The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey
The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey Podcast



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“What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting.”

― Frank Herbert, Dune

In a world where the communist media will twist the meaning and literally change the definition of words on the spot in order to dodge the responsibility of being completely wrong on just about every issue you have to know that precision with information and knowledge is significant.  

So what do I mean when I say that precision matters with information and knowledge? 

That statement is pretty self-explanatory, but to give you an example it boils down to the simple idea of having your ducks in a row and possessing the ability to back up your argument when you find yourself in a situation where you need to take a stand. 

In this day and age the war isn’t a political debate, but rather the difference between knowing how to discern between the truth and the lies. When making your stand for the truth you’ve got to be armed with knowledge so that you don’t only defeat that communist opposition, but that in your victory you also salt the earth around it. 

For far too long now we, as citizens, have allowed the steady and persistent growth and expansion of the federal government which has brought us to this current point in time. We are approaching a point of critical mass with a flashpoint that will send our country in one of two directions. As I’m working to write and record this very episode I recognize that we have officially lost this United States Republic to fascists and communists that want to run this country completely into the ground once and for all. 

That’s right, you might not like hearing this, but the REALITY is that we are in the middle of a war. Yes, I said WAR because this is a literal cultural, political, economic, and sovereignty war where you aren’t looking at simply choosing between two personalities this coming November. If that’s the way you see this current dilemma then you don’t see the reality of what’s going on at all.  

If you love this country the way I do, trust me I know how you feel. It’s a disgusting and completely infuriating scenario that all of us currently find ourselves in, especially if you have an appreciation of liberty and possess the capacity to understand what freedom truly is in the first place. I have to say it like that because it’s clear to me that those people who do not understand the true meaning of freedom are those communists you see on the television standing behind Kamala Harris (that would be the non-AI generated people) whenever she’s on TV espousing her communist beliefs while using Marxist lingo such as equity and inclusion.  

The reality of seeing this disaster unfold everyday now during this campaign season is on the one hand quite shocking to see, but at the same time, it isn’t so shocking to see. In other words, I’ve already stated that we’ve gradually allowed the trajectory of the growth and expansion of the federal government to continue unabated now for many decades. 

You may be wondering Brandon, how many decades are you talking about? I’d say it’s very clear that this all started back in 1933 when Franklin D. Roosevelt lit the fuse on his New Deal campaign during The Great Depression. 

Yes, I place a ton of blame on FDR for having kicked off this game of misery that we’re currently seeing unfold right in front of us. As I’ve already stated we have reached the point of societal critical mass with the steady expansion of this disastrous socialist/communist experiment that’s leading us fast towards a day of destruction.  

The Silver Bullet

Now I want to shift gears really hard to make another point. Granted we have lost the country to the communist werewolf. HOWEVER we have been given one more silver bullet to load into the chamber of the gun of liberty and freedom and that silver bullet comes in the form of a vote for Donald J. Trump and every MAGA Republican down ballot in every state this November. 

You may still be wondering what it was that I meant when I said that if you’re looking at this coming election as solely being a choice between two personalities including Donald Trump and Kamala Harris that you don’t see the reality of what’s going on. Quite honestly if you need clarification at this point I'm a bit aggravated that you would because this choice isn’t solely between two personalities or two parties or two politicians. This choice is literally between whether this Republic will be saved, or whether it will be destroyed forever. 

History has shown over and over again that when a country collapses its currency it cannot sustain itself. History has shown over and over again that when a country has no borders it cannot sustain itself. History has shown over and over again that when a country engages in endless wars it cannot sustain itself. History has shown over and over again that when a country fails to protect its own citizens that it cannot sustain itself. 

Many countries that have either met a brutal end, or have gone through brutal and turbulent times have all been faced with at least one of the previous problems that I just listed out. However, the other significant civilization that had to deal with ALL of those problems that I listed out at the same time was the Roman Empire. Of course we all know what happened to the Roman Empire, but just in case you don’t, it fell.

Now that we’ve established that fact, guess what other country is having to deal with all of those problems at the same time. If you guessed the United States of America you’d be correct. 

The United States is also dealing with ALL of these problems at the same time and of the three personalities that are on the election ballot ONLY one of those individuals has reversed these problems, and ONLY one has been responsible for causing these current problems. Take a wild guess at which candidate was responsible for which outcome. 

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Just in case you didn’t know this the United States Federal government spent $6.13 trillion in FY 2022. According to the U.S. Treasury Fiscal Data this means federal spending was equal to 23% of the total gross domestic product (GDP), or economic activity, of the United States that year. So 23% of our country’s entire GDP is made up entirely of the federal government according to this source.  

Just to give you some perspective on that, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that prides itself as being a complete totalitarian communist police state regime only makes 10% more in spending with their government being about 33% of the country’s GDP according to the International Monetary Fund.

