Here is my take. From what I've seen, Europe will not have the money to sustain Ukraine for very long. And Putin is the smartest man on that side of the Atlantic. He's had decades to rebuild the Russian economy as Western Europe's economies have weakened.

Europe talks big. Putin talks quietly & bides his time because he still can.

Trump is quite rightly getting real, worried about US debt of multiple trillions being payed for with more debt. He may possibly let Europe go it alone & let people speculate about the future of NATO.

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Yes, I agree that Europe is talking a big game with this war, but they're unable to finance anything.

The beauty of pulling out of this and slamming these tariffs on Mexico, Canada, and the Chinese Communist Party is also signaling to the world that cutesy time is over...as Dan Bongino would say.

I believe that Trump can make Russia more of a rival at this point than an enemy. We can build an alliance with Russia and a strong US/Russia relationship can work to bring down the CCP which would be great for everyone...including Russia.

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Agreed about Russia. My understanding of Putin was that he was never against aliances wirh democracies. But the Russian mentality is different from our Western assumptions. Their democracy would not look the same as ours. It would be similar to Arab countries having liberal, Western cultures like ours - never works for long. Putin felt pushed from Clinton onward to follow our lead. But he always had to pick and choose from our influence. We never liked that about him, suspected he was anti-democratic from the start. But he's more like Solzhenytsin, who approved of his presidency in his final years.


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Here's a good example of the type of relationship. It has more to do with Geopolitical stability. This just came out.


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Excellent assessment of the Trump/Vance team in the Zelensky takedown. Trump realizes we need to have transparency in the vast majority of government.

I do not think this will lead to WWIII, not at this point, as the money’s been turned off, US government corruption being rapidly exposed and the cabal’s deep state is floundering. Europe and the EU are weak and growing weaker by the minute as their citizens wake up and fight for their sovereignty, and when the Pope’s death is announced the third leg of the triad is primed to collapse. London City, DC and the Vatican are at the beginning of the end. They know it and the cabal members are not loyal….they will rat each other out in an attempt to survive, but NCSWIC.


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Technically we're already in WWIII, but now with Trump we are backing out and working on de-escalating this process so that it doesn't go more kinetic with the U.S. firing bullets.

That's currently working itself out with economic and information warfare. The information warfare part of that is the reason I started this Substack in the first place. Thank God we now have an entirely new ecosystem of media to destroy the Administrative State Media (ASM).

I agree with you about the Vatican, London, and DC being stripped of their corruption and longstanding power with the advancement of the continued growth of this Great Awakening.

Thank God because this is all because of him working through each and everyone of us. Thank you again for your awesome feedback.

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Without question the Trump-Vance administration is on the side of reality here. Putin is as well. The reality is that Ukraine has more in common with Russia than with Europe. Europe has more in common with Russia, politically that it has with the real America. Biden/Obama/Clinton were rapidly taking America down the same rabbit hole that Europe and the USSR have been lost to. Wilson, FDR, and Johnson had more in common with USSR than with America, historically, England and their sister, Canada, are well on their way to Marxian never-neverland too.

We have no more in common interest with the EU nor with Ukraine/Russia. The USSR had much in common with Nazi Germany. The only thing that kept them from joining Germany, Italy, and Japan in WW II was their competition for the Eastern European countries. FDR and the Democrat Party sucked us into NATO, I believe, to give us leverage against the USSR, with an eye for those same Eastern European countries, which is why they favor enlarging NATO by alliances with them. The reason Russia abandoned their aspirations in the USSR was that they began to wake up to to the fact that America would never become Communistic if it meant accepting vassalage to the USSR, which was Russia's aim. Their split with China was ultimately that China, also, was opposed to that vassalage.

And Russia or the USA or China would settle for vassalage to any of the others. Had it not been for that unwillingness, the whole world would be Communist. Thank God for small favors. Now, with Trump and MAGA the dream of world Communism has become less likely. There is a possibility that Greenland, Canada, Australia, and a number of other countries might align with the USA in resisting Russian and or Chinese Communism. WW III becomes less likely if Russia, China and The USA resist each other. Depending on how the nations of the world might shake out in three or more alliances, World Communism is unlikely.

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Wow thank you for the detailed comment and feedback.

I believe this all boils down to what Trump has pointed out with the whole concept of hemispheric defense.

With the CCPs Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) they are trying to spread their tentacles into everything. They have managed to corrupt nearly every government throughout the world along with aligning themselves with the globalists (WEF).

The CCP has managed to infiltrate South America, Central America (See Panama), and Canada here in the Western hemisphere.

This is why Trump secured the Panama Canal, renamed the Gulf of Mexico to be the Gulf of America, is working a deal with Greenland, and has put forward the idea of making Canada the 51st state.

The reason is that if you look at a map, or even better a globe, you can see that he's wanting to secure all of North America with the economic strength to secure the entire Western Hemisphere.

Knowing this he (and the United States) still has to deal with the problems associated with the CCP and their capture of much of the manufacturing of the United States.

However, with the recent big Taiwan chip manufacturing announcement combined with these tariffs he's aggressively working to drive manufacturing back to the United States to transform us into an economic superpower (The Golden Renaissance).

Thank God we have him in the White House.

We just have to continue to do our part to continue to grow this alternative media and to drive the change in the culture.

Thank you for your feedback.

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