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The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey Podcast
Winning The West Again

Winning The West Again


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“Fast is fine, but accuracy is final.”― Wyatt Earp

From a very young age, like many Americans, I’ve always been fascinated with the stories of the Wild West and the legends of cowboys, indians, and outlaws. From Wyatt Earp to Billy The Kid to Sitting Bull to me this is exactly what America is all about. 

These stories of the west not only exemplify everything that the United States represents with the vast differences of culture and people, but these stories also represent the rugged nature of individuals that were willing to live by their own rules and blaze their own trails in life even if that meant engaging in a dangerous journey, or even a fight that meant the difference between life and death. 

As the great actor Robert Duvall said in his speech at the National Cowboy Western Heritage Museum for his lifetime achievement reward “The English have Shakespeare, the French have Voltaire, and the Russians have Dostoyevsky. What do we own? What do we have?” DuVall replied “The western!”

Even though the current communist movement we’re experiencing across the country has tried to usher in a culture of rot to eliminate and revise the history of our country, these stories and the lessons we can learn from the era of our past are still what makes the United States so special. 

In fact, it’s my belief that those who are filled with envy and jealousy have always hated the United States for this very reason, which is exactly why they work so hard to silence, revise, and flat out lie about the history of the nation. 

The thing about the Wild West that I really love and frequently think about is the courage it took for men and women to take the long journey out west to the non-annexed territory enduring harsh weather, injury, sickness, and violent attacks from other cowboys, indians, and outlaws for the purpose of freedom and the opportunity to build a meaningful life. 

At that time the conditions on the western frontier were wild, unpredictable, and dangerous, but none of that slowed down their desire to lay claim to their own territory and to build life on the foundation of freedom no matter the risks that might have come along in order to try and derail them. 

With all of the chaos and violence that took place in the west one would have to ask if there was a way to overcome all of that chaos and it is said that the violent western frontier was indeed tamed and brought to heel. 

For the purpose of today’s discussion I’m going to refer to the instrument that was involved with taming the west and ultimately winning it. 

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Enter The Guns That Won The West

I want to give you a little insight on a key instrument, or more specifically a few key instruments, that were necessary in calming down all of the chaos that the Wild Western frontier was so infamous for within the fabric of our history and culture. 

Over the years there have been many firearms manufacturers who claimed the title for making the gun that won the West. 

Though I’m no firearm manufacturer I’m certain that as long as there are Old West devotees such as myself that there will always be debates about which gun deserves the coveted title of having been the one that won the West. In fact, you may have an opinion on that yourself. 

However, I recently came across this interesting piece from Widener's blog that points to the reality that there were actually multiple guns that were deserving of the title of having won the West. 

Although many people may take it upon themselves to name any single one of these guns as the one that brought the violent and chaotic Western frontier to heel, I'm still going to share with you a few very interesting facts about each one of these firearms here shortly. All I ask is that you listen closely and remain just a little patient as I work through these as there is a huge reason as to why I’m talking about the guns that won the West here on today’s episode. 

As the Widener’s blog points out, the best anyone can hope for is a list of influential guns that helped to shape those Western territories. Of course, this list will be subjective, but it will be clear to see how each of these weapons contributed to winning the West based on the usage, the overall numbers in circulation, as well as the famous personalities that gave each one of these a spotlight during the peak of their time.  

Regardless, here are five of the most famous guns of the Wild West. 

The 1851 Colt Navy Revolver

These cap and ball six-guns were among the most popular in the Old West. These were named for the Republic of the Texas Navy and there were over 200,000 that were manufactured between 1850 and 1873. 

Another interesting trait about these revolvers is that they were known for smooth handling and perfect balance. As a result these .36 caliber revolvers were popular among some of the most famous and infamous characters of that time. 

Just to name a few of the personalities that were fans of this revolver Robert E. Lee, General Nathan Bedford Forrest, the outlaw John Wesley Hardin, gambler John Henry “Doc” Holliday, and James Butler “Wild Bill” Hickok all used these revolvers in some capacity. 

