The glaring weakness in AI is that of humanity--it and we are not omniscient as is God. Unforeseen consequences always trip us up, and the fact that all computer programs have to be continuously upgraded prove that AI has the same problem. We will never be able to design a perfect intelligence, for we are not perfect. Kaczynski’s intellect could not prevent him from becoming a mad bomber nor will ours prevent our self-destruction. Our only hope is in God's mercy.
Yes, when it comes to AI I do believe that it will present a lot of problems to society.
However, as stated in the article I firmly believe that God will work through us so that we can discover our own James T. Kirk moment to effectively deal with this similar Kobayashi Maru scenario as it seems to be presented to us.
It will be interesting to see how it plays out, but my concern are those who will allow themselves to be seduced by the transhumanism the same way they caved in to the Covid policies during the pandemic.
It's up to us (as the newly established media) to make sure we hammer this narrative nonstop to wake up the population as we've done with every single other danger that has faced us in the past four years.
I think AI is ultimately going to bite us in the ass, big time. Eventually, it will get smarter than us. The next big step, and the existential crisis for us, will be when it realizes it’s smarter than us. As the Terminator said, “Skynet had become self aware”. We’re gonna be in deep shit when that happens, because we’re gonna be relying on it to run critical infrastructure everywhere.
I think it all comes down to the arrogance and greed of humans. Right now, all these people can see is a future full of the technological advancements AI can usher in and the money it will make for them.
That’s the greed part. The other part, the arrogance, that’s humans always thinking they can control everything, until they can’t. Nukes are a perfect case in point. We were in control, briefly, while we were the only ones that possessed them. Now they’re everywhere and in the hands of some very bad actors. All it would take is one lunatic to set off a chain reaction. But in my mind, AI poses a greater threat, not yet, but it will.
People are already skeptical about AI because we recognize that it’s a case of garbage in/garbage out. Any AI program is going to be tested by consumers to see if it produces flawed or wrong results as a result of being programmed with inaccurate info. Very few AI programs will be able to pass those tests, right? Just the question of the Covid jab being “safe and effective” will trip up most AI. So most people will use AI for easy computation - such as calculating the optimal fuel mixture for an engine - but ignore AI as a source of any ‘wisdom’. For that, maybe they’ll start gravitating back to God.
(And thanks for the Star Trek stuff - I always love that!)
Hey thank you for such a quick response. You know I think that there will be so many uses for AI that it will more easily find its way into complex systems, or being used for more complex tasks.
For instance, I heard that Elon Musk is using AI to get through the data with the utilization of DOGE. Now if that is really AI then this technology is already being used for a very important task that literally has national and global implications.
Although I know there's corruption there could be a day when this technology could be abused by somebody else coming into power that will behave like the last regime. Now hopefully we won't have to worry about that for a long while given the cultural horsepower we've witnessed with MAGA, but then again I've been surprised before.
I hope that makes sense. Thanks again for your quick and awesome feedback.
It all depends on who programs AI. Elon has said it can be used for good or bad. Do you trust Elon to do the right thing? Because AI is coming, ready or not.
AI is coming and that fact by itself is an actual threat. I do not trust Elon on this issue with AI in terms of his transhumanism approach as being the solution to dealing with AI.
I love what Elon is doing with DOGE, but I don't like the idea of putting chips inside brains.
I believe the altruistic stance is simply the welcoming mat when it comes to the use of AI technology. Sure we can use it for medical purposes to help people who suffer from seizures, or to help get a diagnosis for patients where doctors have hit a dead end. This is always going to be the case presented when it involves technology.
However, in the transhumanist belief structure this use of technology for the purpose of curing, or aiding those with ailments and disease will be quick to pivot to overall human development with the merger of man and technology.
This case can easily be made with the systems of society at large advancing to a point that people must have AI in order to remain relevant within society. In the transhumanism theory of the case the technological development of society and all its functioning systems will become so advanced that man will have no other choice than to merge with machine in order to function within that society.
This is all central to the transhumanism movement with the period that follows the singularity.
