“Perhaps one did not want to be loved so much as to be understood.”
― George Orwell, 1984
This past week we witnessed an absolute historical event with President Donald Trump, Vice President J.D. Vance, and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in their very heated meeting in front of the press. The meeting was intended to simply involve a peace deal. This deal was also supposed to involve the mineral rights of Ukraine to help the U.S. recoup some of the financial loss it has incurred with the hundreds of billions of dollars that the U.S. has given Ukraine to prop them up during the war.
As I watched the meeting I almost couldn’t believe what I was seeing as I haven’t seen an American President and Vice President look like one of the best tag teams ever in the arena of political warfare.
I mean here you have a Ukrainian President that has been acting like a dictator and grafter with everything surrounding this war in his homeland. I mean for the past three years we’ve watched Zelensky maintain a steady pace of running from country to country with everyone in the West begging for more money and weapons to keep his war going with Russia.
First of all, Russia did invade Ukraine, but this ONLY happened after Zelenskyy continued to demand to be a part of NATO. I’m not here to defend Putin, but the guy has been completely honest about this being an absolute red line for Russia long before the war ever started.
Since the war began there has been literally over a million Ukrainian men to die, along with hundreds of thousands of Russian men as well. During the meeting Vice President Vance called Zelenskyy out on the reality that he was so short on men to fight the war that he was forcing men off the street into conscription.
This is literally happening and this is not what a leader that loves his country does to his country. This was particularly noticeable when President Trump provided Zelenskyy with a huge off ramp with that peace deal that was on the table during that public meeting, yet he decided to spit on that deal and disrespect the President and the rest of the United States of America in front of God and everybody on live television.
This war must come to an end. This war must come to an end as soon as possible and President Trump wants that more than anyone.
However, during that historical press meeting the one party that made it clear that he didn’t want the war to come to an end was Zelenskyy. All he had to do during that meeting was to keep his head down and his mouth shut and sign the mineral deal.
However, rather than do that he proceeded to call out Putin and tried to lecture the United States on the problems we were going to “feel” from this war which caused a very righteous and necessary backlash from President Trump and Vice President Vance. Zelenskyy demonstrated all attitude and no gratitude whatsoever during that meeting.
After the meeting the two usual parts of the American population that are always part of the problem criticized President Trump for having allowed this open and transparent dialogue to have taken place in front of the news cameras and the rest of the world.
The first of those two parties included the usual traitors on the far left that exist within this country along with the old guard establishment neocons like Karl Rove.
Not long after the meeting between President Trump and President Zelenskyy, The Hill reported on Rove talking about how that type of transparency is exactly why such deal talks and meetings should be kept behind closed doors.
Thankfully Rove is part of an old guard of dying Republican warmongers. Rove’s way of thinking has always resulted in the public not knowing what was actually going on in such talks in the past which has always resulted in keeping the U.S. in a state of endless wars.
People like Rove, the Bush family, and the Cheneys should never be allowed anywhere near a public office position ever again. All the American people have to show from their decisions is a tremendous amount of loss with our blood and treasure along with an out of control growing national debt.
This entire fiasco with Zelenskyy also involves another major developing problem that I believe President Trump signaled with that meeting with Zelenskyy. You see now that Zelenskyy killed that peace deal, while President Trump is working like crazy to get the financial state of the country back on track, there’s obviously not going to be anymore multi-billion dollar sums of cash being sent over to Ukraine from the United States.
However, right after Zelenskyy left Washington D.C. he flew to meet Keir Stermer at Downing Street to look for additional financial backing to keep his failing war effort going with Russia. Britain is signaling that they fully back Zelenskyy. Even though Britain is loaning them the money they’re still not going to be able to pay for it, but they’re still saying that they are all in. However, they know it’s a deadend unless the United States is financially flipping the bill.
So what is potentially the deeper problem here for the United States?
Before I jump into that I want to quickly point to another problem with Europe. Like the U.S. much of Europe has been experiencing a mass invasion across their borders. Like the U.S. their governments have also literally been at war with their own citizens who speak out about this problem. They’ve demonstrated this by literally arresting people who post things on social media that disagrees with what they deem to be “acceptable content.”
I mean recently 60 Minutes on CBS just did a special where they had some attorneys from Germany talking about their strict laws concerning “online hate speech.” The segment basically covered how Germany actively prosecutes individuals for various online comments that may be considered “hateful” even if such comments and their context are considered protected speech in other countries.
With Germany’s crackdown on enforcing such censorship it seems like their government is regressing back to a state that resembles their 1930s era Nazi-like behavior in this regard concerning their suppression of free speech. The reality is that all of Europe has fallen victim to their own version of the woke mind virus which in more technical terms involves a version of cultural Marxism that has seemingly plagued the world at large for the past decade.
Now I want to get back to answering my question for you as to why Zelenskyy’s Ukraine and the rest of Europe could turn into a problem for the United States. The problem goes back to the original issue that started this war in the first place and that involves the presence of NATO.
