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The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey Podcast
The Three Fights

The Three Fights


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“In the face of impossible odds, people who love this country can change it.”

― Barack Hussein Obama

So what are the three fights? 

Well I’m going to break all of that down for you, but I first want to lay the predicate here to give you some context. 

Whenever I read that quote from Barack Hussein Obama I’m immediately reminded of just how much he hates the United States of America. 

After all, whenever you love someone, or something, then why would you want to change it? To offer up the word change alongside something that you’re declaring that you love doesn’t make any sense at all. 

Furthermore, his so-called wife Michelle Obama said the following during her husband’s presidential campaign back in 2008 stating “For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country.” (Source: The Hill)

To be clear I have no judgment towards anyone other than the judgment that they offer with their own words and actions. With that being said in both Michelle and Barack Hussein Obama’s own words it’s clear that they hated the United States of America at the time that both of them made these statements regarding change and pride

I mean in most circumstances when people tell me who they are I typically believe them. Granted these statements were uttered by both of these individuals several years ago when they were both just really kicking off their destructive reign in the arena of politics. However, as I sit here in 2024 looking back at everything that has occurred in the cultural, political, economic, medical, and national security landscape since these two came on the scene it’s obvious that they did (and still do) hate the United States of America. 

You’re probably thinking Brandon, how can you be so sure? 

I’d answer that by saying that since Barack Hussein Obama came on the scene as the President, along with his current successor being the dementia ridden corrupt politician that currently occupies the White House, it’s pretty obvious the country has considerably changed and not for the better. 

Politicians, like Barack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, George Bush #1, George Bush  #2, the Clintons, Johnson, and Carter have all shared a common theme that most people fail to recognize. Those that fail to recognize this common denominator usually fail to recognize it because they don’t really produce anything in their own lives, therefore they lack immediate skin in the game to understand and recognize any immediate risks to them, or their well-being. However, for the rest of us it’s glaringly obvious. 

You see the thing that all of these past presidents share is that they have all managed to add tremendous burdens onto the backs of the American people through their bureaucracy and tax policies. They continue to layer one burdensome and detrimental policy on top of another over and over and over again. 

As they continue to sell out the country to foreign enemies (like the CCP) they gaslight the public, lie, deflect, and project their own feelings onto everyone else telling you that if you have a problem with what they offer that YOU are the problem. 

Of course, this sort of psychopathy has really accelerated under the current regime that occupies the White House in a way that I haven’t seen in my lifetime being 47 years on this planet. 

Everytime Biden’s press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre steps in front of a camera the lies and dishonesty she relays to the American public are staggering. From her comments on the pandemic to her comments on Biden’s sharp mental capacity, as he’s caught daily shaking hands with invisible people, the whole thing reminds me of some of the most toxic abusive relationships you probably either personally experienced, or heard from a friend at one time or another.  

You know the scenario I’m talking about. It’s like the toxic relationship where the guy or girl constantly accuses you of wrongdoing when you’ve actually done absolutely nothing wrong, but they keep badgering you with their own insecurities over and over and over again because they themselves are such failures and insecure in their own skin. This is what the regime and the press secretary does to the American people daily. 

So as they badger you eventually there comes a day, a moment, and a time when you probably lash out and argue back out of anger and frustration. As you do this these psychopaths then look at you and use that as a means to prove that they were right all along given your outraged response. 

This is exactly why the American Psychopaths that occupy our government don’t deserve any compromise. The time for compromise is over. The only thing left is a collision course of political wills and your willingness to step inside Thunderdome and help ensure a victory as an Emissary of Freedom. 

We are literally at war and the question we have to ask ourselves is whether or not we’re going to step into the breach and demonstrate that rugged American Resiliency and Staying Power the way our founders did when they put it all on the line. Purging the Communists within all of our institutions is one of the three fights. 

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The Thermidor Response

I came across this article by James Howard Kunstler that did a great job shedding some light on the Jacobin Revolution and thought it would be a great thing to summarize here in today’s episode as it directly applies to the events of today.  (Source: James Howard Kunstler)

After George Washington was successfully sworn in as president in April of 1789 the United States was starting to see some sunny days after a long dark hard fought Revolution, however our allies in France were far from seeing any light at the end of their tunnel of misery. 