The glaring weakness in AI is that of humanity--it and we are not omniscient as is God. Unforeseen consequences always trip us up, and the fact that all computer programs have to be continuously upgraded prove that AI has the same problem. We will never be able to design a perfect intelligence, for we are not perfect. Kaczynski’s intellect could not prevent him from becoming a mad bomber nor will ours prevent our self-destruction. Our only hope is in God's mercy.
Yes, when it comes to AI I do believe that it will present a lot of problems to society.
However, as stated in the article I firmly believe that God will work through us so that we can discover our own James T. Kirk moment to effectively deal with this similar Kobayashi Maru scenario as it seems to be presented to us.
It will be interesting to see how it plays out, but my concern are those who will allow themselves to be seduced by the transhumanism the same way they caved in to the Covid policies during the pandemic.
It's up to us (as the newly established media) to make sure we hammer this narrative nonstop to wake up the population as we've done with every single other danger that has faced us in the past four years.
I think AI is ultimately going to bite us in the ass, big time. Eventually, it will get smarter than us. The next big step, and the existential crisis for us, will be when it realizes it’s smarter than us. As the Terminator said, “Skynet had become self aware”. We’re gonna be in deep shit when that happens, because we’re gonna be relying on it to run critical infrastructure everywhere.
It is a very serious issue that's still not getting enough attention. We need to keep hammering away at the message on AI.
I think it all comes down to the arrogance and greed of humans. Right now, all these people can see is a future full of the technological advancements AI can usher in and the money it will make for them.
That’s the greed part. The other part, the arrogance, that’s humans always thinking they can control everything, until they can’t. Nukes are a perfect case in point. We were in control, briefly, while we were the only ones that possessed them. Now they’re everywhere and in the hands of some very bad actors. All it would take is one lunatic to set off a chain reaction. But in my mind, AI poses a greater threat, not yet, but it will.
People are already skeptical about AI because we recognize that it’s a case of garbage in/garbage out. Any AI program is going to be tested by consumers to see if it produces flawed or wrong results as a result of being programmed with inaccurate info. Very few AI programs will be able to pass those tests, right? Just the question of the Covid jab being “safe and effective” will trip up most AI. So most people will use AI for easy computation - such as calculating the optimal fuel mixture for an engine - but ignore AI as a source of any ‘wisdom’. For that, maybe they’ll start gravitating back to God.
(And thanks for the Star Trek stuff - I always love that!)
Hey thank you for such a quick response. You know I think that there will be so many uses for AI that it will more easily find its way into complex systems, or being used for more complex tasks.
For instance, I heard that Elon Musk is using AI to get through the data with the utilization of DOGE. Now if that is really AI then this technology is already being used for a very important task that literally has national and global implications.
Although I know there's corruption there could be a day when this technology could be abused by somebody else coming into power that will behave like the last regime. Now hopefully we won't have to worry about that for a long while given the cultural horsepower we've witnessed with MAGA, but then again I've been surprised before.
I hope that makes sense. Thanks again for your quick and awesome feedback.
It all depends on who programs AI. Elon has said it can be used for good or bad. Do you trust Elon to do the right thing? Because AI is coming, ready or not.
AI is coming and that fact by itself is an actual threat. I do not trust Elon on this issue with AI in terms of his transhumanism approach as being the solution to dealing with AI.
I love what Elon is doing with DOGE, but I don't like the idea of putting chips inside brains.
He's using those chips to cure diseases like Parkinson's. I'm going to reserve judgement for now and pray that it's a blessing and not a curse.
I believe the altruistic stance is simply the welcoming mat when it comes to the use of AI technology. Sure we can use it for medical purposes to help people who suffer from seizures, or to help get a diagnosis for patients where doctors have hit a dead end. This is always going to be the case presented when it involves technology.
However, in the transhumanist belief structure this use of technology for the purpose of curing, or aiding those with ailments and disease will be quick to pivot to overall human development with the merger of man and technology.
This case can easily be made with the systems of society at large advancing to a point that people must have AI in order to remain relevant within society. In the transhumanism theory of the case the technological development of society and all its functioning systems will become so advanced that man will have no other choice than to merge with machine in order to function within that society.
This is all central to the transhumanism movement with the period that follows the singularity.
This is incredibly concerning.
I don't even own a cell phone.