In other words, if Zelenskyy is able to rope Europe into the war effort with him against Russia this would significantly put the United States at risk and it would likely usher in WWIII. The United States and Europe are a part of NATO together. With British troops entering the war against Russia this would trigger a conflict between Russia and the British. If this happens it is supposed to trigger what is known as the collective defense in Article 5 of the NATO agreement.
Essentially the collective defense means that an attack against one Ally is considered to be an attack on all of the Allies. Therefore, if the British were to get involved in the Ukraine war and Russia were to attack them then it could trigger Article 5 of the collective defense which would potentially pull the United States deeper into this fiasco.
This is why I believe that President Trump was incredibly smart when he allowed the talks with Zelenskyy the other day to be done right out in front of everyone on live television. By doing that he exposed Zelenskyy and quite frankly he probably knew how Zelenskyy was going to act once the cameras were on.
I know a lot of leftists are screaming about it being a set up, but I don’t believe it was a set up in the same way as they think of it as being a set up. In other words, President Trump and Vice President Vance didn’t have a written script to follow walking into that public press meeting.
However, the reality is that President Trump is a master deal maker and like any master deal maker he understands how to read people very well. In addition to that Vice President Vance has been working with the President now for quite a while and is probably learning a lot from President Trump in this regard. With all of that being said they probably did have a really good idea on how Zelenskyy was going to react with certain topics surrounding the financial aid that he was seeking for his war effort against Russia.
With this in mind President Trump, Vice President Vance, and probably the rest of the Trump cabinet probably had a feel as to how that meeting was going to turn out, but the strategy to be transparent also presented another opportunity for the Trump administration and the United States as well.
When Zelenskyy started displaying his arrogance and his holier than thou attitude when criticizing President Putin of Russia, both President Trump and Vice President Vance were quick to call him out on his hypocrisy with his forced conscription, his opinions on the United States, and his warped attempt at diplomacy.
Now the beauty in doing this is that in the heat of the moment on live television this was on display for the rest of the world to see. Because this was on display for the rest of the world to see this means the rest of the world including Russia and China saw it as well. To be more specific, President Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping saw this interaction on full display.
So when you really take a step back and look at how Europe and the rest of the West (along with the United States government during the Biden regime) have been acting over the past few years it’s been the West that has been trying to perpetuate this Russia/Ukraine war along with the economics that are surrounding it creating more instability throughout the world. However, now with President Trump in charge there’s a new sheriff in town.
With this meeting having been televised it exposed Zelenskyy and gave the American public a clear picture of who Zelenskyy is and how these deals are done. Because of President Trump and Vice President Vance standing strong on representing the tenet of America First during this negotiation, and their willingness to give Zelenskyy enough rope to hang himself, they managed to offer a very attractive reset in terms of the relationship between the United States and Russia. What the American people witnessed in that meeting with President Trump and Vice President Vance were a couple of True Patriots in action taking care of business for the rest of America.
All the people on the far left with their heads exploding after this meeting have zero knowledge of history, economics, geopolitics, and just good common sense on how the world actually works. They’re either too ignorant, or too stupid to understand that the United States actually partnered with Stalin’s Russia in WWII in order to defeat the Nazis.
In fact, it was because of Russia’s fight and grit at Stalingrad that resulted in turning the tide of WWII. After Russia defeated the Nazis at the bloodiest battle in history (Stalingrad) it put the Nazis on their back heel.
Recently with Europe going to war against their own citizens much like the Nazis of 1930s Germany, and Zelensky behaving like a Nazi dictator, it almost seems like President Trump is re-establishing an old alliance with the Russian bear that goes back to the last world war.
In short, President Trump is working on a plan involving a global realignment in this era of incentivized expansionism that is necessary in his vision for our Hemispheric Defense looking ahead into the very near future.
Do you see the United States and Russia establishing a new alliance looking ahead to the future?
Do you believe Canada will become the 51st state in this new global realignment during this era of incentivized expansionism?
Make sure you post up in the comment section here below as I’d like your feedback.
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Here is my take. From what I've seen, Europe will not have the money to sustain Ukraine for very long. And Putin is the smartest man on that side of the Atlantic. He's had decades to rebuild the Russian economy as Western Europe's economies have weakened.
Europe talks big. Putin talks quietly & bides his time because he still can.
Trump is quite rightly getting real, worried about US debt of multiple trillions being payed for with more debt. He may possibly let Europe go it alone & let people speculate about the future of NATO.
Excellent assessment of the Trump/Vance team in the Zelensky takedown. Trump realizes we need to have transparency in the vast majority of government.
I do not think this will lead to WWIII, not at this point, as the money’s been turned off, US government corruption being rapidly exposed and the cabal’s deep state is floundering. Europe and the EU are weak and growing weaker by the minute as their citizens wake up and fight for their sovereignty, and when the Pope’s death is announced the third leg of the triad is primed to collapse. London City, DC and the Vatican are at the beginning of the end. They know it and the cabal members are not loyal….they will rat each other out in an attempt to survive, but NCSWIC.