“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”
Matthew 10:28
I ended up rewatching an older movie this past weekend that I hadn’t seen in a very long time that came out back in 1998. My wife suddenly brought it to my attention that she had somehow remembered certain scenes from this movie, but initially she wasn’t able to remember the name of it. After talking about it for a bit we were able to figure it out and the name of the movie is Dark City.
As we started watching this movie I was amazed at the storyline and even more intrigued by the visual layout involved in the setting of the movie. I’ll say that the movie was a bit creepy, but it isn’t what I’d classify to be a horror movie. I’d say this movie would definitely qualify as being a sci-fi thriller.
Now before you read or listen any further here in this episode I just want to warn you that if you have any interest in seeing the movie please pause here and go watch it before returning to this episode. However, if you don’t mind then just stay here because I’m going to get into the details of the storyline of the movie in order to explain a key observation concerning the movie.
It started out with the main character John Murdoch (played by Rufus Sewell) awakening from a sleep in a hotel bathtub with amnesia. Not long after waking up Murdoch receives a phone call from Dr. Daniel Schreber (played by Keifer Sutherland) urging him to flee the hotel in order to save himself from a group of men who are on the way to get him. These men are known as the Strangers.
However, just before he’s able to leave he notices the corpse of a ritualistically murdered woman lying on the floor with a bloody knife. Murdoch is able to flee the scene just in time avoiding the entrance of the group of Strangers who happen to be a group of unusual looking pale men wearing black trench coats and hats.
Murdoch is later identified as the suspect of the murder and during this news he learns his real name and realizes that he’s also married. Even though Murdoch is on the run the Strangers are able to catch up to him and basically corner him.
However, Murdoch is able to tap into an inner power he has in order to alter reality which opens up an escape path for himself to get away from the Strangers. Coincidentally, Murdoch’s ability to alter reality is also an ability that the Strangers share with him and is an ability that they refer to as tuning.
Murdoch also finds himself wandering the streets where it is perpetually nighttime, but strangely enough nobody ever seems to notice. What’s even more unusual is that when the clock strikes midnight everyone automatically falls asleep except for Murdoch and the Strangers. During this time the Strangers use their ability for tuning to perform an unusual task involving rearranging the city’s architecture.
As if this reality altering task of rearranging the city’s architecture isn’t enough to confuse the population after their slumber the Strangers also work with Dr. Schreber to replace the memories of the people during their sleep by using an injection that contains new memories.
Murdoch learns that he’s from a coastal town called Shell Beach that everyone seems to be familiar with, yet oddly enough no one remembers how to get there. However, Murdoch’s attempts to visit this coastal town fail.
In order to try to learn more about Murdoch the Strangers inject one of their own, Mr. Hand, with a copy of the memory imprint that was given to Murdoch. They did this in hopes of being able to learn Murdoch’s whereabouts so that they could possibly predict his movements and track him down.
The inspector Bumstead (played by William Hurt) is able to catch up to Murdoch. Even though Bumstead acknowledges that Murdoch is most likely innocent of the murders he still has misgivings about the city’s nature.
They are able to confront Dr. Schreber who explains to them the Strangers’ nature. As it turns out the Strangers are really extraterrestrials that disguise their true identity by residing in human corpses. They also learn that these extraterrestrials share a hive mind and that they are experimenting on humans for their trait of individuality in hopes that they will make a discovery in order to help their race survive.
According to Dr. Schreber Murdoch is an anomaly who inadvertently awoke before Dr. Schreber could implant his latest identity as a murderer. At this point Murdoch and Bumstead take Dr. Schreber and try to reach Shell Beach, but instead they end up at a poster for the town that is displayed on a wall at the outer edge of the city.
In a fit of frustration Murdoch and Bumstead break through the wall revealing that it opens up to the void of outer space. In dramatic timing they do this just before some of the Strangers and Mr. Hand arrives with Emma, Murdoch’s wife, as a hostage.
