population adopting destructive beliefs which are based on lies. In short, whether we’re dealing with fake protestors that are hired by some corrupt political organization, or not, the fact that it’s a thing that exists within the construct of our society at the scale that it does in the first place is a huge problem. 

Taking on the role of the victimist and screaming about a manufactured injustice where the truth is distorted, or is based on an outright lie, basically boils down to the artifice of deception

A few of these examples can be seen with the likes of BLM, Antifa, and now with the pro-Palestinan movements raging across college campuses.

In fact, many of the pro-Palestinian protestors are being funded by some of Biden’s biggest campaign donators ranging from Soros, to Rockefeller, and Pritzker. The Tides Foundation has been one of the biggest organizers of the protests at Columbia University which is seeded directly by Democratic mega donor George Soros. (Source: Politico) For those who may object to this, these sources of the funding of these groups go back many years and can be found in multiple media outlets. 

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Rest Assured That Nothing Is Wrong

Ronald Reagan famously uttered the Russian proverb to Mikhail Gorbachev in a meeting in 1987 where he said doveryay, no proveryay. In my attempt to pronounce this statement in Russian I want my Russian friends to know that I’m doing my best to honor the statement even though my pronunciation may not be the greatest. Regardless, the meaning of this wise proverb translates into Trust, but verify. 

Now when you hear such a statement this seems like a very common sense and practical proverb for each of us to take ownership of in our daily lives, yet as a society we have clearly not bought into this wisdom. 

I know many people would end with that last statement, but I’m going to be specific because as individuals we should all seek to understand why and how things have gotten so absurd by understanding how to understand every decision that is put in front of us. 

For instance, there have been numerous societal destroying policies and laws that we (as a society) have embraced and never even questioned, or never challenged to any significant level that would result in any rabid political upheaval. Now when I use the phrase rabid political upheaval I’m talking about the sort of challenge that would threaten real change, or a significant breakaway from the status quo. 

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So what is a good example of this? 

A good example would be the creation of two of the most destructive policies the country has ever witnessed in the Federal Reserve Banking System and the federal income tax. 

With the implementation of these two sovereignty ending policies our country started its decline all the way back in 1913 when both of these destructive institutionalized policies were allowed to come into existence. 

On a side note I don’t believe it was a coincidence that these two institutions came to be in the same year back in 1913. 

Regardless, the habit of not questioning policies, business decisions, and laws seems to be a pervasive flaw and fundamental repetitive mistake in many people nowadays in the west.

For instance, why was the Federal Reserve banking system created? Well according to the Board of Governors of The Federal Reserve System it was created by the Congress to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system. (Source: The Federal Reserve)

Now with such a statement coming directly from the horse’s mouth I’d like to ask a simple question that I’m also wondering if anyone else bothered asking at the time they were considering this. 

If such a system exists then HOW EXACTLY would it make the banking of the nation’s monetary and financial system MORE stable? 

For instance, does that mean that if there’s a shortfall concerning the money supply for any given reason that this banking system could simply print more dollars to cover that shortfall? If this is the case then how is that working out for us RIGHT NOW?

Furthermore, it’s obvious that such a system served as the perfect opportunity to centralize the banking and monetary supply of the nation. Even if you knew nothing else regarding monetary theory, or anything about the banking industry, that last reason on its face seems to be a horrible idea.  

The same thing goes for the federal income tax as it makes zero sense to me to tax your income. 

So let’s think this through for a moment. In the world of behavioral psychology the thought process that is known as positive reinforcement means that if you perform a desired deed that you are then rewarded for having performed that desired deed. In simple terms the desired behavior is reinforced with the reward with the intent that you will repeat said desired behavior. The opposite of this is what is known as negative reinforcement. 

However, when it comes to you making money in a so-called free market system like we have today then there’s no reward, or positive reinforcement,  for you making more money. This is the case because the tax code punishes you for making more money by taking more of the money you earn. This happens because as your income rises higher then you will be placed into a HIGHER percentage tax bracket resulting in a bigger and bigger tax penalty that you will be responsible for. 