The Bastille fell in July of that same year and that was followed up by many years of extreme violence as France would engage in many beheadings for years along with their society being plagued with violence and chaos. All of this led nowhere until an artillery officer by the name of Bonaparte managed to put an end to it through sheer force of personality. 

As Kunstler reminds us here surely you remember that France assisted America in our revolt against King George. Surely you remember the Marquis De Lafayette from your high school history class, or was his history already replaced by George Floyd? 

The point is that several Frenchmen were on the scene following the British surrender in Yorktown in the fall of 1781. Additionally several of the American Patriots were also on the scene in France as Thomas Jefferson was in Paris from 1784 to 1789, months after the Bastille fell. He succeeded Benjamin Franklin as he was serving as the minister there to negotiate trade agreements. John Adams was also there on-the-scene serving as our Ambassador and accompanying Jefferson. 

The point is that these American Patriots met daily and chatted endlessly with France’s major political players. At that time you would have thought that the people of France including the various elites that made up the public life with the royal, haut bourgeoise, lawyers, and generals would have taken a page out of the playbook of the American Patriots to apply to their own situation, but as we always observe both in history, as well as today, everyone that detracts from the values of the American Patriots and in God We Trust always manage to demonstrate how they can’t get their act together. This would prove to be the case here with France and they paid a huge price for it as well. 

As a side note we’re seeing the same issue today with the D.C. establishment, like the French elites, not listening to the will of the people until the will of the people keep dialing up the vocal and political pressure on them to do their jobs. Some are submitting to the will of the people while the others who don’t are retiring early. Either way we are forcing some much needed and overdue attrition within the ranks of our federal government. 

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Now let’s get back to the main part of the discussion. 

Looking back to 1793 the Revolution was in full swing and King Louis XVI went straight to the guillotine in January. Looking inside the French political system the National Convention replaced the National Assembly as the furnace of political action. At this time the radical Jacobin faction of the government led by Robespierre and Saint-Just (yesteryear’s version of “the squad” and MSNBC)  coalesced into a majority and managed to seize power within the faction. Their platform became more extreme as the revolution marched towards an environment of pure insanity and pandemonium. 

With the Jacobins in power within one year they managed to turn the life of the nation completely upside down in their zealous journey to create a perfectly equitable society. They abolished the church while replacing it with what they referred to as the cult of the supreme being

If that wasn’t a big enough clown move on the part of the Jacobins the insanity went even further with their own version of a woke movement during their time in the 18th century. Buckle up and prepare yourself for some 18th century woke insanity on steroids which involved them changing the week from seven days to ten days, they changed the names of all the months of the calendar with 1792 being designated as “the Year One,” they put in price and wage controls while cranking out more money causing voila (monetary inflation), they confiscated grain from farmers across the country, and condemned somewhere in the neighborhood of 20,000-40,000 political opposition leaders to the guillotine in their “Reign of Terror.” 

In simple terms the Jacobins made a bloody mess of literally everything and managed to anger a lot of countrymen in the process. 

However, by the time the summer of 1794 came around during their renamed month called Thermidor pretty much everyone had reached their critical mass of frustration concerning the Jacobins. On July 27, Robespierre was at the rostrum once again calling for more blood as he started denouncing his enemies much in the same way that MSNBC and Joe Biden says the biggest threat to America are white christian nationalists. You get the idea. 

However, there were some out-group members present there at the time and they weren’t buying Robespierre’s own cries about his vision of the end of democracy and so they started throwing food at him and shouting him down. This was the turning point as the shock had set in that the Jacobins had lost power. 

Just like that the chamber had fallen into a melee with a lot of shoving and shouting. It was at this point that Robespierre and his cronies were chased across town to the city hall (Hotel De Ville) and managed to barricade themselves inside.  

However, this didn’t hold as the mob managed to break through and arrest them. During all of this chaos and as the mob were forcing their way in amidst all the confusion a policeman managed to shoot Robespierre in his face resulting in the shattering of his jaw and as history tells us the very next day Robespierre, Saint-Just, and twenty of their associates ended up having their own appointment with “the national razor.” 

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This historical event involving the French Revolution became known as the Thermidorian Reaction. The point of this reaction is that the Jacobin reign of terror and social derangement would end up being immediately abolished by meeting a fate equally as terrible as the one they had thrusted upon everyone else during the Revolution. 