From here a big fight breaks out and during this fight Bumstead and one of the Strangers fall through the hole and drift into outer space. Once this happens it is revealed that the city is shown to be a deep space habitat that is surrounded by a force field.
Since the Strangers believe Murdoch to be some sort of product of the culmination of their experiments they bring him to their home beneath the city in order to have Dr. Schreber to imprint him with their collective memory. However, Dr. Schreber pulls a fast one on the Strangers and instead injects Murdoch with a series of memories involving decades of training about the Strangers, their machines, and their ability of tuning.
Because of this Murdoch awakens with his powers fully realized at which point he’s able to free himself and he directly goes to battle with the Strangers. Murdoch is eventually able to defeat the Strangers’ leader Mr. Book high above the city in an intense and dramatic psychokinetic fight.
However, after learning from Dr. Schreber that Emma has been re-imprinted and that her original memories cannot be restored Murdoch uses his now newly amplified powers, with help from the Strangers’ machines, to create a Shell Beach within the habitat of the city.
In his journey home Murdoch encounters Mr. Hand who is in rough shape and dying. It was at this point that the two had a verbal exchange where Murdoch informs Mr. Hand that the Strangers searched in the wrong place to understand humanity which was in the mind. In other words, Murdoch was implying that the Strangers missed the entire concept to learn about individuality by failing to recognize and examine the heart, or soul.
It was at this point that Murdoch rotates the large habitat city towards the star that it had been turned away from and the city is finally able to experience sunlight for the first time, at least that we know of as the viewing audience.
At this point Murdoch opens a large door leading out of the city to step out in order to view the sunrise. As Murdoch looks out he sees the woman that he once knew as Emma who now has new memories and a new identity as Anna.
It was at this point that Murdoch introduced himself and they walked to Shell Beach together as they began their brand new relationship as the movie came to an end. (Source: Wikipedia)
Altering Reality
When watching this movie the thought about how hard the Stranger’s were working to alter reality really stood out to me. I mean the parallels that were drawn in this movie compared to our current modern day reality leading up to the end of the illegitimate Biden regime is staggering.
In fact, the Stranger’s in my view were emblematic of our current Administrative State combined with the Administrative State Media (ASM) due to their role in working very hard to alter the reality of the American public.
The Administrative State and the ASM both must work to alter reality because they do operate as a hive mind themselves and Washington D.C. has been that Dark City for far too long as a result of the hive mind of collectivism and graft that has played into infecting and corrupting the city for far too long now.
In fact, during the recession back in 2009 a Politico article came out that was titled In D.C., What Recession?
As the article points out the then 6.2% unemployment rate in the D.C. metro region was lower than any other metropolitan area in the country. In fact, that unemployment rate during that recession was far below the national average unemployment rate of 9.5% that was plaguing the rest of the country at that time.
Now you’re probably wondering, Brandon, why are you pointing this out?
Well, the reason I’m bringing this up is that buried a bit deeper in that Politico article is the answer as the D.C. economy is a perverted cronyistic market that’s growth is primarily reliant either directly, or indirectly, on government subsidized dollars and the expansion of the federal bureaucracy.
In the Dark City movie the Strangers are a group of extraterrestrials (or outsiders) that share a hive mind, but they are driven by their experimentation on humans to learn about the human trait of individuality. As the movie points out, the Strangers lack the understanding of individuality which involves the human spirit, and what makes such a trait a reality.
If we simply pause and take a look at our own real life Dark City known as Washington D.C. it’s very clear that the population of that city has been infiltrated by our own version of Strangers that operate under the hive mind of being purely transactional and with not much of anything else being sacred to their existence. For far too long now their loyalties are to the graft involving the big corporate lobbyist. As a result their allegiance to the graft is sacrosanct.
Like the Strangers in the movie who disguise themselves in human corpses, the modern day element of those who live, work, and reside in Washington D.C. primarily consist of the cronyistic class of people who unfortunately share the moniker of being Americans, but are not truly American in the least. The title of being American is merely a disguise that these people use to hide their true identity just as the Strangers from the movie hid their true identity with human corpses.
