Jun 20Liked by Brandon Richey

The moral of the story is that insanity can't be restrained. It is what it is. Like the murderer, it can only be stopped by death. Do we bomb hundreds of thousands of civilians or do we kill Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and Hirohito? Well, who did we? Were we as insane as the were? Obviously, we were--and are. We still think regicide is wrong and killing millions of civilians is right and honorable. We still believe the king, the president, the ruler by any other name represents God. To be human is to be insane.

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I agree that man is flawed. We live in an imperfect world, however there have been moments in history where the world wasn't burning at the level that it is now.

As you clearly put it our insanity is obvious, but it currently seems to be spiraling out of control on a global scale.

Perhaps it will, or perhaps we can all tap in to what God has tasked us with in this time in which we live to change the course of history by being more like the Lion of Judah and less like the lion in this fable.

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Of course, the lion and the tiger should kill the donkey, or at least rip its tongue out. What's really stopping them? The elephant?

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Yes, I believe we have fallen in society due to the fact that we have rewarded moronic behavior for far too long. The proof of that can be seen with all the diplomas that go out at universities, yet year after year the country declines further and further.

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And the elephant in the room, the RINOs, deserve a lot of the blame.

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1000%. The Paul Ryan's and Mitch McConnell's of the world should be unemployed forever.

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