These revolvers served to be one of the most popular handguns in the west and the demand and use of these continued on even after the modern cartridge revolvers were introduced. 

The 1866 Winchester Rifle

According to Widener's blog this rifle had a reputation with its tough construction and the production of that tough construction took place between 1867 and 1898. 

When looking at the assembly of this impressive instrument there were more than 170,000 of these .44 caliber lever action “repeating rifles” manufactured. Because of the spring-closed loading port on the right hand side of the frame it gave rise to the first reliable lever-action repeating rifle, the Winchester, model 1866. 

To name a few personalities that favored this rifle the infamous 1890’s outlaw Bill Doolan did along with Sioux (Lakota) medicine man Sitting Bull, the 7th U.S. Cavalry Scout Bloody Knife, and California Sheriff Harry Morse. 

In addition to this list of characters the rifle even earned favor with the Ottoman Empire as they desired the rifle so much that they purchased over five thousand of them in order to use them against the Russians. 

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The 1874 Sharps Rifle

Manufacturing of the 1874 Sharps rifle took place between 1871 and 1881. One truly impressive fact about this rifle is that the production of over 12,000 of the various Sharps models were made from scratch. The Sharps factory would end up purchasing Civil War percussion carbines in order to make the rest. 

The 1874 Sharps rifle was a favorite among buffalo hunters as this rifle offered big game loads to get the job done. Additionally the Sharps cartridge was made up of three parts consisting of the powder, the bullet, and the case.   

The thing that set this rifle apart from the traditional Winchester or Colt cartridges were the varying sizes of its components which resulted in a unique caliber cartridge set when these components were combined. 

According to Widener's article the book of Firearms of the American West that was running between 1866-1894 summed it up the best pointing to the reasons behind the popularity of the Sharps rifle. The reasons were due to the line of cartridges that were designed for it. 

As an added note there were some big name proponents of the Sharps rifle which included the likes of the U.S. Marshall Bill Tilghman, during his buffalo hunting days, and Martha “Calamity Jane” Canary. One legend says that hunter Billy Dixon used a high caliber round in the Sharps to down an Indian at over 1500 yards at the Battle of Adobe Walls back in June of 1874. 

The Colts Dragoon Revolvers

The Colts Dragoon Revolver became the answer to the Colt’s Walker Revolver due to various mechanical and functional issues associated with that pistol. The Dragoon was the more durable and lighter option making it more useful and effective out of the saddle. 

Those formidable “house pistols” became the favorites of both Western horse soldiers and civilians. The production of these pistols took place between 1848-1860 and there were over 21,000 made. 

The .44 caliber Colt Dragoons were issued to the U.S. Army’s Mounted Rifle Troops and they carried them on the saddles. 

Some of the famous names that used the Dragoons were General George B. McClellan, California Bandit Joaquin Murrietta Carillo, and the one and only “Wild Bill” Hickok. However, historians generally agree he used a Colt Navy in his street duel with “Little Dave” Tutt. 

The Double-Barrel Shotgun

It’s a common theme that rifles and six shooters are the firearms that are typically referenced and given credit for having won the West. However, the double barrel shotgun was a staple as it was one of the most economical and reliable weapons of its time. 

This firearm was accessible to most everyone from cash-strapped settlers to lawmen and Native Americans who all appreciated the use and value of the twin barrel. 

The scatter gun may not have been the gun that many credit for having won the West, but these dependable hole punchers certainly helped to tame the West. 

So why did I go to the trouble to inject some firearm history on which ones were used to win the West in today’s episode? 

Well everything has context and in the context of yesteryear the non-annexed territory was full of rivaling prospecting settlers, cowboys, outlaws, and tribes of Native Americans. To put it in simple terms the lawless territory was full of chaos and lacked order due to the various competing factions of people who were out to pursue their own self-interests across the non-annexed territory.

It was because of these chaotic circumstances that the West had not yet been won, although there were several players on the chessboard who all had an equal part in fighting that out and resolving it over time. No, the land wasn’t stolen as it was both simultaneously claimed by everyone (including many rivaling Native American tribes) and not yet claimed by anyone. This was the ongoing struggle of the Wild Western Frontier. 

