You hit the nail on the head. Democrats, like all would-be rulers, are Machiavellian and whose core belief is that the end justifies the means. Perhaps the reason the anticommunist movement was impervious to their reactionary defense was they didn't quite realize communists don't fight fair. The ends DO NOT justify the means whether such tactics are employed by Marx, Stalin, Wilson, Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, or McCarthy, Nixon, Reagan, or Trump. The lust for power, by whomever employed, is wrong.

Where Machiavelli erred was in not realizing that basic assumption always ultimately fails because people always rebel against tyranny. People are not like domesticated animals. They can be driven for a while but will remain wild, more like cats than cattle or even sheep.

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Thank you for the awesome feedback.

Yes, I believe Machiavelli's philosophy, especially in these modern times, is only effective if the target society isn't sophisticated enough.

Granted, they tried to make up for that by trying to dumb down the public within our institutions of education and media.

This is precisely why the development of this new ecosystem of alternative media is such as Substack is so important.

We are breaking the back of the ASM in the marketplace. 👍🇺🇸

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Excellent article and you’ve clearly described the would-be permanent ruling class in DC. Machiavelli certainly wrote the book on tyranny and it’s obvious the political elite class follows the ‘end justifies the means’ approach of, not only Machiavelli, but the heart of the ‘isms’ of the world, Prussia. Alinsky and Mika’s father just were directed to carry it forward. Infiltration was the Prussian’s favorite way to take down a country.

Like you, I am of the premise that ‘actions speak louder than words’ that was my mom’s favorite reminder when I was a teenager in the 60s. I remember the 2 parent household, little divorce, mom stayed home and we stayed out until dark, weather permitting. We walked about a mile to school, came home for lunch and Paul Harvey’s The Rest of the Story.

We have a constitutional republic form of government, exactly why they screech about democracy and it is their power they’re concerned with.

Obama was the slickest on stating one thing and doing the exact opposite. Of course he was well schooled by Bill Ayers; regularly, if the number of times he visited the White House is true.

Thank you and God bless you, Brandon.🙏🙏

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Thank you for that informative response. You hit the nail on the head about Saul Alinsky's approach "Rules for Radicals."

The non-stop Marxist propaganda has been a problem that I've felt the urge to attack for a long time even before I started this Substack. It's a brain rotting pandemic and we've witnessed firsthand just how bad it can get with the damage it can cause.

I think we've broken the ASM so now is the best time to build on our momentum as alternate voices to the ASM. We can end them once and for all in the marketplace.

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This is smallchild garbage. Go back to truth social.

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