This is so bad now that the incentive for making more money is discouraging business owners to make more money, therefore this is literally resulting in a self-propagating system for decreasing the amount of tax revenue that is coming into the federal government. In other words, businesses and individuals aren’t generating enough revenue to meet the tax payments which is resulting in less and less tax dollars flowing into the Department of the Treasury. 

In addition to all of this the Federal Reserve banking system continues to print more money causing inflation and your tax dollars are being used to fund endless wars that are resulting in more and more human casualty and we’re literally walking into the beginning phase of WWIII. 

However, I’m sure you (I’m referring to society at large) can take their word for it once again when they say rest assured that nothing is wrong. I’m sure we all can feel good about the fact that yours and my tax dollars are just used for endless wars that never serve the national security interests of the United States. After all, that’s just the way it is, right? 

I’ve always despised that phrase: That’s just the way it is. No, most things are NOT just the way they are without cause. Things are never just the way they are without the actions of humans. Things are ONLY the way they are because we as a society accept them to be the way they are. Furthermore, we should NOT be accepting that our government has been infiltrated by communists that are abusing us and the rest of the world by weaponizing our own tax dollars against us. 

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The Institutional Infection of Idiocy 

Given the state of today’s world I have personally come to despise the framing of the following fable and I’ll explain why after going through it here first. 

The Fable of The Donkey and The Tiger

The Donkey said to the Tiger, “The grass is blue.”

The Tiger replied, “No, the grass is green.”

The discussion heated up and the two decided to go before the Lion, the King of the jungle.

The Donkey began to shout, “Your highness, is it true that the grass is blue?”

The Lion replied, “If you believe that it’s true, then the grass is blue.”

The Donkey continued, “The Tiger disagrees with me, contradicts and annoys me. Please punish him.”

The King declared, “The Tiger will be punished with five years of silence.”

The Donkey jumped cheerfully and went on his way.

The Tiger accepted his punishment, but before he left he asked the Lion, “Why have you punished me? After all, the grass is green.”

The Lion replied, “In fact, the grass is green.”

The Tiger asked, “So, why are you punishing me?”

The Lion replied, “That has nothing to do with the question of whether or not the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is not logical for an intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey. And on top of that, come and bother me with a question like that.

The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who does not care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions.” (Source: Medium)

Now after covering this fable I completely understand the point of this lesson by communicating the fact that it’s a waste of energy and time to argue with a fool in most cases. That’s the obvious lesson here, however in the context of the current world we live in I want to point to a deeper flaw concerning the application of this fable that we can all draw from when applying it to the current environmental circumstances that we are literally seeing play out right in front of us on a daily basis. 

So why do I despise the framing of this particular fable? 

To clarify, the tiger did make a mistake deciding to argue with the donkey in this particular circumstance. However, the problem here wasn’t the fact that the tiger was arguing with the donkey. The problem was the fact that the tiger decided to argue with the donkey about the ridiculous topic concerning the color of the grass. 

In other words, as stupid as the donkey was in this fable, the nature of the argument itself regarding the color of the grass was really the only stupid mistake committed by the tiger. 

So you’re probably thinking Brandon, what exactly do you mean? 

For starters, consider all of the variables being the same here in this story with only one exception. Let’s assume that exception was the nature of the argument itself regarding the color of the grass. In other words, what if the tiger were arguing something just as obvious as green grass, but much more serious in terms of its nature and outcome? 

After all, if the foolish donkey in this case will argue to the bitter end regarding the color of the grass being blue when it is actually green then is it too far-fetched to assume that the metaphorical donkeys (in everyday life) in this case would argue something more serious with bigger consequences such as mugging the tiger at gunpoint? 