When I point towards the gun(s) that won the West I’m obviously referencing the Western frontier of the United States, however in terms of the title of today’s episode regarding Winning The West Again I’m not necessarily talking about solely winning the Western frontier of the United States, but rather I’m referring to winning over ALL of Western civilization again. 

That’s right, in the past three years since the virus came on the scene we’ve observed the acceleration of Marxists principles with the likes of bad politicians and globalists that have seemingly infiltrated every government of every country across Western civilization. 

As a result we are seeing the nations of all of Western civilization making decisions that make absolutely no sense at all in terms of their mandates, policies, and authoritarian orders. Some examples include the confiscation of farmlands in the name of climate change, rampant inflation due to getting involved in wars that serve the interests of their enemies more than their native land, attacking their own citizens while rewarding non-citizens, enforcing censorship of their own citizens, enforcing property theft of their own citizens, imprisoning political opponents, and the list of atrocities go on and on. 

As a major spotlight of this just look at the absurd criminal acts of how these communists are using lawfare to attack President Trump and imprison his cabinet members like Peter Navarro, who by the way is a good man and a rock solid patriot that is sitting in a prison cell right now. 

The reason I honed in on the various types of gun(s) that contributed to winning the West is because each of those served to be a game changing instrument during their time to bring order into a chaotic region for the purpose of giving everyone the opportunity to build a better life. 

Like the settlers of the Western frontier had to exhibit courage and struggle along their journey to tame the Wild West of the American frontier as we fast forward to today many of us citizens of Western civilization are facing a similar conflict. You and I are seeing and experiencing this with the global communists who are causing chaos across our land with their policies, laws, and mandates that are basically resulting in the national suicide of each of our Western nations. 

Like the settlers, cowboys, and Indians of the Wild West of the United States had to make a calculus of need with the use of the instrument of the firearm in order to win the West here we stand again in the 21st century with a similar problem. 

The Calculus of Need To Win The West

Like our ancestors had to figure out how to best utilize the tools and instruments in order to win the West, today we are starting to embark on a calculus of a need for other instruments based on our modern day circumstances in order to engage in the current political, economic, and culture war of today. 

With the rise of Populism we are figuring out that we can no longer rely on politicians in office to make the right decisions for the rest of society while we ignorantly go on about our daily lives without having to worry what those politicians are doing behind closed doors. 

The calculus of need is figuring out the instrument that will be effective and downright impactful on winning the West today and that instrument is YOU. That’s right, you are the instrument by utilizing your strategic decision making and actions to combat all that is related to the ideologies, businesses, politicians, culture, and institutions that are actively engaging in destroying the country from within. 

You see, in order to do this you first have to recognize that the West has to be won again in the first place which means that you have to recognize that global communists are at war with Western civilization and actively destroying it from within. The mandates, the media, the lawfare, the border invasions, the destruction of the currency, etc. are all tactics within the framework of a well thought out strategy designed to destroy the United States in a death by a thousand cuts scenario. 

You see the settlers, cowboys, and Indians had to select which gun suited their individual situations, whether that was a six shooter or double barrel for fighting a threat at closer distances, or a rifle for more long distance engagement with a threat.  

Utilizing this same logic you have to figure out which instruments you can use to apply to this modern day culture and political war whether it involves the use of information warfare with the creative use of memes on social media to clearly communicate a salient political point, or with your ability to share content from alternative media like this platform. 

Like the Sharps rifle was great for long distance shooting perhaps you’ve determined that your calculus of need is the use of your dollars to buy your products and services from freedom first businesses as you simultaneously stop giving your money to woke companies that hate you. Perhaps this seems like a long range shot, but like the Sharps rifle was built for this reason your dollars are an instrument built to do the very same thing in the arena of economic warfare. 

As an added example of how this is playing out we’re seeing population declines and businesses fleeing in major blue Democrat run cities and states. Just recently real estate investor Grant Cardone was just one example of many talking in his interview with FOX’s Jesse Watters about how he pulled out a 500 million dollar investment that was initially meant for New York City and transitioned that investment to Miami, Florida and the state of Texas after seeing how abusive the system in New York is towards businesses, particularly citing the Trump case. 

