"The real kicker with this OPT program is that it allows students to work full time jobs under the guise of “being students,” while, at the same time, giving their employers who participate massive tax breaks reaching up to $12,000 per worker for hiring these foreign students over equally, or more qualified American citizens. ."- this should be making even today's college students mad, they're so dumb though they probably have no idea the kids at the rallies are working and keeping them out of class and distracted. Turns out they're just government propaganda slaves.
The entire system has become a scam and the federal, and I would even include, every single state, county, and city government should be closely investigated for any corrections whatsoever, no matter how small level it is.
This is about sending a message and setting a brand new precedent for how government should run and exist in the first place.
Thank you for your feedback and stay focused and strong.
Agreed. I don't know what state you are in but FL's going the way of the island of Nauru due to the phosphate industry and both parties are dirty AF. Check out mattthewelder.com.
The democrat Party is doing much as they did in the 50s, defending themselves from the accusations of Senator Joseph McCarthy. The progressives in both parties are representatives of Communism as they were throughout the twentieth century. Maybe they are not actually following the dictates of the communist parties of foreign governments but they are supporters of the communist worldwide movement, and intent on joining with other countries if and when they solidified their rule in the U.S. They already have the basic world government largely in place in the United Nations, and like you said in a multiple of agencies within our government. The EU, the UK, and Canada are likewise nearly there.
But thank God the Trump movement has similar movements in Canada, the UK, and in some of the EU countries. It collapsed in Russia more than three decades ago. China has shown a few cracks, too, but the CCP has deep tentacles. We're far from out of the woods, though. One Trump term will not be sufficient, but his people learned a lot since 2016. With the internet giving us an alternative to MSM, we might have a realistic chance of beating them back.
We're not only going to beat them back, we're going to make an example out of these people. Furthermore, you're a 100% that we must maintain this awakened momentum with the MAGA movement that extends well beyond the Trump presidency. We need to solidify the culture of MAGA for the next 50 to 100 years.
This is why Substack and alternative platforms like this one exist to contribute to doing just that. Stay strong and keep focused on the fight.
Ultimately we won. It wasn't easy but goodness prevailed. Want something to sink in really good? The parents of Sam Bankman-Fried, the lowlife that stole a billion or so. His parents, particularly his mother were huge DNC operatives performing major fundraising. Today, they are broke and living in shame. The man they so desperately wanted to send to jail is going to the White House while their piss poor excuse for a human being son is in jail.
I don't know that I would go so far to say that we've won. I believe with the election of Trump we won the first inning of the game, but there's still a whole lot of game left to be played.
However, to your point the momentum has clearly shifted and the world can feel it. People are seeing it. We just need to keep hammering away at the Administrative State Media (ASM) and do our part to drive the narrative as the new dominant media.
Yes, this is the beginning of a surge in individual freedom in our country, and subsequently, around the world. The primary purpose (among many) of our blunt President might be exactly what you stated here, ‘…the way in which he communicated the issue to the public by quite frankly being blunt ended up being the most brilliant strategy to bring awareness to the issue…’ that is absolutely key to the success of the plan!
I believe you are correct. The world has gotten so fake that every single politician had reached the point that they couldn't function in public without a teleprompter, or script until Trump came along.
This is the beginning era of where politicians that can exhibit honesty and genuineness will be the ones holding office.
"The real kicker with this OPT program is that it allows students to work full time jobs under the guise of “being students,” while, at the same time, giving their employers who participate massive tax breaks reaching up to $12,000 per worker for hiring these foreign students over equally, or more qualified American citizens. ."- this should be making even today's college students mad, they're so dumb though they probably have no idea the kids at the rallies are working and keeping them out of class and distracted. Turns out they're just government propaganda slaves.
The entire system has become a scam and the federal, and I would even include, every single state, county, and city government should be closely investigated for any corrections whatsoever, no matter how small level it is.
This is about sending a message and setting a brand new precedent for how government should run and exist in the first place.
Thank you for your feedback and stay focused and strong.
Agreed. I don't know what state you are in but FL's going the way of the island of Nauru due to the phosphate industry and both parties are dirty AF. Check out mattthewelder.com.
You're welcome and keep up the good work.
Oh wow. Keep us posted on what's going on down there with Florida.
I'm in Georgia and we definitely have our problems.
Will do, you too.
The democrat Party is doing much as they did in the 50s, defending themselves from the accusations of Senator Joseph McCarthy. The progressives in both parties are representatives of Communism as they were throughout the twentieth century. Maybe they are not actually following the dictates of the communist parties of foreign governments but they are supporters of the communist worldwide movement, and intent on joining with other countries if and when they solidified their rule in the U.S. They already have the basic world government largely in place in the United Nations, and like you said in a multiple of agencies within our government. The EU, the UK, and Canada are likewise nearly there.
But thank God the Trump movement has similar movements in Canada, the UK, and in some of the EU countries. It collapsed in Russia more than three decades ago. China has shown a few cracks, too, but the CCP has deep tentacles. We're far from out of the woods, though. One Trump term will not be sufficient, but his people learned a lot since 2016. With the internet giving us an alternative to MSM, we might have a realistic chance of beating them back.
We're not only going to beat them back, we're going to make an example out of these people. Furthermore, you're a 100% that we must maintain this awakened momentum with the MAGA movement that extends well beyond the Trump presidency. We need to solidify the culture of MAGA for the next 50 to 100 years.
This is why Substack and alternative platforms like this one exist to contribute to doing just that. Stay strong and keep focused on the fight.
Nice article Brandon. It’s all by design to destroy America and corporations are incentivized to do it.
Thank you Erik.
Yes, we live in the era of graft and principles, morals, and ethics have been absent for far too long.
Although we are shifting the momentum back in the proper direction thanks to people like yourself and many others here on this platform.
Ultimately we won. It wasn't easy but goodness prevailed. Want something to sink in really good? The parents of Sam Bankman-Fried, the lowlife that stole a billion or so. His parents, particularly his mother were huge DNC operatives performing major fundraising. Today, they are broke and living in shame. The man they so desperately wanted to send to jail is going to the White House while their piss poor excuse for a human being son is in jail.
I don't know that I would go so far to say that we've won. I believe with the election of Trump we won the first inning of the game, but there's still a whole lot of game left to be played.
However, to your point the momentum has clearly shifted and the world can feel it. People are seeing it. We just need to keep hammering away at the Administrative State Media (ASM) and do our part to drive the narrative as the new dominant media.
I like many of the quotes from Doc Holliday in Tombstone, but rephrase this one "Their hypocrisy knows no bounds".
We need to have the Doc Holiday and Wyatt Earp mindset and continue with taking the fight to the communists.
"Fight's commenced, get to fightin' or get away!"
The answer to fixing the country would take a lot of rope.
Or at least it must end up involving a lot of square footage inside a lot of prison cells.
Yes, this is the beginning of a surge in individual freedom in our country, and subsequently, around the world. The primary purpose (among many) of our blunt President might be exactly what you stated here, ‘…the way in which he communicated the issue to the public by quite frankly being blunt ended up being the most brilliant strategy to bring awareness to the issue…’ that is absolutely key to the success of the plan!
Thank you, Brandon! God bless you.🙏
I believe you are correct. The world has gotten so fake that every single politician had reached the point that they couldn't function in public without a teleprompter, or script until Trump came along.
This is the beginning era of where politicians that can exhibit honesty and genuineness will be the ones holding office.