However, even with these numbers that I just sourced from the U.S. Treasury and the International Monetary Fund I’m still very skeptical these days since so many major institutions have been commandeered by the Administrative State. With that being said PhD Economist and  Dean of the school of business at Liberty University Dr. Dave Brat recently posted on his GETTR social media some numbers that paint a different picture as recently as 2017. 

Dave Brat points to the U.S. government having a bigger government than the Chinese Communist Party with the CCP’s share of GDP being around 14% and the U.S. Federal Government being around 18%. Keep in mind the United States is supposed to be freer than the CCP. 

Because of this it’s no wonder we are sitting here with the country being lost to the communists because the federal government has expanded to the point that it’s serving to be more of a command and control government rather than a government for the people and by the people as it was intended. 

At this point it’s undeniable to anyone with a single functioning brain cell to understand that this current public/private partnership is at a breaking point and is unsustainable as it currently stands. Therefore come November the country will either be won back, or it will be lost to the communist regime forever. 

There’s no middle ground with this at this stage in history. You’re literally faced with a binary option in this political cycle and anyone who tries to say differently doesn’t have a handle on history and/or human nature. Furthermore, people that want to make this about political personalities at this point and complain about the politicians insulting one another are just fundamentally unserious citizens…if they even happen to be voting citizens in the first place. 

I mean as I’m relaying this message to you right this very minute I just shared a video to my Facebook and Substack Notes social media where the United Kingdom authorities are literally threatening to go after people for social media posts that are made online even if they’re made from someone outside the country. 

That’s right, the British Senior Police officer and little police commissioner Mark Peter Rowley issued a statement to Sky News stating that they would be using the full extent of the law to extradite anyone who they deemed to be a threat for inciting violence. He went on to explain that this would involve anyone who they might recognize as being a provocative individual in fueling the riots in the UK from online social media posts. You can view Rowley’s communist threat on video by following the link that I’m including here

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Your Duty As a Citizen and Salting The Earth

It’s not a mystery to most people that the Roman Empire was absolutely huge at its peak, covering nearly 1.9 million square miles of territory and it spanned across three continents. For an ancient civilization this was truly remarkable. 

With that being said, as big and as powerful as the Roman Empire was in its day there was one other rival that did manage to send a chill down the spine of the Roman Empire and they certainly would prove to be a formidable opponent as they would war with the Empire on three different occasions. 

This opponent to the Roman Empire would be Carthage which was an ancient city located on the coast of modern Tunisia. Carthage was also a powerhouse as they were a powerful center for trade and commerce controlling much of the Western Mediterranean. 

However, like most other powerful civilizations and countries their rise to power would end up placing Carthage on a heavyweight collision course with the Roman Empire. This massive conflict between Carthage and Rome would result in the Punic Wars which involved three wars spanning from 264 to 146 BC and would involve 43 years of war between them. (Source: History Skills)

In the first Punic War this conflict took place between 264 and 241 BCE and was centered around who could take control over the island of Sicily. Rome would end up being victorious in gaining control over the island, but the animosity between Carthage and Rome continued to run hot. 

The second Punic War was fought between 218 and 201 BCE and in this the Carthaginian general Hannibal took some time to build up an army and made a keen observation about Rome. Hannibal recognized that the Roman Empire was great at winning battles off the mainland outside of Italy, but also recognized that they hadn’t really been tested inside of Italy.

Because of this Hannibal decided to march directly into the heart of Italy and almost defeated Rome. Even though they were teetering on defeat Rome would manage to emerge victorious due to the drain on manpower and supplies from Hannibal’s army previously having to traverse some very turbulent and challenging terrain from their very long march into the mainland to do battle.    

As a result of this victory Rome would impose some harsh terms on Carthage including large payments for indemnity along with ceding over much of its large territory. This would end up setting the stage for the third and final Punic War. 

The third Punic War was fought between 149 and 146 BCE and this war was a result of tensions that had been mounting from the previous two wars, but this time Rome would seek to destroy Carthage once and for all. 

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This war would begin with Rome going in to lay siege to Carthage and even still this would end up taking several years before the city was completely taken and destroyed. 

Scipio Aemilianus was the ruthless Roman general that led Rome into Carthage eventually resulting in the conquest of the city and ensuring that every last Carthegenian was either killed or sold into slavery. 

This war resulted in the complete end of Carthage and many years of wars that put the Roman Empire to the test.

So now you may be wondering why it is that I chose to give you a brief breakdown in the history of the Punic Wars. 

Well it’s no secret that the Roman Empire was one of the most powerful ancient civilizations to ever exist. Given the meteoric rise of Carthage this certainly earned the respect of Rome given the circumstances as it took three wars and Rome finally decided that it needed to roll in as hard as possible in the Third Punic War in order to put an end to Carthage forever. Because it was the Roman Empire I’m not here to say whether I believe that their cause was righteous, but they clearly felt it was necessary for the very survival of their existence. There was no doubt that Rome understood that they felt they had a duty to defeat Carthage once and for all. 