Once this had happened nothing like it was ever seen again until the Bolsheviks, the Maoists, and Khmer Rouge that came along in the 20th century.  However, right now with the Party of Woke Chaos being led by Joe Biden (and whoever is behind him) with his open borders, the destruction of our currency, the drive for censorship, the insidious use of lawfare, their Orwellian Newspeak, their lust for World War III, their race and sex hustles, and the destruction of every normal and decent boundary in everyday American life here we are looking at another Jacobin- like Revolution. 

As this wonderful article from James Howard Kunstler points out, America is heading towards its own Thermidorian Reaction. I believe we are on the edge of a huge cultural and political shift as we approach the climax of this chaos that has been ushered in by the current Woke mob of Communists. 

However, just as Newton’s third law states for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Because of this I believe we are fast approaching the critical mass of such a reaction that will kick back so hard that Communism in an ideological and metaphorical sense will face its day with the metaphorical guillotine within the Thunderdome arena of the American version of the Thermidorian Reaction 2.0. 

The American Patriots engaging the cultural and political arena is the second of three fights. 

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The Mechanism of Action

Right now if you live in the United States you don’t have a country. Right now here in 2024 both you and I live in a post-constitutional era and that’s just a fact. 

Now having said that, we have one major opportunity to take our country back, but that opportunity starts with the upcoming election here in November of 2024. Bookmark this episode for the history books because this election is undoubtedly the single most important in the history of the United States. 

I’m not going to sugarcoat reality and the reality is that if Donald Trump doesn’t win the presidential election here in November this country is finished and will go the way of a Communist dystopian nightmare. 

Those who don’t see that are part of THE problem and that is an absolute fact. With that being said the national debt of the U.S. is 34 trillion dollars and counting. The federal spending is so out of control it’s directly contributing to the inflation you’re experiencing and is literally a Republic ending problem if we don’t get it under control. 

If the debt issue isn’t bad enough the invasion of illegals coming into our country at a record level is even more concerning in ways you may have not imagined. 

In fact, just recently on the Joe Rogan podcast author and guest Bret Weinstein took the time to shock Joe Rogan with his Dark Theory concerning the potential and more sinister reason that the Communists within our federal government are purposely allowing in millions of illegals with the mass invasion that the country is facing. (Source: YouTube)

In his interview with Rogan his guest Bret Weinstein goes into detail about different theories that he’s discussed within his circles as to why the Communist Biden regime is intentionally and actively organizing the mass invasion of illegals into our country. 

I mean aside from the usual theory that they will be used as a brand new set of Democrat voters for the Biden regime, Weinstein points towards an even more sinister and alarming theory as to why the invasion is happening. 

According to Weinstein he’s also heard talk about how the federal government is offering the opportunity of trading citizenship for military service with the illegals. Now as Weinstein points out  if you really slow down to think about the danger of this it is quite disturbing. 

You see this would be the case as these illegal young men of military fighting age coming from God knows where would be given citizenship in exchange for their military service and in doing so would be much more likely to follow an immoral order coming from above than an American born citizen soldier force. Even in today’s society an American born citizen force is still more likely to be raised with American values and stands a better chance of serving to resist a widespread immoral set of orders. 

The point is that here in this scenario you would have a freshly Communist infiltrated U.S. federal government with a newly established military consisting of its own mercenaries instead of a Constitutionally sound federal government with patriots volunteering to serve their country. 

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I suppose the modern day Trojan horse is here and in full operation. 

Regardless, you may be sitting there thinking Brandon, that’s a bit dark and a little too extreme. Well, I’d say not so fast my friend. 

According to the AP they are already doing this as there was an article published from the AP back on June 11, 2023 that covers a young woman from Nepal signing up to join the U.S. Army Reserves in exchange to get fast tracked within the military program straight to legal citizenship. (Source: AP)

You see all of these issues that I’m bringing up are simply problems. So with all of these problems plaguing our society you have to ask yourself why are there so many of them?  

The answer to that question is really quite simple, but several people that may disagree with the political left, the Jacobins, or the modern day Communists and all of their proposed problems don’t want to hear the reason why all of these problems ACTUALLY do exist. 

