Welcome To My Substack

To state the obvious my name is Brandon Richey and I’m an author, philosopher, student of history, and strength and fitness coach.

I have a 20 year career in the fitness industry and have authored over 2 million words of content in the fitness space.

However, I’ve always kept my thumb on the pulse of the cultural and political landscape for much of my life and I’ve steadily found myself being more and more disappointed with many of our institutions in education, media, Hollywood, medical, government, and just the general direction of society at large.

Once the pandemic hit my business was directly impacted with the unlawful and unconstitutional lockdowns, as well as the businesses of many of my friends and colleagues in the fitness industry.

During the pandemic I witnessed a direct assault on many businesses, but particularly the fitness industry at large which didn’t make any sense to me during a pandemic given my knowledge and history as a fitness professional.

In my observation of society over the past 15 years (with the exception of the years between 2016-2020) I’ve noticed a growing number of problems and a steady trickle of more and more overblown government bureaucracy that was put on overdrive with the pandemic serving as the catalyst to usher more of this into our lives.

Given my knowledge of history and philosophy this was very disturbing to me. I remember pacing my living room floor during the lockdown probing my mind trying to figure out what I could do to combat the real pandemic which was the acceleration and ushering in of more and more Marxism within our society with the pandemic being the Trojan Horse that was opening the door for this societal disaster.

I’ve always been a reader and I’ve always worked on staying on top of the environment in which we all have to live in. However, for two years I was obsessed with reading, listening to podcasts, and diving deeper into the lessons of history in order to try and gain more of an understanding as to what was happening to the world when 2020 hit.

In full honesty I remember listening to the great Steve Bannon quoting the late Andrew Breibart when Andrew said “Politics is downstream from culture.”

To me this quote cut to the heart of everything because for years I could clearly see the decay and shift in our culture here in the U.S. and I found myself gaining more and more understanding as to why all of this was happening.

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After hearing Breitbart’s quote I figured I would utilize my knowledge and skills of writing, philosophy, history, business, and health to launch this Substack blog and podcast in order to try and directly impact the culture myself.

I looked at the situation and came to the conclusion that the only way I would stand a chance at getting things to change was to exercise my agency and to do my part in influencing others to grasp the same understanding of the world as I had in my own experiences.

In starting this journey I realized that perhaps I may only be a grain of sand on a beach full of sand in the beginning, but that eventually (with your help) perhaps I could grow to be a cup full of sand, then a truck full of sand, and in time maybe I could command a good portion of the entire beach to impact the culture.

I believe that each of us who share this sentiment have a responsibility to engage the culture in order to destroy the Marxists ideology while winning hearts and minds in the realm of ideas.

It’s because of this that I realized I needed to expand my topics of discussion in writing and podcasting to go beyond explaining to my audience the dozens of different ways to perform a squat or a push up.

I mean don’t get me wrong fitness is a huge part of our culture that needs improving, but the reality is that in order for one to become a Physical Zenith the mind must be fixed before the body can be fixed and our culture is definitely lacking a great deal of understanding of this which is why I launched this Substack and blog.

On that note I hope you will subscribe to this Substack and connect with me on social media so that we can work together to spread this knowledge and understanding so that we can win back our culture, and by extension the country and the world at large.

Connect with me on my social media here:





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A map for helping you and those around you to be a zenith during chaotic times.


I'm a philosopher, author, freedom fighter, American historian, advocate for individuality, and a fitness and strength coach.
"Life's Too Short To Let A Good Dream Die." I’m a Loving Patriot, Father, Husband and Transformational Health Coach. I have been blessed with the honor to guide people to their biggest aspirations in life and health.