Although historical evidence doesn’t strongly support the act it has often been said that after Rome finally defeated Carthage that they dug trenches around the city and salted the earth around it. 

Whether this was actually done or not such an act was a symbolic gesture to point to the spoiling of the ground so that nothing else would ever grow, or sprout from that spot ever again. It’s an exclamation point that the conqueror is communicating that they carried out a total defeat and annihilation of their enemy and cursed the ground preventing any reinhabitation of the area from that point looking forward. 

Basically the lesson to draw from this here is that this gesture communicates to anyone and everyone that there were no half measures taken when it came to having to achieve total victory. 

The other lesson we can draw from that lesson is that when it comes to you defending your citizenship as an American citizen the same thing can be said. 

You see as I’ve already established earlier in this episode the country is currently no longer a Republic, but rather behaving as an empire. I gave a list of examples of what those behaviors entail such as the dissolving of the borders, the destruction of the currency, and the failure of the country to take care of its own citizens. 

Because we are no longer a Republic the scary reality of this means that both you and I are also technically no longer citizens. Sure we are citizens in name only (CINO), but like that British police commissioner is demonstrating with the state going to war with their own citizens if Kamala Harris continues to have her way both you and myself will be in the same boat as the British citizens. 

Furthermore it’s been discovered that illegal migrants that are being shipped all over the country are given several thousands of dollars in food cards and money when we simultaneously have United States military veterans getting absolutely nothing with many of them living homeless on the streets right this second. It’s absolutely disgusting and another example of lost citizenship. 

As I’ve already pointed out, we do still have one more silver bullet left in the chamber to kill this werewolf that I refer to as communism with our ability to get everyone we know to get to the polls and to vote for Donald Trump. 

This is the way that we take back our country. This is how we reverse the weaponization of the justice department and take apart the Administrative State and the Administrative State Media (ASM). 

However, our ability to contribute to this political and cultural fight MUST involve our efforts as individuals actively engaging in this fight on a daily basis. 

If you’re not doing something to contribute to this fight on a daily basis then I would question how much you value your own citizenship. Sure, I’ve established that you’ve basically lost it, but I’ve also established that you have one more opportunity in front of you to win it back. 

So what are you actively doing in order to win it back? 

The Wrap Up

The thing that I want you to understand is that I strongly believe that if you are currently within the sound of my voice I know we can take back our country and win back our citizenship. 

You might be wondering Brandon, how can we do it? 

At the beginning of this episode I spoke about the importance of being armed with knowledge and exercising precision when it comes to arming yourself with knowledge and spreading information. This is obviously part of the equation, but you MUST also act on that knowledge. 

To elaborate further I believe that if the majority of us simply commit ourselves to doing three things a day to promote the liberty and freedom movement we will overwhelm the enemy and we will win this thing handily. 


Some examples of what I’m talking about may include, but not be limited to the following: 

  • Spend your dollars with companies that align with your values to build up the alternative patriot economy. 

  • Make sure that you do the same thing when supporting other alternative media outlets such as this platform which is proudly an anti-Administrative State Media (ASM) platform.

  • Make sure that you spread the information from those alternative media sources relentlessly and on a daily basis. This is not hard to do because it only takes tapping on the share button, or commenting on the articles and podcasts of those anti-ASM platforms. 

  • If you don’t like using social media simply share the articles from anti-ASM platforms in text messages, emails, and simply talk about the information to people in your life face to face. 

  • Make sure that you plan to vote EARLY and IN PERSON. 

  • Round up as many of your friends, coworkers, and neighbors as you can to vote EARLY and IN PERSON with you. 

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Most importantly pick three of these things and be relentless with executing them on a daily basis. 

Keep in mind that there is no other option except for victory and if you are relentless by placing that pressure on yourself while all of the rest of us do the same we will absolutely achieve victory. This is our silver bullet. 

However, after victory is achieved you must understand that it is then and only then that we can pursue accountability to hold these corrupt communist accountable for all of their actions in destroying the country in the past four years. 

This is when victory is FULLY achieved because this is where you and I follow through with our efforts as this will be the symbolic gesture of us plowing the political and cultural battlefield perimeter and salting the earth around it so it never sprouts a communist bud ever again. 

If you’re serious about saving your country then this is your duty. 

If you’re serious about saving your citizenship then this is your duty. 

This is your civic duty.

I hope you enjoyed today’s article/podcast.

If so I hope you would choose to support this platform as part of the patriot economy as well. Be an Emissary of Freedom and help to push this piece out to your friends, family, and coworkers.

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Stay strong. Stay focused. Stay active.

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