To understand why these problems exist you and I must first understand why the political left keeps offering them up throughout history. What the left sees as a solution is really the complete opposite and this is because they have a completely different worldview than you or myself. 

Their worldview isn’t centered on the individual, but as Ayn Rand pointed out is more centered on the collective. However, because of this they are willing to destroy everything connected to individuality when it comes to self-improvement, personal achievement, and understanding the environment. They lack these abilities associated with the power of navigating life and recognizing that it starts with discernment, clarity, and acquiring understanding between the ears. 

Because of this mindset it’s easier for those who gravitate towards the far political left to more readily embrace the child-like need to have someone else, or something else to take care of them throughout life. Furthermore, like a child they will fight you to the bitter end if you don’t accept their view and allow them to get their way…even if this means they must use intimidation and force. 

This is why fear is used as the mechanism of control for those on the political left with the likes of the Woke groups such as Antifa, the Jacobins, and the modern day Communists. 

However FEAR is only a mechanism of control when you allow it to be. To clear this up I read a nice little story that clarified this pretty recently and I wanted to summarize it for you here. 

Once upon a time there was a young warrior that was striving to meet the challenge of overcoming his fear. 

The young warrior had a mentor that instructed him that he would have to face fear by going to battle directly with fear. To the young warrior this seemed to be a lot to ask and it was both an aggressive and scary request that came from his very well respected teacher. 

Even though the young warrior was hesitant his teacher made it clear that this had to be done and so the day came that the young warrior had to stand on the battlefield staring down fear itself. 

They both stood looking at one another holding their weapons and the young warrior would start to advance towards fear and stop himself in a few different attempts. 

Once he did this he finally spoke up and asked if fear was ready to do battle and essentially if it was ok for them to start. 

The fear replied by thanking the young warrior for showing the respect. The young warrior had done so because he felt small as the fear looked so large and intimidating. 

Next, the young warrior asked fear How could I ever defeat you? 

Fear replied, “My weapons are that I talk really loud, really fast, and I keep getting louder and more intimidating as you allow me to get closer to you. The closer I get to you the more afraid you will become and from that point I can get you to do whatever I say.”

In other words, if you simply refuse to give in and do what I say then I have no power. You can listen to me, perhaps even respect me, and even be almost convinced by me, but if you don’t give in to my orders I have absolutely no power at all. 

This was how the young warrior learned how to defeat fear in battle. 

The mechanism of control is fear, but you can be the mechanism of action to overcome it by simply not allowing it to control you. 

The third fight involves overcoming being idle in the battle with overcoming fear. 

The Wrap Up

You see the third and final battle I just covered there with fear is the one where we learn to exercise courage and along with courage action is the next thing that follows. 

Just like those out-group members that started throwing food at Robespierre at the rostrum you can see at that very moment Robespierre realized all of his loud ranting, intimidation, and whining had hit a dead end with the group of people who were present there at that time. As a result this brought an abrupt end to the insanity of the 18th century woke mob known as the Jacobins. 

Additionally, not only did those members speak out and hit back, but they rapidly transitioned from being in a defensive posture to immediately taking on an offensive posture as they chased the Jacobin faction down the street and arrested them. 

You see, that's the interesting trend that I always feel like I’m reading about in the history books. I mean if you pay attention to all of the horrible atrocities that have ever happened throughout every civilization in history it was because good people were way too tolerant of the bad people in the beginning. The Thermidorian response did happen, but not until after a ton of bloodshed, violence, and insanity after a year-long period where the 18th century woke mob literally turned France upside down tormenting it every step of the way.  

The same thing has happened right here in the United States as we have been overly tolerant since the Obamas were vocal about implementing their version of societal change that we’re seeing the result of right here and now in 2024. 

However, now is the time for you to engage in the information war by sharing content, speaking to others, and actively engaging to face fear head on. 

Remember that the fear grows louder in its attempt to intimidate when it’s at its weakest. 

Trust in God and know that these are the three fights and your refusal to give in to fear will strip the power directly away from fear along with all the troubles that would follow as you demonstrate your ability to be a Zenith and an Emissary of Freedom. 

Remember that courage is contagious and that is exactly the kind of pandemic that you want to start…a pandemic of courage by being a mechanism of action.

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