These sorts of actions are growing and as Cardone mentioned these behaviors in leftist run places like New York is causing an economic contagion where such investments being pulled out of Democrat run cities and states will continue to accelerate bleeding out growth and economic opportunity for these places. 

As cities such as New York continue to decline this contagion will catch on with individuals causing them to flee these locations as well to move to where the new business opportunities exist in the red Republican run cities and states. 

Now in one way this is a good thing because at least businesses have somewhere else to run to so that they can operate and thrive without the worry of the communists shutting them down. However, as cities such as New York City continue to decline to the point that the environment gets too bad even for the communist residents that voted for it in their own cities they can also decide to flee. The logical conclusion is that they will probably flee to places like Florida and Texas and if this happens once again this causes another concern. 

What concern is that you ask? 

Well if the communist leave the cities they managed to ruin and simply move to a red run city or state they can also vote the same way to ruin that city or state in the very same manner as the one they left.  

Remember that fully understanding your environment is essential to changing everything.

It's not enough that you just understand that there's corruption within all of our institutions and communist run blue cities and states.  

You must also understand the motivations that are driving the corruption in order to purge and fix the corruption that has infected our institutions.

If you only address the corruption without addressing the motivations behind the corruption then the Hydra will simply sprout a new head and continue operating the corrupt system that you so desperately wanted to fix, but you end up less motivated because the corruption and the ensuing communism remains motivated.

Let that sink in for a moment.

If you want to win the West you have to actively and consistently engage in the cultural, political, information, and economic war on a daily basis. You MUST be relentless with talking with other people, sharing the information, consistently educating yourself, and literally put it upon your shoulders that you’re going to set out to mold and influence the next generation of patriots each day that you awaken. 

This is what it takes in order for you to be a Zenith and to literally enact change that will force that political pendulum into the direction that it is supposed to go rather than chalking it up to the natural swinging motion of moving from left to right and just a little less right each time it takes a swing. 

With this ongoing economic, political, and culture war heating up more and more everyday you have to be a Zenith in terms of your understanding and being able to identify good reliable people from the Inimicus

To illustrate how to go about doing this you have to understand the enemy so that you can then identify the enemy combatant to in turn engage the enemy on the information, economic, and cultural front. 

As I was brainstorming how to go about doing this I randomly had a thought pop into my head with one of my favorite Sci-Fi action/horror movies. 

John Carpenter’s The Thing is an absolute masterpiece of a film when it comes to the raw special effects combined with a compelling storyline, as well as an awesome strategic lesson that we all can learn from that is based on the subject matter of today’s episode. 

In Carpenter’s 1982 film the story takes place in Antarctica with a group of American researchers who discover a hostile extraterrestrial being that has the ability to assimilate and then imitate other organisms. 

Once this is discovered by the researchers this obviously causes the group to be overrun with paranoia and conflict as they realize they can no longer trust one another. 

Because of the dissension and distrust among the group with trying to figure out who is human and who could actually be The Thing imitating one of the scientists, one of the main characters and helicopter pilot R.J. MacReady (played by Kurt Russel) comes up with an idea to easily identify who is who. 

To identify who is human and who isn’t MacReady formulates a theory. Because this alien organism prefers to invade and imitate its host he believes that this alien's survival is based on every part of it reacting towards a potential threat. 

In the scene where MacReady is holding everyone hostage he decides to put this theory to the test by drawing blood from every single individual and heating up a metal wire to press onto a culture of each man’s blood sample. 

By doing so he believes that normal blood would exhibit no reaction while the alien’s blood would react to the heat in some way out of its instinct and desire for survival. 

As he goes through samples of blood exposing one after the next to heat there initially is no reaction. Though some men show relief during this process others are becoming impatient until he finally exposes one sample that gets an immediate reaction with the blood literally jumping out of the culture and onto the floor to escape the heat. This immediately results in the alien revealing itself among the men in a harrowing scene that follows involving a fight for survival. 