This is because this malignant infection of grafters in Washington D.C. is a direct byproduct as a result of the endless printing of money by the Federal Reserve. Unfortunately this centralization of corrupt monetary policy has resulted in the creation of an entirely different set of people that are the fallout from the action of centralization.
The centralization of money and power in Washington D.C. is something that has been a slow and steady process that has occurred now for many decades, but the rocket fuel that was thrown onto this fire began back in 2008 with the big bank bailouts involving the Federal Reserve.
People have short memories particularly when lots of money is involved. Just as the Strangers used injections filled with memories to alter the reality of their human subjects, the Administrative State and the ASM use their wealth and resources derived from their human subjects (the United States citizen taxpayer) to continue to gaslight them and to suppress them financially by destroying both their incentive and opportunity for wealth creation.
The Wrap Up
In the movie there’s no explanation as to why, or how, the Strangers either became, or succumbed to being a hive mind alien civilization. All that we know is that they are and that they recognize that Murdoch’s shared powers and trait of individuality is what they desire in order to save their civilization.
However, when it comes to the real life Strangers that have infiltrated Washington D.C. the collective consciousness, or hive mind, of the establishment of the Administrative State and ASM has been a result of those who believe solely in the transactional result of the graft.
The longstanding graft and money printing machine of the Federal Reserve has provided the seemingly endless trough that has proven to be the central attraction for the worst of the worst when it comes to grafters whose allegiance stands solely with the almighty dollar rather than the Constitutional Republic in which they reside.
The infamous bank robber Willie Sutton was once asked by someone why he robbed banks. Willie’s reply has been famously referenced over the years stating, “Because that’s where the money is.”
Using Willie’s rationale it’s pretty obvious how the United States federal government has been infiltrated with traitors who are openly resisting the will of both President Donald Trump and the REAL American people. Now that the latter have begun the process of regaining control of the institutions that these grafters have controlled and abused now for far too long, more and more of the public are awakening to this reality.
The good news is that with this awakening more and more of us are feeling less and less like we’re alone wandering the streets at midnight like John Murdoch trying to find a way out of the Dark City while everyone else is asleep. Because of this there’s some sunshine finding its way into the Dark City now for the first time in a very long time and it’s been long overdue.
What else do you think needs to be done to eliminate the graft in Washington D.C.?
Are you currently supporting Anti-Administrative State Media platforms to help end the ASM?
Post up in the comments below as I’d like your feedback.
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I pick up quotes from people & wonder. Gabbard remarked that the Dems are run by a cartel of special interest groups. Electing someone like Harris would've been electing a puppet operated by the cartel. One puppet would be the same as another. So yes, that makes me think about a Deep State. A neoliberal, neoCon 'hivemind' in which Kamala & Dick Cheney (!) both have their place. But neither Trump nor Tulsi nor RFK Jr quite belong in there? Strange to think about.
What a succinct post. I just told my husband that we’re going to watch it.
In addition to the comparisons you’ve listed that I think are valid, your comment here lit a spark, ‘As the movie points out, the Strangers lack the understanding of individuality which involves the human spirit, and what makes such a trait a reality.’
I’ve posted in comments and relayed this to friends. The cabal, hive mind it is, has no comprehension of the true American. We have been privileged to live in a ‘free’ society for our entire lives. ( I know we’re not truly free, but we are compared to all other societies.) We do not think like controlling societies and we still have curiosity and (relatively) independent minds. It’s interesting that this unique trait is exactly what the Strangers wanted. We didn’t give up our weapons, we’ve been distrusting of government and lawyers for a long time. We’re not afraid of risks which is why this country has succeeded above all other countries. Our rule of law was built on God’s.
The cabal does not understand that, because of our innate character, the internet they thought was our demise, has been used to begin the exact opposite…to take them down and awaken millions. The requisite connections of a criminal enterprise will be the destruction of them in time. We have begun pulling on the right threads!
Great post, Brandon! God bless you.🙏🇺🇸