I mean even if we take this scenario and apply it to the reality of our modern day culture and the tiger had video evidence clearly showing the donkey mugging him at gunpoint you know for a fact the donkey would argue his innocence. We see this today with many metaphorical donkeys committing crimes across the country at an alarming rate. 

In addition to this, the other detail about this fable that irritates me to the core involved the actions of the lion in this case. After all, in this fable the lion is the authority figure and as the authority figure the lion is advising the tiger not to argue with the donkey because it’s a waste of his time for the tiger to bring such a trivial matter to him. 

However, in this case the lion, as the authority figure, knew the donkey was a fool and not only did he reward the donkey for his absurdly stupid behavior of being foolish, but he agreed with the donkey’s lie that the grass was blue, and then gave the impression to the donkey that he was going to punish the tiger for believing otherwise, therefore positively reinforcing the donkey’s behavior.  

So in this fable we can also see a clear picture of an authority figure not tolerating an absurd argument over what the color of grass is between the donkey and the tiger. However, to make this matter worse he, as the authority figure, sides with the lying fool and then proceeds to reward that lying fool for his stupidity while simultaneously scolding the truth teller (the tiger). Does any of this sound familiar in our current societal dilemma?  

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Once again, let’s assume all the variables here in the story were the same with the exception of substituting the argument of the color of grass with the scenario of whether or not the donkey had mugged the tiger at gunpoint. 

Now given this scenario would the tiger arguing his case with the fool mugging him at gunpoint be a foolish act? Clearly it would not be because the stakes are much higher. In this modified scenario using the same exact logic as this fable it’s now easy to understand how the tiger wouldn’t have a choice. 

However, we’re seeing the same absurd things play out in our justice system right now in the real world with the Soviet show trials that our authority figures just put President Trump through. After all, here in the real world the donkeys are making up the evidence and the crimes as they go along and the authority figures are rewarding them for doing so. 

“Show me the man, I’ll find you the crime.” –Lavrenty Beria

Just to inject a bit of history, keep in mind that under Josef Stalin Lavrenty Beria was the chief of the Soviet secret police. Beria was famous for putting Stalin’s suspected opponents through show trials before sending them off to the gulags for their then-shortened lives. (Source: White Mountain Independent)

Like the tiger in the fable, could President Trump have made a mistake here and there regarding his language and some of the fights he chose to engage in? Maybe, but does he have a choice? 

I mean to me this fable also clearly illustrates the problems within our current culture caused by the steady degradation of our institutions of authority consistently and gradually rewarding idiocy over time.  

Now it’s gotten so bad that the donkeys have overrun the lions within these institutions and are using the institutions to enforce their foolish beliefs concerning the color of the grass being blue, along with redefining men as women, and redefining women as men, and so on.  

They’re also denying the fact that they are siding with the muggers of reality as they constantly side with these metaphorical donkeys in society. 

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The Wrap Up

I fully understand the intent of the fable about not arguing with a donkey, but the way it is framed also illustrates in a very clear way the problem with authority figures siding with the foolish people within society. 

This in turn creates a voting base and institutional breeding ground for morons. In the current real world this has led these morons to run society as they see fit and that means that the grass can be blue, or that 2+2=5.

The steady growing problem here in the West is that we’ve allowed the rewarding of foolishness to grow over time and to make it worse we’ve even financed it in many ways. A few examples involve doing this in the form of DEI, ESG, and other Marxist artifices of deception

By doing this slowly over time our society has been engaging in a death by a thousand cuts scenario by flippantly allowing the authority figures to reward the metaphorical donkeys over time while never considering the risk of ruin. 

When looking at making a decision on any investment one must always consider the risk of ruin. In other words, by putting your money and reward into a venture you should weigh out and assess how much you can live with potentially losing. . 

In other words, could the investment we choose cost us more than we are able to make back, or is there another form of acceptable loss should the investment be a bad one? 

After this episode I’d think it would be very clear that rewarding foolishness and failing to question things more deeply to identify these stupid investments and these artifices of deception are costing us more than we can ever make back.

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