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The Wrap Up

So what was the point of me sharing with you these details of this scene from John Carpenter’s epic cult classic movie The Thing

I wanted to share with you the details of that particular scene with him using the blood test and the heating metal because it perfectly illustrates how R.J. MacReady used his ingenuity and problem solving ability in the middle of a dire situation in order to identify who was a friend and who was The Thing

You see, if we can frame the current environment that we’re living in into a similar context of being in a dire situation then you can look at the current political and cultural situation that you currently find yourself in and understand that you’re going to have to get better at identifying who is a friend versus who is The Thing (aka a Communist or a Communist light). 

I mean at this point it’s obvious that many individuals in the arena of politics, business, and culture like to try to assimilate and imitate just like that creature in Carpenter’s movie. They do this by using a lot of happy talk and language that sounds nice, but in reality this only serves to be a distraction while they continue to support disastrous ideas and actual policies that lead to the destruction of society. 

Now I’m not suggesting that you demand that politicians line up with a culture of their blood in order for you and me to apply a burning hot piece of metal to it to see how their blood reacts to the heat. No, that would be a stretch, but then again, perhaps it would be a good idea. Of course, I’m joking. 

The point I’m trying to make is that as a society we all need to get better at identifying where these politicians, businesses, and media personnel stand by forcing them more out into the open with their true identity. To do that there has to be some sort of test that you can implement just the way MacReady figured it out on that research station in Antarctica. 

So how can this be done? 

Well the one thing that’s at the center of gravity for everything in today’s world of business and politics is money, but as I clarified earlier regarding corruption this all has to do with corrupt money and the motivations that drive that corruption regarding both the payer(s) and the recipient(s). 

If the money is coming from hostile cronies, or flat out coming from foreign enemies and funneling to certain recipient(s) in politics, business, or media outlets then you can rest assured that these individuals, or entities are a dangerous creature. 

Now granted at this point it’s pretty obvious that the Administrative State Media (ASM) outlets such as FOX, CNN, and MSNBC are undoubtedly a dangerous creature because their funding comes from big name companies like Pfizer and other companies that are hostile cronies. Therefore, if you and I were on that research base in Antarctica with any of the hosts of these networks there’s no doubt the blood would be jumping out of that culture to escape the heat. 

I’m simply trying to illustrate and communicate to you the significance of the situation both you and myself currently find ourselves in. No, we’re not currently bunking down on some remote science station in the middle of Antarctica worried about how we’re going to identify a killer alien with chameleon-like ability, but right here in the United States in 2024 we might as well be. 

The only difference in that alien and its abilities to blend, assimilate, and imitate compared to our current societal situation is the fact that it was understood to be extraterrestrial in the movie and here in real life we know that the enemy exists right in our own neighborhoods and halls of congress. 

In order to identify the creatures that exist to burden your life today you have to look at who benefits from every political decision that is made and where the money is coming from. 

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As an easy example of how to go about identifying the creatures, just yesterday on Thursday, March 28th 2024 in New York City you had three lifelong politicians with Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden to gather along with celebrities for a gigantic party and campaigning fundraiser for Joe Biden. Meanwhile Donald Trump was also in New York City, however he was invited by the family of a fallen police officer that died in the line of duty to attend his funeral. 

As you are able to make the identification of the dangerous creatures like I’ve demonstrated here in this example you can start to identify and formulate a calculus of need of what instruments you can use to work against these dangerous creatures. You can do this by being careful about what institutions you give your money to as they may take your money and turn around and donate to a campaign fundraising party like the one I just mentioned that took place yesterday in New York City. 

You may also identify an instrument for hammering away on a salient political point using an effective meme, an impactful short video, or a well written article that brings the receipts to communicate a sound point that cuts down the ASM narrative day in and day out. If you want to go even further you can become a precinct captain or even run for political office. 

The point here is that if you desire to Win The West Again, you cannot stay idle. You possess tremendous power as an individual citizen which is why it’s dire you start using that power now before it’s too late. 

We are winning the battle to Win The West Again, but winning the war is the goal and right now there’s no time for complacency.

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